Transformers In Marvel Chapter 171: Murderous

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"I want you to be happy. I want you to laugh a lot. I don't know what exactly I'll be able to do for you, but I'll always be by your side."

– Kagome (InuYasha)


Although, no matter what kind of power, technology, magic, or the excavation of the human body's supernatural potential, such as Gene X, it is an excavation of cosmic energy. When it develops to the extreme, it can burst out amazingly. the power of.

  The secrets of life are huge and great. Every intelligent life is the greatest miracle of the universe. Whether it uses external technology or taps its genetic potential, in theory, it is ultimately the application and analysis of the mysteries of the world.

   But to understand is to understand, not to understand is to really not understand.

   When Downey was at level 8, even if he only had the ability to dig the source of fire, he could take off, ignoring most of the magic attacks at level 7 and below.

   But it doesn't work right now. I was hit by Casillas unpreparedly, and I was basically dead.

Downey looked at Casillas, who was unscathed, with a cold face, and quickly analyzed the powerful magician in his heart. The source of fire in his mind began to calculate frantically. Every explosion of artillery fire, every bullet hit, Let you start analyzing, trying to find a way to break through the wall.

   It's a pity that hair doesn't work.

  Kama Taj, as one of the most famous magical places in the universe, is most proud of the development and application of space magic and time magic.

   Time magic is relatively difficult, but Kama Taj, a magician with two brushes, can use a good space spell.

   The portal technology is a must-have for the home. It can be used for teleportation when it's okay. When facing the enemy, open the door directly on the enemy, and then close it directly, cutting the enemy in half in space.

   Be a little bit more spicy. To deal with enemies with hard bodies or advanced regeneration, the human body is directly divided into several pieces and thrown into different locations on Earth or even outer space.

   Wolverine has to be abandoned when it comes.

   This is still a portal spell popularized by Kama Taj. It is relatively "low-end". The name of the magic holy land is not for nothing.

   More unheard of spells, Casillas has mastered too many.

Casillas had his signature scornful smile, his left hand was fixed, his right hand stretched out, and a wave of magic erupted from his hand, these crystal walls actually started to rotate slowly, and then moved around at an astonishing speed. Moving, it seems that in front of these walls, gravity has become a joke, yet it is light and steady, without any restraint.

Numerous Transformers were vulnerable to this indestructible crystal barrier, pushed by an unmatched terrible force, a large number of Transformers were pushed by the barrier at an astonishing speed, and finally, a large number of machines were squeezed into a ball, and they were dealt with by collision with each other. Deafening sound.

   One can imagine how amazing this driving force is.

   Downey frowned tighter.

   "Although it is a group of temporary cannon fodder, but it is so vulnerable to Casillas... It is worthy of being the first disciple from Kama Taj and worthy of the title of the proud disciple of the Supreme Master."

   is also a level of a magician, Kama Taj's vast library is enough to train his magician into a super-mage with rich knowledge reserves to be frenzied.

   Kama Taj is a well-known cosmic holy land. The mages of Kama Taj can beat the guys organized from the second-rate and third-rate masters with half their strength.

   Not to mention Casillas. Before the birth of Doctor Strange, the Supreme Mage had always cultivated Casillas as his heir and taught him everything.

   "Shut up, you are not allowed to mention that old woman! She is a hateful liar and deceived all of us!"

   Casillas suddenly became extremely angry and irritable, and Downey's casual sighs directly pierced a sensitive nerve in his heart.

   Casillas in a rage waved his hands, and a large number of sparks halo appeared one after another, covering a large number of Transformers, and then quickly disappeared, leaving only a little spark in the air.

   A large number of Transformers disintegrated quickly, and each burly body was instantly divided into several parts, completely turned into waste products.

   At the break of the limb, Downey saw the smooth incision, which was more precise and precise than professional precision cutting instruments.

  Using a large number of small portals as opponents, you can directly divide the opponents.

   Even if this spell is bad, it is also a space spell, which can cause devastating damage to things that are unable to fight against space.

   In just a few seconds, more than 30 Transformers were destroyed into metal pieces.

   "You are the person that the Supreme Mage looks up to, but you betrayed her." Downey didn't even look at the fallen Transformers.

   New York is a supercity, and this kind of cannon fodder has to be counted in tens of millions. As long as Downey thinks, he can pull up a huge army at any time. Loss is nothing at all.

"Nonsense, she is the biggest liar. She regards herself as the guardian of the earth and expelled all foreign forces, including the Green Lantern Corps and the indigenous gods of the World Tree, which can also serve as the power to protect the earth! Everyone thinks she is a hero. , She selflessly guards our world, the result? She secretly steals the power of the dark dimension to extend her life!"

Casillas looked terrifying and and said angrily: "What a bullshit, she will be safe when I am old, and I cannot become the next supreme mage in my life! You think she is a human being. , Why can you live for a thousand years?"

   "She stole Domam's power despicably to fight Domam! And the Eye of Agomoto..."

Downey's face sank, knowing that he couldn't let the **** talk anymore. They were fighting on the streets. Although the battlefield was deliberately restricted by Downey, many innocent citizens were shielded by the other party's spiritual magic... but the sky is artificial Satellites are also blocked?

   Many people know that Kama Taj has this treasure called the Eye of Agomoto, but few people know that the essence of this thing is one of the six infinite gems of time.

   The news of the Time Gem is too important. Keep this secret as much as possible. If the Supreme Master does not die for a day, no one will dare to go to the earth to find it unhappy.

   The gem of time is placed in the hands of the supreme mage, and even the eighth level can make a few moves. It is an important protective umbrella for the earth. If the news is thrown out, nothing else, there must be a group of lone rangers who are willing to come to the earth to fight the autumn breeze, what if it is hit? That's great fun.

   And Casillas, a **** who sells balls, doesn't care about keeping secrets at all.

A fierce and decisive flash flashed across Downey's face. He is not a good person and he wants to build his planet, but that doesn't mean that he is a ruthless scum, and even his home star can watch others sell it. Up.

   Otherwise, he would not cherish taking care of the old house that he hadn't used for a long time, and would go there regularly.