Transformers In Marvel Chapter 233: war!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


You don't need a reason to live. You just live. – Nero Vanetti (91 Days)


Magneto raised his hands, and half of New York City seemed to begin to tremble.

   Many ordinary citizens near the sea feel that their body suddenly feels a little unwell. Although the feeling is very slight, it is real. What surprised them, even more, was that everyone around them felt this way.

   "What's the matter, I suddenly feel dizzy..."

   "Ah, why do I have a nosebleed."

"You too?"

   As if it was some kind of terrible plague, the human body's magnetic field was disturbed by the powerful Magneto. Out of self-protection, the human body began to resist unconsciously, trying to protect itself.

   But this will exacerbate adverse reactions.

   The high-rise buildings also began to vibrate slightly, and the metal contained in them began to respond to the arrival of their masters.

   Magneto is high above, looking down at the bustling New York, like a **** who can destroy everything with a backhand.

   "This should be the capital of the mutant kingdom." Magneto whispered, looking at the lights feasting under his feet with admiring eyes.

   After a year of dormancy, he finally revealed his hideous face in front of the whole world, with a majestic manner and a great sense of oppression.

   A veteran Level 4 life form exudes its own abilities without scruple, which is a powerful force that can overturn a continent and force a civilization.

   "Donny, come out!" Magneto sighed and said indifferently. His words were transmitted to thousands of households, resounding like thunder in everyone's ears.

  The top figures who participated in the Global Joint Summit looked dazed, enduring physical discomfort, and raised their heads in surprise. The bustling hall suddenly buzzed, like a swarm of flies roaring.

People gradually began to riot. Some politicians began to flee, pushing and hustling the crowd, and some weak ladies were pushed down, but the men who coveted them did not have the slightest nostalgia, like a familiar stranger, that Zhang With a panic expression, he turned into some kind of ugly monster.

   "Asshole, Magneto? Why did that guy come here? I suspect he wants to declare war on us!"

   "Is he crazy, wanting to push the mutant and his brotherhood into ruin? The whole world will reject them!"

   "Crazy? In the past few decades, has he done less of this kind of thing??"

  Many leaders of big countries are very calm, and some are even drinking water with a playful look.

   The Western president and the Eastern leader kept silent after a vague exchange of eyes, waiting calmly for something. The two of them were insiders. Although they couldn't believe what Downey had said in their hearts, and they were secretly preparing for the next move, but at least they were actively preparing.

   They don't do much anyway.

   just need to wait quietly for something to happen.

   Behind this world, is there really something like Downey said? The truth is far more effective than a hundred mouths.

   S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau and Spear Bureau have already taken action.

"Where is Coleson? As the new director of S.H.I.E.L.D., that guy must check Downey's details this time. This is responsible for the safety of the world." The Western president vaguely told people around him.

   He doesn't believe in Downey's **** claims at all, and given Downey's backhand blow of the SHIELD headquarters, anyone who has close contact with SHIELD will doubt Downey's claims.

   And Downey's words are indeed too shocking.

  What is the world's deep water, funny? As the leader of the world's largest country, why doesn't he know at all?

   Outside, Magneto gradually lost his patience, raised a hand slightly, and a thirty-story building began to shake violently, seeing that Magneto was about to be uprooted.

  The modern city built with steel bars as the basic structure is, in the eyes of Magneto, a toy that is destroyed every minute.

   A highly concentrated jet flame suddenly shot up from the ground. The terrible high temperature and the forcibly compressed flame seemed to have a super penetrating sharpness.

   Magneto's face sank and he dodges casually.

   This time, the forced frame is down a bit.

   Do you want to avoid the first blow?

   But Magneto doesn't care about this kind of face-saving matter at all. If he takes face so seriously, he would have committed suicide in shame and indignation after countless failures in the past.

  Failed because of his super thick skin and super psychological quality.

   Fearful dragon tens of meters in length flew up into the sky, spreading its wings, and two big, outrageous wings. When spread out from side to side, it would be nearly 80 meters long, which can be said to be a shocking eye.

   Downey stood on the giant fierce head, feeling the oncoming wind, and the cool comfort made him close his eyes and took a deep breath.

   "Eric, you are so aggressive, we can definitely specify a better plan," Downey said with a faint smile, looking at the silver-haired old man with horrible waves in front of him.

"You said this when you saw my first sentence?" Magneto's face was filled with undisguised disappointment, "I thought you would be different from Charles, but I didn't expect you to be the same. "

"No, I'm not the same as him. UU reading at least I know how to go in the future, instead of being like a professor, I can only use a gentle way to continue the mutant life in vain." Downey shakes After shaking his head, he didn't know what Magneto would do, but the professor's approach must be wrong.

   What's more, how can there be so long for professors to deal with the human government?

   Tonight, what Downey wants to do is to detonate the current situation and buy a little buffer time for the earth, even if it is a day or a year, it is useful.

   Magneto looked at Downey, and Downey looked at Magneto undaunted.

   Strictly speaking, this is the first time the two have met.

  , however, went the opposite in way of the enemy.

   "Join me, or quit and watch me do it! At the same time, give me the little mischief!" Magneto gave the final notice.

"I have my plan and will not join you. As for being naughty, it is absolutely impossible. The future of this child is far greater than that of you. She should die on the battlefield instead of being aggrieved by you as a semi-finished machine. The fuel." Downey's voice gradually cooled, with a touch of determination.

   The little mischief who was able to go shopping for a member of the Universe Celestial Group in a short time, how could it make her die so easily?

   Transform a bunch of ordinary dignitaries? There is a fart, this is also now, the situation is still stable, in the future, this group of weak ordinary people will be the first to die.

   Drop a meteorite casually, and the dangerous environment caused by the impact is enough to cause many ordinary people to suffer serious deaths and injuries.

   "It's a pity, Donnie, let's speak with strength." Magneto sneered, with a fierce look mixed with murderous intent.