Transformers In Marvel Chapter 284: The last old bartender

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


It's like All-Might said… Giving help that's not asked for… is what makes a true hero! – Izuku Midoriya


When Downey returned to New York City, many people had been back for a while. In this large estate, there were enough entertainment activities for these long-lost old friends.

   These entertainment activities are of all kinds.

   For example, for people like Max, all kinds of electric current are his favorite to eat, so there is a villa in which there are huge cables full of dangerous electric lights.

   For another example, people like Blades and Whistler have a special weapons research building and a training ground with a large enough area for them to fight.

   Not to mention other things like alcohol and food.

   It's rare for everyone to get together like this.

   As a golden yellow portal slowly opened, Downey stepped out of it, and in just a few seconds, he easily crossed half of the earth.

   There is Mordo with him.

   But the king did not come. This serious guy threatened to guard the magic circle on Earth. Kama Taj must be on guard at all times, and Downey could only shrug his shoulders indifferently.

   The old bartender, Max, Klein, Blade and many others who were born and died with Downey have all been invited back.

   Oh, and Secret Guest Liana, the queen of the border of **** has also come by herself.

   She doesn't like the peace of Kama Taj very much. The vigorous life at the border of **** is more suitable for her, so she rarely stays at Kama Taj.

   Downey also sent an invitation to Professor X and Magneto, but they were both rejected. They have their things to do.

   Downey even invited Bokeh Johnny to come over, but Johnny refused. He was afraid that he could not control the spirit of vengeance, so he became a ghost knight at night and started to kill.

   There are really few people who can withstand the evil spirit knight's eyes of judgment, and it is the result of a spike, so Downey also gave up.

   After Downey arranged Mordor, he met a group of acquaintances, chatted with each other, and hurriedly found the old bartender.

   "What did you say, Wanda is here?" Downey raised his eyebrows, smiled, and shook his head, "No wonder I couldn't find her in Kama Taj, it turns out she came here directly."

   "Hey, you, you, you are so stupid, why don't you invite her in advance?" the old bartender said weirdly.

   "I called her to come with me when I was going to come, who knew she came directly by herself." Downey smiled bitterly.

  His daily schedule is full, and he spends every day playing hits. The increased pressure makes Downey not dare to relax at will.

   This is a desperate era, where the universe will be destroyed at all times. Especially when you know that there is a day of destruction around you, you can't even run, and the pressure can be imagined.

   "I almost couldn't accept it and wanted to leave, but fortunately I was stopped in time...cough cough..." The old bartender didn't mention it and coughed quickly.

   Downey's brow furrowed tightly, and he was silent for a while before he said with a complicated expression, "Your body is already so bad?"

   The old bartender coughed and waved his hand, not caring.

"Listen to me, your body functions are deteriorating too fast. Quit smoking, especially drinking! You are too good to drink, and a stable life gives you a lot of time to drink. You are chronically committing suicide!" Downey persuaded in a deep voice. Dao, even though he knew it was useless, he still tried to persuade.

   "Or I will ask you to inject Bacchus factor, and then you can drink as much as you like! Drink as much alcohol as you want!"

"No, no, I don't want to accept injections like that. Hey, the ghost of the resurrection spring water has greatly eroded all human senses. What use is it for me to have a long life? I can't even taste the taste of alcohol. , Boring." The old bartender smiled and stubbornly refused.

   Downey's expression became more and more complicated, looking at the old guy who could kill people in the past two years, now he looks like this. It was indeed because of the old bartender himself. After he settled down, all the hidden dangers were exposed. He was addicted to alcohol, and he was drunk and dreamed most of the day.

   Downey put the old bartender in the position of butler, also from this perspective.

   "If I had said this to you before, you old man would have hit my face with a fist..." Downey took a deep breath and sighed.

   The old bartender is the only one who treats him with a normal heart, the only one.

   Others, as Downey's strength increased and his status rose sharply, subtle changes had taken place in his attitude, especially after he took over the position of the new Supreme Master.

   There is only the old bartender. This seemingly unreliable old thing is still the same as before. The two people will quarrel with each other in less than three sentences, and then they will directly communicate with their fists, ending with swollen skin.

   With so many people, only the old bartender would still regard Downey as that stupid idiot, the idiot kid who had just awakened his abilities and was full of hatred and anger, doing things stupidly.

   A certain idiot broke into the vampire bar stupidly and **** an old guy who was precarious, just to get a so-called "vehicle modification master" that he didn't actually need.

  Think about it now, it's okay to be young and stupid enough.

   Everyone has changed more or less. In their eyes, Downey is not the superpower who knows nothing, but the guardian of a planet.

   They all changed a little in awe, more etiquette and boring smiles that Downey didn't want to see at all, and more distances that were close at hand but like the sky.

   That kind of subtle barrier is very annoying, and it really annoys Downey.

   But only the old bartender, this old guy with a mouthful of dung, communicated with Downey with the same attitude as before. They ridiculed each other at the start, fisted, and ended with bruised faces.

   This is the communication between the two, and it has been this way all these years.

   Only the old bartender is left.

  Everyone has changed, there is only one old guy who stubbornly sticks to the old things.

   But this old guy who is not afraid of death is about to die.

   "I use magic to regulate your body, which can help you delay..."

   Downey was interrupted by the old bartender before he finished speaking.

"No need, Downey, this is not your temper. Where did that heartless guy go? If I really want to live, there are methods. Even without the Bacchus factor, the various high-tech serums of the Sky Eye will be available at any time. It can be used, not to mention that they secretly obtained the blood of the newly awakened Captain America, and the research on serum has made a lot of progress..."

   The old bartender coughed a few times, and the old thing that was fearless in the past had become as weak as an ordinary old man.

   Downey was silent for a long time, and the two stood facing each other like this as if they were separated from the two ends of a river, only passing by forever, and not circulating again.

   "Hmph, I see, you can die if you want to die. When you die, I will give you a stick of incense." Downey snorted coldly and looked at the old bartender sideways.

  The old bartender grinned, and Downey noticed that he had lost another tooth.

   Downey knew why the old bartender did this, but the two of them did not say it very tacitly.

   The vampire kingdom, which was the driving force for the survival of the old bartender, was gone and was completely buried by Downey's family.

  The scattered vampires are also being chased and killed by the Sky Eye Society worldwide.

   Countless undead warriors injected with Dionysian factor charged at the forefront, under the leadership of several backbones, buried the last afterglow of the vampire kingdom.

   The spiritual support collapsed, and the people are no longer good.

   Before, all the relatives of the old bartender were killed by vampires. Now, the old bartender has witnessed the destruction of vampires with his own eyes. Among them, the fireworks that rose into the sky have their own power.

   Exterminate vampires, not only for Downey's own thoughts but also for the old bartender.

   No one knows when this old guy will break down and have a chance to fulfill his lifelong wish. Downey will not keep his hands, and the old bartender will go on frantically until the final goal is completed.

   They succeeded, and the old bartender quickly collapsed, like a tall building that has suddenly lost its foundation, disappearing from its roots.

   Downey can clearly feel the power of time that is constantly fading on the old bartender.

  He has many ways to treat the old bartender, not to mention the low-level method of injecting serum. Downey is even willing to take the time gem for the old bartender, forcibly reverse the time, and restore the old bartender to full manhood.

   But he can't help it. If he does this, the stubborn old guy who has lived enough will definitely commit suicide without hesitation.

As night fell, many faces that had not been seen for a long time came together again after a long period. In the bustling hall, a variety of precious wines and food was placed. The table moved from one end of the hall to the other, leaving in the middle. A few neutrals came out to make it easier to pass.

   Everyone chatted with each other, explaining their own Laughter and sorrow and sorrow were mixed together, and all kinds of exquisite drinks were drunk as boiled water.

   Little Queen Lianna drank too much, she deliberately didn't use magic hangover, and she wandered around looking for someone to fight wine.

   Finally mingled with Kuaiyin who had the same drink, the two young people each carried the wine bottle and yelled loudly, and finally got into a quarrel and got drunk.

In this lively scene, the old bartender rarely drank, just holding the wine bottle, as in the past, holding it up from time to time as if drinking, in fact, he just touched the alcohol with his lips and then squinted to feel it. taste.

   He can't drink anymore. Tonight, he doesn't want to drink either, he just wants to watch others drink.

   He watched the people here gather from all directions. There was Amanda, Gotham's owl killer, a woman who claimed to be an elite, but she was kidnapped by Ruiwen, and she regarded it as a great shame.

   There are mutants, from the two rivals of the Brotherhood and the X-Men, and even John the Fireman rushed over halfway and added a word.

   There are also Max and Betty, their physique is difficult to beat by alcohol, but they are still very excited to participate in the chaos.

   From nothing, from less to more, these are all under his witness.

   Inexplicably, the old bartender was very satisfied and contented, and he even raised the bottle frequently, and his messy hair was placed on the top of his head casually, getting wet by the alcohol that was poured over from time to time.

   He scratched his head casually, his drunk eyes, who had never drunk, gradually dimmed, looking at this messy hall, grinning like a child.

   A drop of tears flowed quietly from the corner of his eyes, but no one noticed.