Transformers In Marvel Chapter 279: "The omnipotent troublemaker can't make what he can't lift...

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Don't worry about what other people think. Hold your head up high and plunge forward. - Izuku Midoriya Quotes - My Hero Academia Quotes


Wang was naked and suddenly appeared on the street.

   The chubby body and the white fat were exposed unobstructedly in front of the passers-by, causing people to look sideways and the ladies to suppress their laughter to the extreme.

   He looked around with a bewildered look, with a deep daze. I was still using magic in the last second, and I appeared in this ghost place in the next second.

   He was sure that he had been tricked by that guy, but with a lightly snapped finger, he was knocked down.

   was stripped naked and thrown on the street.

   "Hey, are you robbed? I can help you with the police."

   "No, I'm like this... It's cool, um..."

   Wang Wanyan thanked passers-by for help, his two hands were intertwined, ten fingers were tightly entangled, and a hint of chill appeared on his chubby face.

   "Kill him, I must kill him..."

   King, this serious dead house is completely angry.

   The weird and funny sights of the passersby are, to him, better than any language humiliation.

   He still remembered that in front of the mysterious man, he just snapped his fingers and lost everything and was thrown into the street directly from Kama Taj.

   The mysterious man's magical attainments made him frightened, and his practice also made him furious.

   "Uh, it seems you need help?" A young man tentatively walked over, looking around uncomfortably.

   "Where is this place?" Wang darkened his face, and his small eyes narrowed into a slit, revealing a dangerous aura.

   "Midtown. Hey, man, do you not even look at the map when you go out? Or do you sleepwalk from one city to another?" The young man said sneered and felt bored after speaking, so he spread his hands helplessly.

   The young man felt that this fat man's behavior was very strange, perhaps the same as what happened to him.

   The king was cold and walked to a secret corner. Regardless of the young people's questioning, he used the magic of a portal in front of the young people, walked in, and returned to Kama Taj.

   He's going to find that **** **** afterward.

   The portal slowly closed, leaving only the young man with a stunned expression, with a little excitement in his expression, and the urge to rush into the portal.

   Curious, bold, and the same personality as most people of the same age.

At this time, the phone in his pocket rang: "Barry, where are you? I may have found a clue about that mysterious man. He comes from a higher dimension. To be honest, it is a blessing that he has no malice against you, just playing tricks. You have a meal..."

"Sisco, guess who I met! Magician! I met a naked-chested magician! He was right in front of me, opened a circle, walked in, and disappeared!" Barry was excited, Renju Said to the phone like a cannon.

   "Naked...? Is this custom of magicians?" Sisko was a little dazed.

   "The point is the magician!"

   "Okay, okay, no matter who he is, you come back first, use your super speed, Dr. Harrison is also waiting for you..."


   As his eyes went dark, when his eyes lighted up again, Downey had already appeared in a huge opera house.

  Brilliant and rich.

   It's just that there is no audience in this huge opera house, and the seats in the auditorium are all empty.

   Downey looked down at his clothes, not knowing when he became a knight costume in the Western world, as did the mischief who stood opposite him.

   Two foolish "knights" stood on the wide stage like two poor clowns.

   "This dress is really stupid..." Downey lowered his head, resisting the urge to tear off the ridiculous costume.

   "Come on, Downey, come to a duel between men, and the one who wins will get Wanda." The troublemaker looked solemn, and two revolvers appeared in his hands, one for himself, and one for Downey.

"Back to back, walk to the end of the stage, then turn around and shoot-there is only one bullet inside!" The troublemaker's face was full of mission as if he was doing something sacred and solemn, like the godfather of the church, more like The magic stick before jumping the great god.

   Downey sneered, took the pistol, and flicked it, then slammed the prankster in the chest.

"Don't come to this set, no matter how serious the scene is, you can't hide your mischievous awkwardness in your hands. Trickster, you know that this can't explain any problems, let's change another way-use mine the way."

   Downey blew the smoke that didn't exist in the muzzle of the pistol and sneered at the nonchalant mischief.

   Trickster also studied the bullet holes in his chest with interest, and buckled the bullets out a little bit, pretending to be injured.

   "You broke the rules of the game, I'm very angry!" The troublemaker waved his arms exaggeratedly and shot.

Downey caught the bullet directly, squeezed it into an iron piece, threw it to the ground, and said, "That's your rule of the game, not mine. In fact, you are the one who got in. Without you, Wanda wouldn't need it. What a troublesome choice to make. I don't know what Wanda you are after, but if you really want her, follow my rules of the game."

   The troublemaker groaned: "Yes, I like any form of the game. Those who lose leave and those who win stay!"

   "The loser leaves the earth, and unless the winner agrees, he can't come back without authorization," Downey added.

   Trick or treat guy, it's his instinct to make trouble.

   Downey knew that the troublemaker had a history of pursuing Supergirls, but was rejected by Supergirls—of course, it may not have happened yet. Although he didn't understand why he focused on Wanda, he didn't bother to pay attention to the unique brain circuit of the troublemaker.

   But the troublemaker is a bit good, has a low IQ, and relatively follows the rules of the game.

   This gave Downey a chance to dig a hole. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

   Take a step back and say, even if Downey loses, although he is very sorry to Gu Yi, he can still go to the universe to build the planet Cybertron. The demigod's strength is qualified to rule many galaxies.

   After all, the universe is too big and too big, the Milky Way where the earth is located is just a drop in the ocean, and the demigods can already establish a powerful force. As long as Downey doesn't commit death and offend others, there is no problem in building a planet of his own.

   "Yes, but what do you want to play? I really can't figure out how you can beat me." The troublemaker was very excited, and his eyes were full of playfulness.

   "Very simple game, I heard that you can do everything?" Downey said with a smile.

"Of course, people in the realm of gods know how bad the troublemaker is—but say it first. Don't want to ask for destroying the multiverse'. I won't be fooled. The Five-Dimensional Court is dedicated to staring at it. What about me." The troublemaker showed off, suddenly reacted, and whispered, "The game is limited to this opera house, only on this stage."

   The troublemaker felt that he was very witty and did not step into Downey's language trap.

   "Very good, then my rules of the game are very simple, I make a reasonable request to you, if you do it, count me as losing, if you can't, count me as winning," Downey said.

The troublemaker lowered his head and thought, nodded in satisfaction, and rubbed his hands excitedly: "No problem, as long as your request is limited to this stage, as long as you say, I can do it! Master troublemaker is omnipotent! "

   "The game has started, and my request is-the omnipotent troublemaker can't make a rock that he can't lift!"

   Downey smiled, showing a sinister look.