Transformers In Marvel Chapter 190: Survival and death

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Life and death are like light and shadow. They're both always there. But people don't like thinking about death, so subconsciously, they always look away from it. - Yato (Noragami)


Is it a miracle?

   Indeed, he has returned to the source of the multiverse, the original main universe.

   The entire world of Wan Tianyi started from under the feet, and it expanded crazily in time and space a little bit, and became the endless it is today.

   Downey was silent for a while, and asked, "Then what do you want to do with me?"

   This is a very critical question. He comes from diversity, not the local earth. Taking into account the supreme mage's mind, it is estimated that he will not do anything to him, otherwise Superman Clark will be the first to be killed.

   I don't know how many of these great heroes on earth were born because of the intervention of various external forces, and I haven't seen the Supreme Master.

"I have been observing you for a long time. As long as you don't endanger the earth, you are safe." The Supreme Mage gently waved his arm, all the sights disappeared, and they returned to the small room full of ancient oriental styles.

   When everything recovered, the two of them suddenly sat on their chairs.

   Between the two of them, there is a small table with two cups of steaming tea.

"Next time you use the space spell, can you say hello, it's weird." Downey shrugged, suppressing the discomfort in his heart, and took a sip from the teacup, "Good tea. "

   If an outsider sees that Downey dared to tease the Supreme Mage like this, I don't know if he will rush to choke Downey to death.

   "So, Donny, what is your purpose in coming to Kama Taj?" said the Supreme Mage.

"A lot." Downey murmured, "First, I want to express my gratitude to you, and at the same time, I want to ask the origin of the strong man who wanted to kill me. Second, I want to learn how to create a soul, and third, I also want to learn space spells, if I can."

   This is a bit loud, but Downey is too lazy to conceal it, concealing is meaningless.

   The third request was temporarily added by Downey. He wanted to lighten the technology tree of "Land Bridge" through the learning of space spells.

  The land bridge technology can shuttle on the surface of a planet at will, which is equivalent to an arbitrary door. The upgraded version of the land bridge, the "Space Bridge", can directly carry out large-scale legion transport across countless galaxies.

   Even in the future, Downey still wants to develop a cosmic bridge to transmit across the universe.

  The world of Ten Thousand Heavenly Instruments will become chaotic soon. It is only a matter of time. Cross-cosmic warfare will become a common scene shortly, and the research of space science and technology must be put on the agenda.

   By analogy, starting with ready-made spells and researching the technology-side teleportation technology, will undoubtedly save a lot of time.

   "You don't need to know much about the resurrection spring water. Your current vision is not qualified to touch things at that level, otherwise, it will only bring you even greater danger."

   The Supreme Master is not hurried, still maintaining a gentle expression without any ups and downs, and a calming tone.

   She has the confidence to say this, as long as she does not die for a day, few people dare to go directly to the earth to do things.

   Downey raised his head and gave him a deep look. If he remembered correctly, the supreme mage at this time would not want to live a long time ago, in other words, she was tired of it.

   Ordinary humans can't have such a long lifespan, even for magicians. The Supreme Mage has been stealing Domam's power to extend his life.

   This is also the direct cause of Casillas' betrayal of his teacher. Casillas could not accept this truth, and coupled with his desire for immortality, he simply took refuge in Domam.

   In the heart of the Supreme Mage, which was already full of holes, he stabbed the most deadly knife.

   "You have an extraordinary desire for power. Everything that can become a power that belongs to you, you will chase it madly. Maybe you didn't realize it yourself."

   The Supreme Master is still in spotless white clothes. She picked up the teapot and filled her teacup with tea. Downey drank all his own in one sip, then took the teapot from the other party and filled it up.

   The small teapot seems to have the same weight no matter what as if there is an infinite amount of tea in it.

"This world is very big and big. Even a mere world of Wan Tianyi is enough for hundreds of millions of beings to spend their entire lives exploring. Downey, you are like a drop of water in this teapot. Shackles. Have you ever wondered where your endpoint is?"

   "The end? Death, one day I will fall and then die." Downey replied.

   He feared the coming of death more than once, and the flames of war that spread to countless worlds were on the verge of breaking out, and he was still far, far away, only just beginning.

   What if the war breaks out before he grows up?

"Death is not the end. When your strength and vision reach a level, you will know how fragile life is and how great it is. Some great beings can restart the universe at any time and restore everything that has been destroyed to its original state. Your Survival and death are just things that people think." said the supreme mage.

"Perhaps for them, there is no boundary between life and death, but for me, this kind of vague thing is already everything to me. When I live, everything is possible. When I die, everything is over. I will lose everything."

   The Supreme Master glanced at Downey in surprise, and exclaimed, "Yes, there are too few people with this kind of consciousness."

   She stood up, looked at the rookie wizards outside through the window and said, "I have asked many people this question, but they don't know what to do."

   Downey sat peacefully in the chair, indifferent. He is very fragile. As long as it is a life form born in the multiverse, it is very fragile. In the eyes of many unique powers, it can be killed or resurrected at will, nothing more than restarting the universe and modifying the timeline.

   Those eight-level super beings can destroy a universe in the backhand and create another in the backhand.

   Even if it is not an eighth-level life form, the speed people represented by the Flash, in theory, these people are immortal.

   You killed them now, but they in the past and the future will be aware of them, driving them to run wildly, shuttle through time and space to restart the timeline, and flee to other universes when they are impatient, avoiding the correction of time.

   The Flash's number one mortal enemy, the Reverse Flash, simply claims to be a "man who can't catch up with time" and has been resurrected again and again.

"Master Mage, just tell me what you want to say... You once sent Casillas to find me, but the timing was too coincidental. It happened that he received your order and defected to Domam. Under the command of..." Downey stood up and said bluntly: "I can't guess what you think, but I think you can guess me."

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