Transformers In Marvel Chapter 257: The leader of the ancient demon mutants: the red devil

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Harley Quinn has a degree in psychology from Gotham State University because she won a gymnastics scholarship and romanced her way through her professors. She once reformed and worked at a women's shelter.


The Red Devil Asazuo is an old monster who has been low-key for thousands of years.

Many people only know that he has lived for a long, long time. They only think that this is because the X gene in his body is more magical and has the effect of prolonging life.

Although Yanshou is not common in the mutant group, there are many examples. For example, she is still in Tianyanhui. She is as old as Magneto and Professor X, but she is actually two times older. Thirty-year-old young people are still young and healthy.

Many people, including Magneto, think the same goes for the Red Devil, which is nothing unusual.

But as a traverser, Downey knows how cunning this old guy is and how terrifying his background and calculations are.

The Red Devil is actually the strongest mutant since the ancestor Apocalypse-only a little worse than the Qin with the power of the Phoenix.

The Red Devil that is active on the earth is nothing more than a clone of the Red Devil's body. It has been planning a plan for thousands of years.

"Asa Zuo, you will see the opportunity for a while, as long as Domam zooms in, you will immediately take me to teleport and flee for my life. The two of us are very weak, and we must not be involved by the cosmic power." Tang Nila stayed with the Red Devil, analyzed it carefully, and exhorted him as if he was very worried but had to take risks.

Downey seemed to give his life to the Red Devil.

"Since it is so dangerous over there, what use is it for you to go? These transformers of yours can't have any obvious effect on the enemy, right?" The Red Devil asked suspiciously.

"It's just my best. Anyway, I have a lot of legions. As long as I don't die, I will bother Domam asshole. Maybe I can give Gu Yi and the others a chance." Downey said.

"...Okay then." The Red Devil agreed with a ridiculous curse in his heart.

It's not that he doesn't know a little about the battlefield of a cosmic boss, he can turn Downey into scum in minutes! As for why Downey was so active... The Red Devil sneered, really thinking that he was a fool. When his body was sealed into a different dimension, Domam was just a better mage on Earth.

But after obtaining the Dark Dimension, Domam jumped into single universe-level life, just as if it were on the hook, becoming a rare powerhouse in the universe.

With the core energy of the Dark Dimension, Downey in front of him clearly saw the thing.

Who doesn't want this kind of thing that can make a living body leap? Not only the increase in strength but also an extra dark dimension the size of a small universe.

"It's a pity, it's useless to grab it." The greed in the eyes of the Red Devil was fleeting, and he felt pity in his heart.

Downey patted the Red Devil on the shoulder, soaring his acting skills so that he didn't hold back his head, just like the real one. But in his heart, the murderous heart was already permeated.

The Red Devil, Asazuo, is not as weak and weak as the movie version. It seems that he can only teleport a little bit no matter how he looks. Then, relying on his magical ability, he uses a knife to stab people...

After living for thousands of years, even a pig can become refined, let alone a demon mutant like Asazuo.

Four thousand years ago, Tianqi, the ancestor of the mutant, was forced to sleep underground because of betrayal by his subordinates. After the Apocalypse, the mutant camp split, and the two most powerful factions fought against each other.

One faction generally has white wings behind it and was called "angels" by ancient humans. The mutants of the other faction ruled by the Red Devil are called "angels" because of their hideous appearance, strange colors, and most sinister and cunning personalities. "demon".

Demon mutants and angel mutants have experienced thousands of fierce battles. The final result was the defeat of the demon faction. Its leader, the Red Devil, and his loyal subordinates were sealed by a group of powerful angel mutants into a different dimension of trash in a cramped and harsh environment.

Of course, the Red Devil was not reconciled and tried his best to break through the passage and release himself and his demonic clansmen.

No way, that **** different dimension is too small and too small. It requires no resources and various natural disasters continue. The most frightening thing is that this small different dimension is always in the seesaw with other large spaces, and it is only a matter of time before it is destroyed.

So a genius idea was born. The Demon Element used all means to finally tear out the leader of the Red Devil's soul and put it on the earth, looking for a way to open the seal.

Although the price was heavy, the Demon System, except for a few awake members of the same clan, fell into a dormant state, waiting for the Red Devil who had successfully returned to wake them up.

"Asazuo, I heard that you are unhappy with Ruiwen, a devil girl. You have a blue-skinned son who can inherit your teleporting ability?" Downey suddenly asked when he walked halfway.

"Oh?" The Red Devil originally frowned and felt the horrible fluctuations coming from ahead. The pressure was heavy. Downey's unexpected question made him even more confused. "There is indeed such a thing, but Ruiwen hates me very much and refuses to live or die. Tell my son's location, I can't find him."

That mess that year seemed absurd, but in fact, it was all within the calculation range of the Red Devil, and Ruiwen became another experimental product for his offspring.

The blue devil, that timid blue-skinned young mutant with teleporting ability, is the son of the maiden and the red devil.

It is also the most coveted target of the Red Devil and is struggling to find it.

"Don't worry, I can't control how you and Ruiwen ease the relationship, or be like your enemy in the future, I don't care, and I don't bother to care about your romantic debt..." Downey said nonchalantly, around him, 20 million famous Transformers gathered together Suddenly, Downey said: "You said, what if I find your son in advance and kill him?"

The red devil suddenly turned his head and looked at Downey, whose face was as plain as water. In his red pupils, a touch of astonishment and violence was fleeting.

how come?!

What does this guy know?!!

"What are you talking about?" The Red Devil City Mansion was deep, his face was cold, and he seemed to have a deep sense of love for his son he had never met. "What do you want to do to my son?"

"It's nothing, it's just for fun. I like all kinds of weird assumptions." Downey sat calmly on the giant's head.

The giant ferocious flaunted his might, and yelled at the red devil violently, his voice full of violent feelings.

The Red Devil took a deep breath, revealed an angry mood, and whispered: "Do you want to recruit me? Do you think that this way can make me compromise? My loyalty to Magneto can't be disturbed by this kind of thing! Give up!"

Donnie sneered, loyal? What is the special reason that the Red Devil, as the leader of the demon mutant, will have loyalty? Lie to the ghost!

"You have the blood of the **** demon. Asazuo, the birth of a demon mutant is inseparable from the **** demon. The lie is the instinct engraved in your genes." Downey said, "It's better. Let's talk about something practical."

"What the **** are you talking about?"

"I want to say, if I use the huge magic circle engraved on the earth to bombard the small different dimension where your body is...what will happen? With a bang, you and your ambitions are gone.

"The most important thing is that if you want to use the methods you have saved for thousands of years to sacrifice, you have done useless work..."