Transformers In Marvel Chapter 286: Downey’s Prosperous Claws: Surrender or Destroy

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


In the main universe, there are far more complex dimensions than in other universes.

There are worlds similar to or even vaster than the dark dimension, and there are some peculiar small different-dimensional spaces.

In a secret place not far from the earth, there is a very secret small space.

This space is too small and too small, and the channel connecting the three-dimensional main world is also sealed by some powerful force. Tight a small point, a small point calculated in the quark level, is still closed for most of the time.

This small point is the only connection between this small space and the outside world, and it has also been given a powerful seal.

This space is small and scary, about the size of a super city on Earth.

For a "world", this area is too outrageous.

What's even more embarrassing is that the environment here is so bad that it is not suitable for living creatures at all. Even the demons of **** don't want to stay in such a ghost place.

Zach has lived in this place since he was born. He has a similar appearance to other Demon mutants, a particular skin color, sharp pupils, and a long, narrow, and powerful tail.

"Damn it, it's raining again..." Zach looked at the sky and complained.

This is bad news. Every time it rains, they have to relocate to other places. At the same time, they have to move away from their sleeping ancestors or bury them deeper underground.

In the air, there will always be irregular strong acid rain falling, hitting the narrow ground, and making a noisy sound.

The acidity is combined with a certain kind of special soil on the ground to form something similar to calcium but completely different.

This substance is highly toxic.

Zach and his people had to clean up the calcium substance regularly, and then pile it up on the edge of the land, exposing the new soil below.

Everything is for survival.

But the soil is getting less and less, and many places have been hollowed out, exposing the other end of the ground-the void.

Their living space is getting smaller and smaller, and the countdown to death has already sounded to these people.

"When can we leave here and return to our hometown..." Zach whispered and sighed deeply.

As Zach who has been in this **** world since he was born, it is difficult to understand what other people call the so-called "spherical land" and "another space".

Because in his hundreds of years of life, he has seen elders who know space ability more than once, risking their deaths to teleport to places outside the land, and being strangled to pieces by the turbulence of time and space.

What do the blue ocean and the green earth look like? What are the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky like?

Zach didn't know at all.

Of his hundreds of years of life experience, the most is to observe the weather and the magma that erupts from time to time, and then hurriedly wake up some people and relocate another group of sleeping people.

Eating the toxin-carrying substances here greatly consumes the body's functions.

Zach, who has the devil gene, also lived a long life, but at a mere few hundred years old, he already appeared fragile and old.

What he didn't even know was that this small space could be swallowed and torn at any time, turning into fragments like those clansmen who jumped to the outside world without fear of death.

He was only told that the great leader Asazuo had found a way, and they just had to wait with peace of mind.

"When can I leave here?" Zach sighed, full of yearning for the outside world.

It seems that a **** in the dark has received his wish and decided to fulfill it.


Click it!

The loud noise that appeared suddenly came from the air, and the deafening sound echoed the tremors of this world, as if there was a behemoth that swallowed the world, biting and hitting the shell strongly.

Everyone was startled. Some of the demons who had just fallen asleep for a while awoke for the first time. In the eyes that suddenly opened, the pupils of different colors and shapes could not conceal their shock and horror.

"what happened!"

"In my memory, this has never happened before!"

The few remaining ethnic groups adopt rotation and persistence. Most people fall asleep to reduce the consumption of scarce survival resources, and a few people face a harsh environment to take care of sleeping and very few newborn children.

Although they have been unable to give birth to children in the past few hundred years, Zach is the youngest and the last.

The drastically reduced soil has taken away a lot of living resources, and the harsh environment has taken away the lives of most struggling demons.

The shock of the space awakened part of the demons and even the demon leader who had already prepared, Asazuo.

The huge eyes slowly opened, and the tall and burly red body suddenly appeared in front of Zac, looking up, looking at the change with a strange expression.

The demigod-level spatial ability allows him to easily shuttle in this space, but it is a pity that there are complicated seals around him, so he can never leave here.


The second sound sounded, and the world trembled again as if it would collapse in the next second, making countless people frightened.

"Great leader, what happened? Is the end here?"

Someone asked in dismay.

Then he was torn off on the spot by the brutal Asazuo, and the **** corpse was turned into food. Asazuo was stuffed into his mouth, full of blood, but Asazuo showed an expression of enjoyment.

The chucking sound of chewing bones came in sharp contrast with the dead people around. At this moment, everyone was suppressed by Asazuo's sudden brutality.

Openly eat people, openly eat one of the few tribesmen.

Zach shivered with fright, almost limp to the ground.

Asa's huge eyes on the left looked over, looked at Zac, almost frightened Zac to pee!

Fortunately, Asazuo's body seemed to ease a little bit of hunger and did not eat poor Zach alive.

"Wake everyone up and tell them that we are here as a guest." Asazuo greedily licked the blood remaining at the corner of his mouth, recalling the smell of blood.

The blood contains rich nutrients, all of which are drunk into his stomach. This was of course not enough, especially after he received the incomplete picture from the soul of the dead clone, the delicious delicacies, the exquisite food that could not be eaten, and the clean drinking water.

During this year, Asazuo's body was almost mad with jealousy.

These clones have been enjoyed, and they are all annoying.

But he didn't!

Since he was locked into this horrible place by that **** birdman, he has never eaten a serious meal again!

You can only kill the people secretly, and then eat them to relieve the greedy!

Asa left his head and thought for a while, when was the last time he ate people? It seems that it has been hundreds of years, and she seems to be a woman who has just given birth to her offspring, torn off and eaten by him.

But compared with the sporadic picture of the clone, I couldn't bear to look directly at it.

During this year, Asazuo had been mad with jealousy long ago, wishing to replace the clone and enjoy everything.

He can't leave here, he can only suppress the madness and wait silently.

The incomplete picture returned from the clone tells him that the death of the clone is not an end, but a new beginning.

The stupid and arrogant new supreme mage threatened to take everything from makes people laugh.

Asa Zorw wished that Shabi would come earlier, let him out and return to the earth.

The exquisite food, clean water, and seven billion lamb-like animals belong to him.

As for the new Supreme Master? Sorry, Asazuo didn't think about it at all, it was just an idiot who couldn't recognize his strength, and he was killed in an instant.

Everything about the supreme idiot was prepared for him.

Just as he took advantage of the death of his ancestor's Apocalypse thousands of years ago, he competed with the birds for control of the earth.

A lamb-like mortal is just an animal that can be slaughtered at will. He did this thousand of years ago.

The opportunity to escape has arrived, and that stupid rookie named Downey did not disappoint him!


Card la!

In the sky, a crack suddenly appeared, then it spread and collapsed!

A huge gap suddenly appeared above this space!

A figure appeared from the gap, carrying the terrifying magic power radiated by the powerful magic circle from the earth, descending from the sky, like a **** of heaven, with radiant light.

However, the black robe not only brings hope but also despair.

"Azazuo! I am coming! As I announced to you before, I am coming!"

The cold and unabashedly harsh tone came from the mouth of the human who landed at supersonic speed. The cold murderous aura, separated by thousands of miles, can be clearly conveyed to everyone. Many weak demons shivered.

This black robe figure, wearing necklace-like eyeballs on his chest, exudes a pale green light, distorting time. Like a god, he used an extremely cold tone to announce the judgment.

"Surrender, or destroy!"