Transformers In Marvel Chapter 224: Tony again

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


The world isn't perfect. But it's there for us, doing the best it can… that's what makes it so damn beautiful. – Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist)


"Sir, why didn't you call me in that battle?" Max asked in a deep voice.

Before, Downey had asked him to go to the Himalayas, but he had not arranged a task for him. After returning to New York to prepare for the battle, Downey only ordered Max to wait quietly, and in the end, there was no task.

This made Dianguang people very uncomfortable. Within a month, it was conceivable that Downey must have been seriously injured, and it took more than a month before he came back.

"No, Max, I actually gave you the task. You did a good job. I'm very satisfied." Downey shook his head and sighed. "Your task is to stop Betty from suddenly going crazy and put us in New York. The layout of the city is completely destroyed."

Red giant Betty, if it is for unknown reasons, their plans will be greatly affected.

Betty's body contains the Hulk gene of anger. If it is controlled by people with spiritual power, the destructive power is too terrible, and many people will be killed by Betty who loses his mind.

"I have always worried that some humans will attack Betty, who is in a period of emotional fragility. You must know, Max, the reason why there is no so-called righteous person to us is that we do not easily harm civilians. ." Downey explained.

Fortunately, the heroes of Marvel said that going out to enforce justice, affecting a civilian, killing a criminal, etc., is nothing at all.

If this is replaced by dc heroes who have problems with their brains, the trouble will be big. Even now, people and others are still low-key people, and when they rise in the future, they will definitely find Downey to settle accounts.

Therefore, no matter how fierce and violent Downey is, he has touched the psychological bottom line of many people more than once, but he has never broken through the last step: for this purpose, innocent civilians are treated as lambs to be slaughtered at will.

One is to avoid trouble, and second, Downey disdains to bully the civilians. He has a huge war corps, and he separates a small part of it so that the civilians can be resisted easily. What's more, Downey himself grew up in the civilian class.

To let him kill civilians indiscriminately was a humiliation to Downey.

"Public officials are killed when they are killed. Even those troops have a thoughtful blade. I have no psychological burden to kill them." Downey said frankly.

Max thoughtfully.

"How is the situation now, has SHIELD had trouble finding the Sky Eye Club?" Downey turned his head and looked at Klein, the executive officer of the Sky Eye Club.

Downey attaches great importance to the construction of the Sky Eye Club. Even if he leaves the Earth, the Sky Eye Club can serve as his eyes and ears on the earth, helping him monitor the earth and attract the human beings on the Earth.

"No, this month, they have been licking their wounds to reorganize SHIELD. At the same time, we noticed that they will no longer set up a specific headquarters, let alone put their office on a certain aircraft." Klein wore his eyes, and he exuded a harmless breath of humans and animals.

But the insiders of the Tianyanhui know how fierce this scarecrow is. His methods are increasing astonishingly, and his grasp of people's hearts has made many employees take a cold breath.

"How about the cleaning of vampire remnants?"

"In the last month, temporarily stop, some people below are using their means to find your trace."

"Who is it?" Downey frowned and stared at Klein.

Klein didn't change his face: "Eric Stevens, the man who claims to be the legal heir of Wakanda."

"Kill him, a self-assertive careerist, keep it useless," Downey said.

Downey's gaze was somewhat meaningful, making Klein's heart beat wildly.

what is this? caveat?

Klein remained silent on his face and agreed, but he thought to himself. Although he gradually became mature, he still kept the character of that timid scarecrow deep in his heart.

Especially, he is also a member of the Shadow Warrior Alliance. Of course, Klein firmly believed that if he simply left with the Shadow Warrior Alliance, it would be fine, but if he dared to help the Shadow Warrior Alliance deal with Downey, then Downey would trouble him.

In this way, Leopard's fate was doomed in a few words of dialogue between the two.

Downey regards Wakanda as his place, and he is bound to win the gold mine. There is no need to push the leopard out, as a ridiculous banner.

He wants it, just attack it directly.

"Does Wakanda do nothing?" Downey asked.

"At least I know that you are instigating the military to send troops. It seems that you have reached a deal with some forces and attacked us on corners and corners."

"Don't care about the loss of profits. Killing is the first task. The benefits are easy to say. How many people they come to look for, they will kill as many people as. They would rather kill the wrong person than let any possible target. If you kill all of them, naturally you won't come to look for trouble."

Downey waved his hand, too lazy to bother about this kind of thing. No matter what you want to do, I will kill people with all my heart. Whoever has contact with you, kill, who helped you, kill, until everyone is dead, the enemy will be abolished.

Simple and rude, but this has always been Downey's style.

What kind of exchange of interests, political compromise, that is the trick of the same level of life, the shoes will argue with the ants how to walk?

The news of Downey's return soon spread, and Downey attended various banquets and parties with high profile.

Although Downey did a lot of things in India's second largest sixth, and the bottom did not understand it, the upper class knew it well. Seeing Downey chatting with them about family affairs and business very friendly, they were immediately flattered and eagerly catered to them.

Downey also sprinkled money in a high-profile manner, squeezing a lot of money into various public welfare organizations, and letting many people look at Downey's eyes as if they saw his father.

In a capital society, spending money is the most efficient way to open the way.

Taking advantage of the excitement of a charity reception, Tony Stark, the dandy, came over, with a hint of compelling calm on his unruly face.

He went to Afghanistan and was kidnapped, and then became Iron Man. This is a life-threatening process, and it is also a process of becoming a hero.

"Why, there is no beautiful woman by the side of Playboy? You have changed sex?" Downey saw Tony who hadn't seen him for a long time, and he was a little nostalgic and immediately screamed in a high-profile voice.

Some ladies looked over, whispered, and laughed from time to time, with spring in their eyes.

Downey and Tony, being able to sleep in one, is something to be proud of.

"You have changed sex, and your whole family has changed sex." Tony scolded, "I always thought you were dead, but every time, you are alive. The only thing that doesn't change is your nasty face."

Taking advantage of the gap, Tony looked serious and whispered: "Someone is dealing with you, and I'm pretty sure, be careful."