Transformers In Marvel Chapter 248:

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"We Never Lose Our Demons, Mordo. We Only Learn to Live Above Them."

The Ancient One, 'Doctor Strange' (2016)


Domam was excited, someone was more excited than him.

Oh, this person is not Downey, but the evil spirit knight who has been educated by Gu Yi all the time.

The strong dark power of the dark dimension, as well as the huge amount of evil in it, made this young vengeful spirit deeply fascinated and crazy.

"Sin, I smell the smell of sin! Hahahaha!!!"

The evil spirit knight wore a roaring skull head, pulling the wind extremely, and along with countless Transformers, roared into the dark dimension.

He was so excited, so excited!

The ubiquitous darkness and evil are crazy about this vengeful spirit who is jealous and born soon!

He was shivering with excitement, and even when he was riding a motorcycle, his route was crooked, and he was muttering something from time to time.

God knows what terrible things he experienced in Kama Taj. He should have liked to be silent, and his character who can never beep when he is able to move his hands actually has a tendency to transform into conversational tuberculosis.

"...What did you do to him?" Downey asked Gu Yi somewhat speechlessly.

"I'm teaching him to be a man." Gu Yi replied.

Donnie was speechless, this terrifying old woman didn't know how to torture the young vengeful spirit and turned him into such a ghost.

"It's too big here, I can only feel a small area... Wait, something is coming, and there are a lot of them!" Professor X suddenly issued a warning with a solemn expression.

An astonishing number of terrifying monsters began to swarm, and it was Casillas who took the lead.

Some of these monsters with deformed structures can barely see their shapes during their lifetimes, some are humanoids, and a few are other shapes, but most of them have become masses as if they are some kind of weird collections of dark power.

"Gu Yi, you despicable fellow, dare to take the initiative to enter the dark dimension to find death!" Casillas looked grim and resentful.

He beckoned fiercely, and the huge number of monsters behind him screamed and rushed toward Gu Yi.

"Casillas, you shameful traitor, you have betrayed us, so you dare to show up!" Mordo looked angry, with a little killing intent in his eyes.

Casillas is a huge disgrace to Kama Taj. As Gu Yi's first disciple, he betrayed everything and turned to Domam's camp.

"Why don't I dare to show up? I don't owe you anything!" Casillas angered, "She stole it..."

"Hands! Logan! Diana!" Downey looked violent, and roughly interrupted Casillas's so-called "accusation."

This is a huge secret. Looking at the entire universe, no more than ten people know this secret. As a supreme mage, Gu Yi was stealing the dark power of his mortal enemy to continue his life. In the eyes of some upright mage, it was an unforgivable mistake.

He must not allow Casillas to tell this secret.

Who dares to say, kill first?

Among other things, if Casillas sits by and watched Casillas speak out, the mages of Kama Taj would collapse first because they couldn't accept the facts.

Gu Yi didn't care, or he didn't want to hide it anymore, but Downey couldn't bear it. The siege of Domam this time was very dangerous, and all unexpected factors should be minimized.

Dommam can't handle it, but Casillas can!

This is not the Earth, Casillas can't use the most lethal mirror space!

The two figures rushed over for the first time, Logan raised his claws, and Diana held up the sword and shield, and took the lead to rush toward the enemy.

These two are the most ideal human shields. Logan's self-healing factors and Edman's alloy bones mean that he is difficult to kill, and Diana's body is a magic weapon armed to the teeth, left alone.

A legion of thirty million followed these two men, like a terrifying and vast torrent of steel, enveloped the world infinitely!

They hummed and roared. In this dark dimension, layers of high and low undulations form a steel wall with no top and no edges on the left and right!

They will kill people!

"Spell the number of people in the dark dimension?" Casillas smiled contemptuously, chanting a spell in his mouth, using the summoning magic taught to him by Domam, and something similar to a wormhole suddenly appeared on both sides. The central government is constantly brewing.

Then, like a blowout, strange and hideous creatures emerged from it.

"Funny Demon..." Downey murmured, with bone-chilling icy eyes in his eyes.

Strictly speaking, he mobilized a huge Transformers Army to participate in this degree of war, mainly to deal with the endless demons!

"Everyone, be careful, these monsters are freaking demons, don't be surrounded by them!" Mordu shouted, and his words were passed to everyone's mind as soon as possible.

The creature of the Lost Demon is not a native creature of the dark dimension. Domam hates the existence of creatures other than himself in his own territory.

The freaks exist in a strange space attached to the dark dimension, similar to the border of The connection between that space and the dark dimension is very close, and they are also Domam's favorites. cannon fodder.

An astonishing number of frustrated demons spewed out, one by one with terrible expressions, without the command of Casillas, they felt a breath different from darkness and immediately rushed towards the invader.

Two large-scale legions like a vast torrent, with an amazing murderous aura, slammed into each other fiercely, making a deafening noise.

Some Transformers formed a small-scale army, rushed into the inside the demon at a huge price, and then released the nuclear bomb in the chest.

In the stunned gaze of countless people, it exploded.


A huge mushroom cloud rises into the sky. In this world where the sun is dim and darkness dominates, the mushroom cloud that rises in the sky looks extremely hideous.

"Look at what I'm doing, do you want me to protect the environment? This is the dark dimension." Downey said angrily when he saw people around him staring at him.

"Where did you get the nuclear bomb?" The Red Devil exclaimed.

"Borrowed, they don't dare not borrow it." Downey hummed and continued to focus on the control legion.

Nuclear bombs can only be used to clean up some miscellaneous soldiers even if they explode at close range on battlefields above level 5.

For example, it is most appropriate to deal with countless demons. If Downey weren't worried that he would be too much affected by nuclear radiation, he would have washed the ground with nuclear bombs.

The most important thing is to look at the battle between Gu Yi and Domam. Their task is to prevent Domam's lackeys from interfering with Gu Yi.

It would be better if they can interfere with Domam after defeating the enemy.

If you win, you can get everything, if you lose... there is nothing.