Transformers In Marvel Chapter 157: The death of Ross and the heroic monster

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please


"If you're gonna insist on gambling and then complain when you lose, you had better work on your game."

– Hatsu Kominato (Selector Infected Wixoss)


The blood was ticking and flowing, and a lot of blood was gushing out from Rose's severed hand like a fountain in the Tianshan Mountains. Several ligaments and tendons were also pulled out along the way and slumped weakly to the ground.

Rose screamed, then bit his lip tightly, biting a deep blood mark. The sweat on his forehead appeared intensively and slipped off his face. The tremendous pain made Rose's face a little distorted, and the pain deep in his bones put him under terrible pressure both mentally and physically.

"Don't worry, my beloved General Ross, just scream if you want to scream. There is no one around here. Soldiers and low-level officers were sent to the front line by me to fight, and the other senior officials and guards who were alive were killed by me. ."

Downey put away the hideous face on his face and looked at him with a gentle expression.

"Donny, do you know what you are doing? Someone in the military will investigate this thoroughly afterward. You will be an internationally wanted criminal, and no one can save you! Only..."

"Only you can save me?" Downey interrupted Rose. In the small space, the flickering light from the device turned everything into silence.

"Do you really think I'm afraid of death?! I've never been afraid of death, I just don't want to die yet!"

Downey suddenly raised his voice, and his effort to maintain a calm face gradually became crazy, his eyes blazing scarlet blood that was almost non-human.

He took one of Rose's palms, leaned to his mouth, and took a bite in Rose's sluggish gaze, mixed with blood and tears, chewed it, and slowly swallowed it into his stomach.


"I should have died a long time ago. That night, you were standing in the helicopter and looking down at everything. Of course, you didn't care how many people died below, who died, and you don't even remember what they were called. I just look at it. With the two, in the cab, their necks broke as the truck rolled over."

"The hatred has been killed by me, then you, and finally Hulk, you guys don't even want to run. I won't give you a chance to turn you into a red giant, let alone Hulk a chance to turn him into Lushang or Hulk with four arms."

Downey recovered from the crazy state again, adjusted his sitting posture silently, and looked at Rose gently again.

It was this kind of gentleness that made Rose's scalp numb, and it seemed that something terrible was born, catalyzed by him.

"You know what, General Rose," Downey said gently. This time, he tore off Rose's arm, and despite the screams from the soul, he stopped the bleeding for the first time and was considerate.

"This world is dangerous and crises are constant. I know this from birth, better than any of you." Downey said, "I thought about moving and finding a remote place to survive, but Reason told me that this kind of behavior is even more important. Stupid, maybe we will get a short period of peace, but after one after another extra-terrestrial powerful enemy arrives, if such a small place is affected only once, we will be completely finished."

"New York, no matter how bad it is, is also an important place for the military. Superheroes are everywhere. This city has been attacked many times but has not been really destroyed. And those small places? Let alone superpowers and aliens, only a few are needed. The convulsive small organizations or gangs are watching us, and we have no place to cry. Being remote means that no one cares, let alone heroes save us."

"Moving requires only one crisis, and we are finished. Unfortunately, I think I made the best choice, but we are the most unlucky group of people."

Downey whispered to Rose the words that made the other person go into the clouds. Every time he said a word, a part of the noble Rose would be torn off, and the bleeding would be stopped for the first time.

Arms, feet, eyes, tongue, nose, teeth, and then the internal organs are removed. Every action, Downey is extremely serious, with the purity and simplicity of a pilgrimage.

"Thanks to you, beloved and noble general, I used to be afraid of death, but after that day, I am not afraid of death at all. People are afraid of death because they have nostalgia for life, career, relatives, or It's fettered, and so on. Then tell me, what's left of me? Except for my bad life, it's gone."

"I only have my bad life left. Everything is just to kill you and Hulk. To be honest, if it wasn't for worrying about me being directly attacked by a nuclear bomb, I would have killed you a long time ago. Do you think how loyal I am to you? What super Soldier technology, that is what I snatched from others and modified, just to get close to you and kill you."

Rose was bloody, and the skin of his whole body was torn off by Downey. The slight undulations in his chest indicated that he still had breath.

Downey was very careful, so careful that he took out many medical kits to carefully stop the bleeding and suture the wound for Rose, of course, the one without anesthetic.

"I urge you to attack Wakanda by letting tens of thousands of soldiers accompany you to death so that even if you die, you will be completely stinky. If you let a dead person take the blame, those politicians in the country will definitely be happy. Your daughter, too. Live forever under the scolding of public opinion. And me? Hear the artillery fire and roar outside? I'm leading my army and the remaining soldiers to fight **** battles. I am a superhero, gaining huge prestige and political bargaining chips, and accepting it all your Everything."

"I, a mutant, an outlier in the eyes of many people, will step on your corpse to a height above you."

"The people will worship me crazily, the soldiers will crazily support me, and some officials will be drawn in by me to provide me with political asylum and take in more manpower for me."

"I know, I know, you have been guarding me all the time, so I only transformed part of the machinery on the battlefield over there. I am fully capable of activating all four aircraft carrier battle groups on the seashore. But I'm not stupid. If I did that, it was not flowers and applause that greeted me, but a nuclear bomb. Too much power will only make those people feel uncontrollable."

Downey took the bottle of serum found from Rose and spoke gently to make Rose completely like an ice cave.

"This bottle of Hulk serum, I will inject your daughter, let her work for me, and use everything she has to make up for her father's fault. Don't worry, General, as the offspring of a sinner, I will send her to the battlefield, and finally let her She died in the hands of terrible enemies..."

"Oh, what are you shivering? I understand. Do you want to ask about the success rate after the injection? What does that have to do with me? If it succeeds, I will have one more powerful dead... dead I'm dead, just one more corpse."

"Your super soldier plan will be realized in your daughter and carried forward. General, are you excited? Are you excited?!"

Ross was only left with a mass of flesh and blood in his upper body. He had only his ears deliberately preserved by Downey. At this moment, he was trembling crazily, his throat made chuckles, and his body was more like a poor maggot wriggling desperately. It's a pity that he was torn off his tongue by Downey, and he couldn't say a word.

Downey didn't care what he said. The avenger stood up slowly, staring at the enemy plainly, unwaveringly, and then stretched out a hand covered with sin and pinched the opponent's neck a little bit harder.

In the end, it was completely chopped off, and Rose slowly lost his breath and died with endless pain and resentment.

"I don't have the means to capture the soul. You should be thankful. It would be great if I could capture the soul..." Downey looked up a little dazedly and muttered to himself, "Rose, you can think of this as my right Your last kindness, I will let your soul go."

"I will replace everything about you and become... a superhero in the eyes of the public." (https://)