Transformers In Marvel Chapter 302: King to king

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


All men are not created equal. – Izuku Midoriya


  Tor sat in the bar with a gloomy look and drinking.

   The bustling crowd, and the enchanting bar girl, can't attract even a little bit of Thor's interest.

  Tor suddenly became extremely depressed, how can there be the cheerful and wild style of the past?

   The blinking lights made his eyes hurt a little. He subconsciously wanted to yell at him, but he thought that he was just an ordinary mortal, so he drank dually.

   A large glass of beer, one after another.

   For Asgardians, being able to fight is important, but being able to drink is equally important!

   Thor, the **** of thunder, is the heir of the **** king Odin, and he has fought in the Nine Realms all the year round. Of course, he can drink and he can mingle with any soldier at the bottom.

   The fierce but kind-hearted Jane whispered comfort beside her and felt a heartache when she looked at the rapidly consumed beer.

   This is all money!

   She somewhat believes that Thor is the **** of thunder now, and the ruined scene that night really can't be explained by physics. The black-robed man who was condescending like a **** left a deep impression on her.

   Afterwards, she inquired in horror that the black-robed man was Downey, who had disappeared from the public's sight for a long time, and the real behind-the-scenes of the Sky Eye Club was also her boss.

   Just compare the face, and compare the photos taken by Downey before with the real person.

   "You don't have to be so low, didn't Downey give you a second chance? As long as you have that kind of king's heart, you can get your hammer back."

   Jane comforted, her dark eyes staring at the wine glass.

   "That's my hammer, but I want others to approve it?" Thor said to himself in a low voice, and grumbled another glass of beer, slapped it on the table, and shouted, "One more glass!"

  In the strange and awe-inspiring gaze of the bartender, a new glass was filled.

   "You have said that Downey is the Supreme Mage and the guardian of our world. It is not unacceptable to be able to pick up your hammer."

   Jane stared at the new glass of beer, and bit her lip subconsciously, with a heartbroken expression on her face.

   To put it bluntly, she still blames her heart for the money.

   According to Thor's way of drinking, even the cheapest beer would cost hundreds of dollars a night, which is terrible.

   "I will talk to the master of Taj Kama——" Half-talking, he stopped abruptly, and Thor was even more depressed.

   The relationship between Kama Taj and Asgard is very bad, and a thousand years ago, Thor also participated in the battle against the Celestial Team and Gu Yi. He lost both wars and barely saved his life.

   His Thor's Hammer has the blessings of the gods of the gods, and its power has skyrocketed. This made him complacent and felt that he was invincible. Apart from a few gods, no one was his opponent.

   But reality hit his confidence.

   Thousands of years later, Downey stabbed the proud Thor in the chest again.

   "I have paid all the money for this person's wine. I have the best wine."

   A clear female voice came, and a tall beauty appeared next to Thor naturally, tilted her body, and observed Thor closely.

   Jane's eyes lit up, and the voice of helping with the checkout is like a natural phenomenon to her who is struggling with life. I could see the woman staring straight at Thor. For some reason, her heart was full of jealousy and serious dissatisfaction.

"Who are you, go away! I can afford his alcohol! He is not the kind of person you think!" Jane was a little bit savory, especially when she saw the woman's towering **** and her back buttocks. It is not even more tasteful, cursing secretly in my heart.

   She thought this woman fell in love with Thor, who was strong and handsome, and wanted to come over and hook her up.

   The woman glanced at Jane with a smile. To her over a hundred years old, Jane was like a child who had not grown up.

"I've heard the legend of Thor since I was a child. I can see the real person, which is a bit disappointing. That Asgard's God of War, is such a decadent and numb alcoholic?" This heroic woman swipes her fingers on the bar, slender. Fingers caught the wine glass brought by the bartender and took a sip gracefully.

  Tor turned his head, seeing this charming woman, there was a glimmer of surprise in his eyes, but it was more of an accident, "Do you know me?"

"I don't know you, but I know you. In fact, this is the first time we met." The woman smiled, politely and gracefully stretched out her hand, "My name is Diana, from Paradise Island, the daughter of Zeus. "

   "Zeus?" Thor raised his head in astonishment, looking at the heroic woman.

   Although he has no divine power, but his vision is still there, and this woman also gives him a sense of danger.

   "Daughter of Zeus?!" Jane also lost her voice, lost her soul, and there was a paste in her mind.

   She felt she was going crazy.

   Look at Thor, then look at Diana.

  Well, one claims to be the son of Odin, and the other claims to be the daughter of Zeus.

   Jane had an illusion that this bar is actually a gathering place for the descendants of the Protoss, and she is the only outsider.

   "Or there are liars everywhere..." Jane murmured, her eyes dull.

   Three views were severely impacted by reality.

   "How do you prove that you are the daughter of Zeus? I also met Zeus back then. If you lie, you can't lie to me." Thor regained some energy and said in a deep voice.

   "Does this matter? Does my identity mean anything to you?" Diana took a sip of wine, and her attractive lipstick left a clear red mark on the glass.

Thor reluctantly reluctantly opened his eyes slightly, looked at Diana seriously, and said in a deep voice: "No matter what I become, I am still the son of Odin! I have an obligation to maintain Asgard's dignity. "

   Diana shook the glass, and the red wine revealed a crystal color under the light. It was very beautiful, as intoxicating as crystal.

   "If you don't answer me, or if it doesn't make sense to answer me, I will look down on you." Diana smiled and raised her mouth.

   This is a bit of Thor's appearance.

   Diana suddenly turned her head and shouted at the crowd: "You are here, it's better to have a drink together!"

   After waiting for a while, a fat man in a long robe squeezed out of the crowd with some effort, with gloomy face-his small eyes and an unsmiling expression made it feel like he was gloomy wherever he went.

   Thor and Jane looked at the fat man who suddenly appeared with some confusion.

   Thor asked Diana, "Do you know this person?"

   "Of course, I think you need to get to know yourself too." Diana smiled and asked the person who came, "Why don't you go drinking and just stand?"

"I have no money!"

Suddenly, Thor has a better feeling for this honest person. He was originally a straightforward person, and this fat guy can say that he has no money so upright and confident, so that Thor, who is in a better mood, feels that he has met the same kind~www really needs the same kind, a Diana who is also the daughter of the **** king, this is the same kind in identity, and now there is another kind in temperament.

   "Welcome, since it is Diana's friend, that is also my friend!" Thor smiled, and the haze above his head seemed to disappear quietly.

   "First introduce myself, I am Thor, the son of Odin, and I almost became the king of Asgard!" Thor smiled boldly.

   Among the same kind, it always makes people feel relaxed, not to mention Thor, who has been depressed for a long time.

   "Oh." The fat man drank a glass of wine in one breath and put it on the table. The color of his entire face looked better, he said.

   "I am also the king, the king of Kama Taj!"


  Note: Da Luotian is an independent small world, the residence of the heaven, the residence of the immortals, this is the setting of the original Marvel, not I made up. In DC, the people of Odin Zeus Jade Emperor are all old gods, unique creatures, living in a unified world called "Heaven City" in the realm of gods.

In terms of the worldview of this book, such as the world of Wan Tianyi and the realm of gods, it is taken from the DC worldview, while the world tree system has chosen the Marvel setting, setting the gods such as Odin as multiple creatures, erasing the gods. Heaven in the realm of the world.