Transformers In Marvel Chapter 262: Me, level 5, **** you

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"You'll only realize that you truly love someone if they already caused you enormous pain. Your enemies can never hurt you the way your loved ones can. It's the people close to your heart that can give you the most piercing wound. Love is a double-edged sword, it can heal the wound faster or it can sink the blade even deeper."

– Himura Kenshin (Rurouni Kenshin)


Dommam rushed through the Transformers blockade, stretched out his big hand, and grabbed Downey, showing an excited and hideous smile.

   "I caught you, little crawler."

   Domam laughed in a low voice, the expectation and pleasure from the soul made him feel refreshed. It went so well, as long as he tortured the soul of this little thing, he could get that unique treasure.

   "Dark Lord Domam...This is not the first time we have dealt with it." Downey was very calm, even though his soul had been corroded by Domam's strongest dark power for a little bit, he was also very calm.

   "Oh?" Domam tilted his head and thought as if he had heard of Downey from his servant Casillas before, and he had solicited...

   But those are all past tense, not important at all, he almost forgot about it.

"Do you want to procrastinate? It's stupid." Domam smiled. Downey, who was like an ant in his hand, was playing tricks. To him like a giant, it was a funny move. Success brought him more pleasure.

   Domam threw Downey into his mouth and swallowed it, and then, awkwardly, mingled with the dark power again, and left sneakily.

   After Gu Yi and the others arrived, Domam had no idea where he was going.

   "That kid seems to have failed..." The old man in the Sanctuary of Agalath said regretfully.

   "No, he succeeded." Gu Yi looked at the sky and said lightly.

   A strange color appeared in the old man's eyes, and he suddenly became interested in Downey, but he glanced at Gu Yi and didn't ask much.

   Anyway, this matter seems to come to an end, and most of their tasks in the Sanctuary of Agallas have been completed.

   "Thank you for your assistance." The ancient couple nodded in motion.

"Eradicating darkness is the mission of Agalas Sanctuary. Next, we might as well temporarily portray a monitoring magic circle and constantly monitor the changes in the dark dimension. After the magic circle characterization is completed, we will leave. We still have important things to do. Do it," the old man said.

   Gu Yi and Shazan nodded, silently using magic to build a magic circle.

   Now, it is not them who can determine the future direction, but Downey, who doesn't know his life or death. Downey took the risk of choosing this path, he had to do it, failure would lose everything, and success would gain everything.

   They just need to wait quietly.


   Domam abducted Donny and went directly to a hidden corner.

   This is the weakest place in the dark dimension. If there is any accident, it will be convenient for Domam to escape, although escape is the most unacceptable choice.

   "Now, let me see what a great treasure you have picked up with this little thing."

   Domam laughed, and in his stomach, a pocket-sized version of Domam appeared face to face with Downey who could not move.

   This pocket-sized version of Domam was full of weird flames, spreading from the feet, and finally reaching the head, even the eyes began to burn with flames.

   He stretched out his arm to Downey and pressed Downey's shoulder hard. As the distance shortens, the tremendous stimulation between life and death has a huge impact on the spirit and soul.

   "Tell me, what is that unique treasure in your body."

   Domam looked at it for a while and found no external matter. He had a little understanding. It seems that the uniqueness exists in a mental state.

   The only one?

   Downey frowned slightly.

   Is this guy talking about the source of the fire?

   The source of fire is the only **** item?

   In an instant, many analysis possibilities flashed through Downey's mind.

   Either Domam was deceived, or he misunderstood what Gu Yi told him the first time he saw Gu Yi.

   "My source of fire is the only one?" Downey was a little surprised.

   "Of course, the woman Gu Yi told me, there will be fakes?"

   Domam waved his hand impatiently, and tore off one of Downey's arms, splashing blood.

   "Tell me, where is the source of the fire? In your head? Inside your soul?" Dommam asked.

"Didn't you see it, the fire source is tightly bound to my soul. Give up, just because you can't take away my fire source." Downey snorted, a little depressed. He looked down at his broken arm.

   The severe pain is still secondary. The most important thing is the arm he lost. I don't know if he can recover.

   Downey's eyes became a little dangerous and violent.

   Domam let out a deafening laugh as if shattering the belly of his large clone: ​​"Boy, it seems that you don't know anything about power!"

He brought his disgusting head over, looked at Downey greedily at close range, and said, "I'm a single universe-level ** master, do you know what level this is? In the eyes of many developed interstellar civilizations, I am the true god! It belongs to the level of the gods."

   Downey cried and stopped talking.

   He felt the changes in his body and soul, as well as the secret analysis and absorption of dark power.

   Since he entered the dark dimension, the fire source has always been shining with an ultra-high frequency, crazily analyzing everything in the dark dimension, but he will not refuse everything he can touch.

The threshold from level 4 to level 5 is amazing. This is a leap from a high-level life to a demigod life. Downey's promotion to level 4 is based on the X gene in his body. The stronger the X gene, the stronger his strength.

   Downey until now, UU reading www.uukā has somewhat doubted his mutation ability. Are the fire source and his mutation ability the same thing or separate?

   When Domam thought he had a chance to win, and stupidly told him that the fire source was the only thing, he understood.

   "My X gene is a kind of vehicle that exists to carry the source of the fire? Even if it is not, it is not far away, otherwise, it will not be able to explain everything that has fallen from the awakening."

   Downey was thinking about something silently, no matter how angrily Domam asked, he remained indifferent.

   Qi Domam directly released the magic that tormented the soul. He tortured the soul with **** flames, burning the soul a little bit.

   Every time he asks, Donnie burns a little soul without saying it.

"Damn reptiles, don't think of someone coming to rescue you, no one will ever find you here!" Domam roared, a little anxious, the feeling of seeing the treasure right in front of him but never getting it, was very tormenting.

"I said, you can't take what belongs to me from me." Downey looked at him coldly, "The source of fire is bound to my soul. You can't take him. Kill. Without me, you will also lose the source of the fire."

   "It's ridiculous, who do you think you are? How can you be a weak and multivariate creature that is qualified to be perfectly integrated with a unique item." Domam disdain, this time, he directly pulled out Downey's soul.

   Lost the body of the soul, lost all the power, became dry, and fell to the ground feebly. Domam didn't even look at it but stared at Downey intently.

   "I will show you how the great Domam swallowed you and how he got that treasure!"b