Transformers In Marvel Chapter 268: The new supreme mage of the earth

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"In this world, it is only good and evil, that was the first universal truth I grasped from observing the world around me when I was a child. Every human being without exception ends up falling into one category or the other." – Teru Mikami


"Abnormal spatial fluctuations occurred in the 144th dimensional channel, and it is suspected that there are alien creatures smuggling to щЩш..1a"

   "Catch him back, if the opponent resists, kill him on the spot!"

   "What happens after you catch it back?"

   "Torture, kill on the spot!"


   "There is a visitor from a different planet in the 37th space channel. The being said that he wanted to find Kama Taj's supreme mage to apprentice and learn magic."

   "Worship a fart teacher, have you ever heard of Big Earthism? Let him get out, and he will die if he doesn't get out."

   "He brought rare magic materials..."

   "Oh? The material is deducted, let me go."


   After returning from the dark space, I got together with a group of people such as the professor and exchanged feelings. Then Downey went to Kama Taj non-stop to accept the position of Gu Yi.

   The new supreme mage of the earth, Downey, after the initial burnout, finally reluctantly adapted to this completely different field.

   There are many dimensional channels on the earth, and each of them is monitored and blocked by Kama Taj's powerful magic. There is a little movement, which is Downey's business.

   Downey didn't know how Gu Yi usually handled these messy things. His response method was simple and rude. He wanted to enter the earth and just die.

   He inherited the style of Gu Yi perfectly, and was more fierce and tough in some details.

   "Classifying all visitors from different dimensions as enemies may cause a lot of bad things and negatively affect your reputation." Mordu put a pile of books on Downey's desk and said.

"How many of those who can come to the earth at this time didn't think carefully?" Downey took a sip of tea and sneered. "The news of Gu Yi's departure must have spread throughout the universe, but her successor, It's an unknown rookie who catches ducks on the shelves. It's normal to send someone to try it out."

   "I don't have the strength of Gu Yi, nor her prestige. I can only use the most cruel means to stabilize the situation. There is no such thing as diplomacy in the universe. Whoever dares to come will be killed directly."

   "I now lead Kama Taj. Before Gu Yi returns, I must take responsibility."

   Downey sighed deeply, irritably poured himself a cup of tea again, and drank it all in one go. The tea made from the treasured tea leaves cultivated by the secret method was drunk as boiled water by Downey.

   He can't be bored. The pressure in this position is too great. Self-confidence comes from strength. Gu Yi has the ability to kill anyone who refuses to accept it, but he does not.

   Compromise this kind of thing, in a universe that cannibalize people without spitting out bones, only exposes his weakness and incompetence, he dare not gamble. This is a confrontation between the planet and the civilization level, and you can't shrink back at all.

   Modu's dark face, with a smile, quietly looked at the young and unspoken person in front of him: "Your prestige is actually far higher than you think. Your name has begun to spread throughout the universe."


"Don't say anything else, the name of the new Supreme Master is already very scary. Those who know Gu Yi know how ruthless she is. How could the successor she choose be a slapstick. More importantly, you have also enslaved Domam who has dreaded countless civilizations."

Mordor paused, and said with a smile: "Domam has been rampant in the universe for so many years. It is not that he has not failed. But this time he even exported himself and became your servant. Just this one thing is enough to make The earth is safe."

"Don't comfort me, Mordu, they may be surprised and don't know my strength for the time being, but it is easy to figure out if I take a moment, and I can find out my growth trajectory on the earth by checking." Downey He smiled, "They, more of them are Gu Yi who is afraid of going to unknown."

   "The two supreme mages are both alive, and they both have great strength, enough to ensure the peace of the earth." Mordur said.

   Downey's mood improved a little, and he asked, "Where is Asgard? And other World Tree gods who are still alive, are there any changes?"

   Mordu's expression became a little serious: "The king is monitoring them, Asgard has not moved for the time being, the whereabouts of Olympus is still unknown, and the heaven is still wandering in the universe."

   "Hmph, forgive them for not daring to jump casually." Downey snorted coldly, tapping his fingers on the tabletop, once.

   Having said that, both he and Mordor knew very well that these divine matters were really hard to handle.

   Odin, Zeus, Jade Emperor, the three cosmic **** kings, none of them are easy to provoke.

   Don't look at them being forced to look like that by Gu Yi. It was also because Gu Yi was powerful, plus a bunch of artifacts including time gems, and... the assists of the Universe Celestial Group.

   A thousand years ago, the cosmic celestial group came to the earth to inspect their experimental product-human beings, but was hit head-on by several gods.

   The gods raise human beings as lambs and accept worship and belief. Of course, they cannot tolerate a group of gods who suddenly jump out to intervene indiscriminately.

The    Tianshen group can't tolerate their experiments being treated as playthings by other beings.

   The next step is simple. All the gods of the World Tree, including some second-rate and third-rate minor gods, had a fierce fight with the gods, and the result was a fiasco.

   Many weak gods were removed directly.

   The ancient gods of the universe **** group easily slapped the world tree **** system, patted their buttocks, and left in a good mood, leaving behind the corpses of the gods.

   The situation of the World Tree ushered in a huge change Then Gu Yicai rose strongly, using cruel and **** massacres to slay and drive away the various gods.

   For two consecutive tough battles, the various gods simply couldn't sustain it, and could only withdraw from the earth one after another.

   But when Gu Yi is missing, they want to have some thoughts, which is normal.

"I'm not worried about Odin. He can only rely on his deep sleep to suppress the power of Odin and run to Earth without thinking." Downey said. He also knew that it might not be long before Thor, the son of Odin, will be banished. When we arrive on Earth, Brother Hammer's earth adventure is about to begin.

"The most troublesome thing is Zeus and the Jade Emperor. The ghost knew when they two appeared suddenly and stabbed me severely." Downey's face was a bit ugly, "Especially the Heavenly Court, who was killed by Gu Yi blocking the gate back then. There are countless gods that have fallen, and it's strange that the Jade Emperor doesn't hate it in his heart."

   "Even if the Gu Yi mage is not there, with our current strength, we can still make them break their teeth!" Mordu said in a deep voice, with a fierce light in his eyes.

Downey nodded: "It's just a last resort, I don't want to do that. Ordinary enemies, but you can still use time gems, you can always kill them; but if the gods dare to come, I will take the risk if I am in a hurry. Fusion of the dark core, forcibly promoted to the cosmic level."

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