Transformers In Marvel Chapter 169: Niubi Domam

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"Anything can happen. No one ever thinks it will until it does. What will happen, happens. That's how the world is. The most important thing is to not let the tragedy defeat you. To believe that you can get through it."

– Kyousuke Natsume (Little Busters!)


"Dammam? It's not the Supreme Mage who invited me, but Dommam, the master of the dark dimension?"

   Downey looked dumbfounded.

   To say that the Supreme Mage sent someone to look for him, or even came to the door personally, whether it was for him to settle accounts or for other reasons, Downey was completely acceptable.

   Downey studied the resurrection spring water before and angered a big man in hell. Not surprisingly, the Supreme Mage rescued him that time.

Of course, it's one thing to accept being taught. If the Supreme Master just wants to beat him hard, even if he beats him to death, Downey is willing to accept it silently because the life-saving grace is too great, and he was original There is no obligation to save Downey, this is a great love.

  As the guardian of the earth, the Supreme Master wants to beat Downey, who is violent and messing up things. In terms of reason, there is nothing wrong with it, and Downey recognized it.

   But if the supreme mage wants to kill him, he won't wait for death, even if he is a thing pressed to death by a finger of the supreme mage, he must bite the opponent desperately before dying.

   Don't doubt, as a seventh-level single universe-level supreme mage, you only need a finger to kill Downey, even if Magneto, Professor X, the fourth-level pinnacle comes, it's a spike.

At this time, Casillas, like a fanatic, had his entire face filled with distorted worship. The slight black in his eyes began to spread like a living thing, and the distorted dark matter gradually spread, with ominous The breath corroded Casillas' face.

   is like a terrible parasite, sucking the vitality of the host, but it can feed back a little energy to the host. To put it bluntly, Casillas was forced into a big pit by the old Yin Domam.

   draws on vitality, and then feeds back a bit of explosive power to Casillas, giving Casillas an illusion of becoming stronger.

   As long as Domam doesn't want to kill Casillas, the latter will not die. Domam needs Casillas to destroy the three temples of the earth for him so that the great Domam can invade the earth.

"You know the omnipotent Dark Lord?" Casillas looked surprised, his unnaturally twitching face, black matter slowly filling his face, and a little bit of restlessness occupying Casillas' thoughts.

   "The Dark Lord?"

   Downey twitched his mouth, showing a rare expression of pain.

"Dommam dare to call himself the Dark Lord, so what do you let the transcendent and independent Apocalypse overlord-Darkside do? The Apocalypse is beyond the multiverse, and even the vast and boundless speed The wall of force is not qualified to cover the Apocalypse. And Domam? There are countless multiverses, and the ghost knows how many of his doubles are! The number is uncountable!"

   Downey's words are not nonsense. The more you know about Darkside, the more you can feel the suffocation that seems to be unstoppable by the wall of superpower.

Darkside, detached from the multiverse, the eighth-level peak that can compete with the wall of superpower, is the "only" in countless worlds. Unlike Domam and Thanos, there are as many multiverses as there are. How many of them.

  Darkside has long become the "only" that exhausts countless dimensions of the past and the future and countless universes and cannot be replicated! In one sentence to be compatible with Darkside: his strength is at least ten times that of Thanos, regardless of whether Thanos wears infinite gloves with six gems or not!

  The most embarrassing thing is that Darkside is known as the "Dark Lord"...

   In such a comparison, Domam is a bit too arrogant. It is indeed amazing to occupy a high-level dark dimension. Many 7th-level powerhouses have not done it, but they call themselves "Dark Lord"...

   "Asshole, what are you talking about? Stupid mortal, you insult the gods?" Casillas' eyes widened, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

   "I suspect that you did not curse the Supreme Mage secretly. What qualifications do you have to say about me? Otherwise, you will betray Kama Taj and take refuge in Domam, the mortal enemy of the Supreme Mage?"

   Downey sneered and beckoned. Hundreds of Transformers took shape in an instant and roared. Downey had a cold expression, his face was full of indifference and murderous intent, and on his straight face, his skin was faintly shaking, and everything in his body was mobilized to the extreme.

Don't even look at Downey as if he can only rely on Transformers to fight. His evolutionary speed has never been weakened, breaking through three tons of power index, more terrifying insight and neural reflexes, and being the source of fire for the core computer, giving Downey Terrible strength.

  For Casillas, if he was hit by a fist from Downey, he would die on the spot.

   Downey looked at Casillas, a pair of gradually hot eyes, there was a faint...expectation?

  I heard that the magicians who came out of Kama Taj are very special. They use mages as their profession, but they care about berserkers...

   Downey was looking forward to the guy on the opposite side rushing up. Downey slapped Casillas with a careless fist, and Casillas died.

   According to the gossip, if you engage in a spell bombardment with the mage of Kama Taj, it will make the other party feel that this is a humiliation. The fist to the flesh fighting style is the style of these magicians...

   Casillas was angry. As the first disciple of the Supreme Master, Domam's "most trusted" subordinate, UU reading was actually despised by a mortal who did not know the truth in the world?

   His eyes filled with darkness are the most obvious feature of the power of the dark dimension, and it is the manifestation of special energy. Many magicians on the earth can use dark power. Although they have been hunted down, there are still people who can't help being bewitched by the dark power.

   This is a different power from hell, coming from the dark dimension.

   Downey's eyes were cold and murderous.

   "You don't know the greatness of Domam at all! Life is only a short century, and only the great Domam can grant us eternal life! You don't know how cold time is! You don't know anything..."

   Casillas also showed murderous intent, his tone gradually calming down, and his wit returning.

   The two looked at each other, and both saw the chill in each other's eyes.

   "I don't know the time, I only know that Domam is not a good thing, full of lies and deceit, not even the demons of hell."

   Downey said with a cold face.

   From a logical point of view, it is necessary to protect the earth as much as possible. This is his hometown, and he still owes a favor to the Supreme Master. Domam wanted to take the earth first, but Downey didn't want to see such a scene.

   Intellectually, the earth is Downey's only foothold today. The earth is blown up and he will definitely not survive.

   The earth has many secrets, and the origin of the Infinite War involves many things, which he will use one day.

   To be straightforward, following Domam, it is better to fall to the Supreme Mage. Domam is far beyond countless dimensions, but the Supreme Mage is on the earth, right beside Downey.