Transformers In Marvel Chapter 296: Odin and Downey

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


   Karl El, which is Clark Kent's real name, is the name his father gave him.

   Crypto came to the earth to find Clark, but unfortunately, he met Downey and was forcibly detained.

   "Wangcai, go get my slippers over."

   "Wangcai, follow me on the street, don't urinate at home."

   "Wang Choi, give me a pounding back."

   Crypto is going crazy.

   More than once, it tried desperately, but it was suppressed strongly by Downey.

It wanted to escape but was threatened by Downey in a low voice: "If you go to Karl without authorization, I will kill him first. You, a foreign creature, may be dangerous to the earth. As the guardian of the earth, I need to treat you. Perform long-term evaluations. You don't want to go anywhere until the results come out."

   The noble Krypton dog almost broke down.

   But he had to show excitement in front of Wanda, wagging his tail when there was nothing to do.

   And I have to go to the street, sniffing like an ordinary dog, and then convenient, it is really shameful.

   Gradually, many people know that a particular dog has been added to the Downs Manor. It has a high IQ and a rich mood. You can often see this little white dog grinning at Donnie, with a depressed expression from time to time.

   The people of Down's family didn't care, it was just a dog, it didn't matter.

   The test report sent by Tianyan was directly thrown into the trash can by Downey, telling them to stop there. Apart from studying this gene, don't worry about the dog's identity.

   People are also used to having such a smart dog around.

   Although this puppy seems to be full of resentment every day, there are still many people teasing it, so angry that it wants to bite.

   Downey himself is very satisfied with this result.

   "Listen well, Wangcai, as long as you are obedient and obedient, I will let you be free when the time comes." Downey frantically stroked a handful of Krypton Dog's head and whispered.

   This success caused the latter to scream.

   I should be free, and I am not called Wangcai!! !

   "Very good, be good." Downey calmly patted Cripto's dog's head and returned to Kama Taj.

  Cripto, an advanced genetic dog, as a bodyguard, Downey said he was relieved that no one would even want to sneak into the manor under Cripto's nose.

   This is the benefit of pets!

   Downey often sighed in front of Cripto, which of course would arouse Cripto's anger and the barking that followed.

The people of   Sky Eye Club also secretly found the spaceship that Crypto used when he landed on Earth, and the "S"-style battle suit in the spaceship.

   This is Joe El, the father of Superman, a battle suit made specifically for this dog, with the ability to resist magic.

   is exactly the same color and function as Clark's one.

   It turned out to be cheaper for Downey. Downey gave the suit to the Sky Eye to study, and after activating the small spaceship, he learned more about some of the structures inside.

  Ultra-high alloy material, more efficient engine.

   "Hey, I have to say, Joe that guy took great pains for his precious son, sending equipment, playmates and bodyguards."

   Downey sits in Kama Taj's hall, drinking hot tea.

   Downey strongly supports this kind of thing. Superman is the son of justice. Joe wants Superman to grow on the earth and become a god, but he also sends a reliable protector for the earth.

   The premise is that Superman is not blackened, such as in Injustice Super League or Guilty League Super League.

   It doesn't matter if it's blackened. With the magic inheritance of the earth, he will beat the blackened Superman as his son every minute.

   Before all this happens, Downey only needs to be a supreme mage.

   "Nick Tims, why do you want to find me?" Downey looked indifferent and said to the trembling assistant doctor who was in the dust.

   "I...I want to learn how to heal patients..." Nick Tims looked at the expressionless person in front of him as if facing a fierce beast, full of depression.

   This is also the difference between Downey and Gu Yi, Gu Yi will make people feel like a spring breeze, but Downey does not have that patience and temperament.

   "Go back, I don't know how to heal, and I don't know how to teach people to be good doctors."

   "No, you will! Please teach me, I want to heal more people!" Nick Timus said with emotion and trembling.

   Downey took a sip of tea and pondered for a moment: "Like Stephen Strange?"

   "Yes, do you know him too? He is a genius and saved a lot of people, but when he had an accident, I could do nothing!" Nick Tims covered his face in pain.

   He was Steven's assistant. Out of guilt, he voluntarily left the hospital and embarked on the path of studying medicine, and finally found Kama Taj.

   Downey looked at the poor man, lost in thought.

Nick Tims also appeared in the comic version. His talent is no less than that of Stephen. After being accepted as a disciple of Gu Yi, he was not good at learning skills and used magic to treat cancer patients, which directly led to the spread of cancer. Died on the spot.

   This is also the turning point where Nick Tims stepped onto the opposite of Stephen.

  He was also the first person Stephen Strange killed, and he was the last person to kill.

   "In this case, Mordor, you take this person down, arrange to Stephen's side, and conduct an all-round investigation at the same time. You will never allow him to leave until he has a wealth of knowledge."

   "If he breaks the rules, kill him."

   Downey was indifferent, and he did not shy away from the parties.

  Kama Taj is a holy place for the top wizards in the universe. It is a place to train superhuman beings and guardians. It is not a charity hall. There is no obligation to help poor people at all.

  Nick Tims trembles Both stunned and delighted to hear the familiar name "Steven", but also shivered at the coldness of this young man.

   Gu Yi will train everyone as heirs, exhausting his efforts, but Downey knows the plot and is very clear about some changes in the trajectory, which means that he does not need to spend too much effort, let alone cultivate a group of rebels.

   Such as Casillas, who has been killed long ago, and Mordor, who may have been blackened but led by Downey on the right path.

   Modu took Nick Tims out.

   There were shouts and shouts from outside. Wang Zheng led a group of wizards to follow the model of the wizard group of the Agalas Sanctuary to practice. He didn't know what the result would be.

   Downey slowly got up and walked to the depths of the temple, where a whirlpool was slowly opening.

   Downey's eyes narrowed slightly. This is a superb energy use, and the flowing divine power all shows the strength of the people coming.

   "Downey, the new supreme mage." The tall body looked at Downey across distant time and space, and his pale hair and beard set off the majesty even more.

   "Are you... God King Odin?"

   Downey nodded thoughtfully.

   It seems that Thor is coming to Earth.