Transformers In Marvel Chapter 199: Burning country

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Everything has a beginning and an end. Life is just a cycle of starts and stops. There are ends we don't desire, but they're inevitable, we have to face them. It's what being human is all about. - Jet Black (Cowboy Bebop)


The palace of the Vampire Kingdom has long been caught in the flames of war.

   The well-built defense system, whether it is a variety of high-tech weapons that are rare in the outside world, or layers of fortifications, with amazingly thick protective doors, it is useless in front of intruders, like paper.

   No matter how high a weapon is, it is useless in front of Max, and no matter how closed the door is, it can't stop the penetration of a few electric currents.

   The proud honor of the Vampire Kingdom is being torn to pieces by terrifying enemies and thrown to the ground like rubbish.

  The blue light flashed across, and the delicate electric grid came out from Max's hands, turning all the king's guards into ashes. A pinch of dust is piled up in the magnificent palace, and it is very eye-catching like funny graffiti.

   "That fellow Normark has been in the palace." The old bartender stabbed a vampire to death and watched with cold eyes as all kinds of people who belonged to different forces suddenly appeared and joined the siege of the palace.

  Normark is the name of the reaper mother, a new species created by the vampire kingdom.

   "A poor creature that was made... Normark is looking for the king's revenge." Max shook his head, and let out an electric current, controlling the instrument to open the closed door.

   In front of Max, who controls the electric current, most of the technological items lose their meaning.

  Normark is a very tragic creature, he is more advanced than the vampire species-this is what the vampire king expects.

   Since the collapse of the parliament, the king has come forward again to unite the vampires and the Hague tribe. This old king, who has always ignored affairs, has not appeared for a long, long time.

   His research results are Normac, a stronger body, faster infection, and fewer weaknesses. Although the weakness of fear of the sun has not been eliminated, it is already a great achievement.

   The only exception is that Normark betrayed his king's father, madly pulled up an army from the outside world, and then wanted to come back for revenge.

   Even more tragic is that the hatred and ambitious Normark ran into the natural enemy Max. After being chased all the way, Normark finally only left the lonely family and broke into the palace.

   No way, Max is too buggy, even if he desperately scatters his subordinates, he can barely hide in front of Max, who can see the Reaper's unique bioelectric field regardless of the distance.

   The old king fled a bit hastily, staggered, and struggled to ascend to the top of the palace. His old body could no longer give him strong physical stamina, and he was no different from an ordinary human elder.

   He has lived too long, even a vampire, can't resist the erosion of time.

"As long as I get on the helicopter, I can start all over again. I must study the perfect vampire so that all the noble blood can walk in the sun. Today, all those who fall into trouble and betray me will have to pay the price! They become blood slaves!"

   The old king was dressed coarsely, his chest was like a hole in the bellows, wheezing, every time he climbed a step, he would consume a small amount of physical strength.

   "Where do you want to go, Father." Norman broke open a few tons of metal doors with brute force and looked at the person who gave him life on that pale face.

   was also the one who destroyed him.

   The old king screamed and fell to the ground in horror. He struggled, but it was difficult to stand up again. His limp body made him lose the ability to resist, and the emotion of fear climbed into his heart.

   "Normark, my child, I am sorry for what happened to you, that shouldn't have happened..." the old king said tremblingly.

  Normark jumped over a distance of tens of meters, grabbed the old king's head, and pressed his forehead together, just like an intimate father and son.

   These two people are really alike. Not only are they similar in appearance, but the old king also has skin similar to Normark. Under his pale and bloodless skin, there is a turbid color, and there is not a single hair on that scalp.

  Normark is like a copy of the old king. The gaze at each other seems to be the same person looking at each other across time, fear, hatred, and complexity.

"Then tell me, why are you so scared?" Normark leaned close to the old king's ear, and said softly, making the old king feel like an ice cave, "I saw your breeding warehouse, which is full of There are hundreds of slap-sized babies, all my younger siblings...Before I was born, I don't know how many people died under your research."

   Normark's cloudy eyes became extremely crazy and terrifying.

   "You shouldn't make me, let me survive after making me! Now, I have come to you for revenge, you have lived too long!"

   "It was an accident! My child, it was an accident!" The old king wailed feebly, kneeling on the ground like an octopus and throbbing.

   "It was an accident that you sent a large number of combat troops to chase me down?!"

Norman slowly opened his mouth. Starting from his chin, the clear crack suddenly opened up. The whole mouth became like a piece of meat with three petals. Deep in the throat, something like a bone protruded, the tip, Split into three petals in exactly the same way.

   The old king cried out in horror. He knows very well what this is. UU Reading is a new organ for the reaper to inject the virus and absorb the blood. As long as it is bitten, even a vampire will not be able to resist and become a new reaper.

   "I will not transform you, because you are completely useless to me when you are old and weak." The saliva continued to flow down, and Normark bit the old king's neck with a bite and injected a more fierce and fierce virus in.

   The king who ruled the vampire kingdom for a long time lost his breath in just a few seconds. Those viruses crazily destroyed the tissues in his body, turning the whole body's organs into turbid liquid.


   The electric man blasted the door and rushed in. The flickering light shone on Normac, causing Normac to scream, and his body surface gradually became scorched.

   "Wait, I can follow you and become your loyal lackey! The power of the Vampire Kingdom can be used for you!" Norman wailed.

   He still doesn't want to die.

"Downey told me that if it were a few years ago, the power of vampires was still considerable, but now it is useless." Max said coldly, "Because the times are different! Vampires have moved from the upper level of the food chain, and quickly Reduce to the lowest end! In the future era, you creatures won't even have the qualifications to participate!"

   "Disgusting species should be extinct!"

   Max held his hands high, two strong electric currents suddenly burst out of his cold pupils, and the shocking force hit Normark, setting him deeply on the wall.

   Normark himself was turned into ashes on the spot, no different from the other vampires killed by Max.

   "From today, from now on, vampires are extinct!"