Transformers In Marvel Chapter 307: The way to the only possibility

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


There's nothing crueler than letting a dream end midway. – Shouta Aizawa


"I seem to understand that Hollenmeier did not exterminate the Martians after becoming the only one, but before becoming the only one..."

   "Maybe, he became the only creature after killing the Martian."

   "But is there an inevitable connection between this?"

   Downey sat down on his supreme **** armor, silently thinking.

   Outside, a new round of red storm blew up again, and there was a whining sound as if the dead soul of a dead Martian was wailing.

   The sound is mixed.

   Downey believes that no one can do such a thankless thing with a full stomach. Why does Hollenmeier go to great lengths to destroy the Martian civilization that worships himself in the multiverse?

   Let the Martian civilization exist. Does it have any effect?

   In other words, what benefits can Hollenmeier bring to Hollenmeier by destroying countless Martian civilizations?

   "Maybe I think too much, maybe Hollenmeyer is a lunatic, he just wants to kill the Martian..."

   "Or, it takes a lot of souls to be promoted to the only one? It would be more labor-saving than destroying the universe directly. No, it is also possible that Hollenmeier is a member of the Martian civilization."

   Downey's expression moved slightly, he seemed to have caught something.

   The only promotion is to permanently imprison the power of time and space on oneself, leaving the passage of time and the overlap of space powerless.

   Let your soul and consciousness be the only existence in the entire world, which cannot be played with or desecrated.

   Then if you kill yourself in the parallel universe, let your current self be the only one left...

   "No, it's not that simple. There must be something I don't know about."

   Downey suppressed his doubts. Now he is only a demigod. No demigod can be promoted to the only one. He still has a long way to go.

   There are some things that I don't understand, so I'll keep them in my mind for the time being, and I'll figure it out when necessary.

   Downey patted the ground. In an instant, countless metal deposits were discovered and controlled by Downey, and countless pieces of unrefined metal rose into the air in the cracked ground.

   After some harsh rustling, only the purest metals, iron, aluminum, gold, silver, etc., were left. Massive amounts of metal materials gathered, and under Downey's control, they began to piece together at an astonishing speed.

   "First create a shallow base. You can't open a portal to transport materials from the earth every time."

   Under Downey's fine control, a large amount of metal, layered on top of each other, formed a huge building complex.

   The periphery of the building complex is surrounded by several layers of 100-meter-high metal walls.

   These buildings were deliberately made by Downey to be tall and large. Each entrance and exit door is 20 meters high and 30 meters wide.

   These are just a hasty building complex. Downey is only responsible for providing a place to live. The rest will be completed by the real Cybertronians after they settle here.

   "It would be great if a base could be built on the moon, there are also rich minerals on the moon..."

   Downey touched his chin, a little regretful.

   The moon is the closest to the Earth, and the temperature conditions are not terrible. One of the reasons why Downey gave up making the ninth planet is the temperature problem.

   Planet Nine is too far away from the sun, and the amount of heat it absorbs is extremely limited. Even Cybertron's metal body is a huge burden.

   Also, the production of heat is also a big problem, which consumes huge amounts of resources out of thin air.

   Just imagine, an all-metal planet without ever-regenerating corpses of burning animals and plants, where to produce heat, relying solely on nuclear fusion?

   is not impossible. Where does the huge uranium mine that can supply an extremely cold planet come from? Relying on Downey to open the portal to transport from other planets? Downey will be exhausted. And where do the raw materials for the metal planet come from?

   And the owner of the moon won't allow Downey to do things casually.

   is on the back of the moon, where the mighty alien race lives here, so Downey had to give up the idea of ​​occupying the moon.

   The alien race on the moon is of course not comparable to the weak chickens on the earth. The leader of the moon alien race, the black bat king, is a seven-level life form.

   Unless Downey brings the gem of time, it is difficult to beat the Black Bat.

   And there is no need to compete with the black bat king, there is no absolute conflict between them, and it is unwise to offend a powerful enemy.

   "Would you like to try to get in touch with aliens? You can start with aliens on Earth."

   Downey deliberated, thinking about the follow-up plan.

   Different people and mutants are two different groups. Mutants are descendants of anomalies 20,000 years ago. After the anomalies were annihilated by the Celestial Group, primitive humans who inherited a little gene were selected by the Celestial Group as a new experimental target. The mutant genes of the abnormalities in the body were also modified by the Celestial Group.

   This is the origin of the X gene and mutants.

  The alien race is the product of Cree's biotechnology.

   The Eternals were defeated by anomalous, and they were ambushed and hunted by the Cree when they were exiled to the interstellar world. Many Eternals were arrested and studied, and the aliens were the genetic products that the Crees transformed the primitive Earth people.

   It turned out that the Black Bat King was such a freak, and I don't know if the Cree would go crazy with jealousy. A powerful existence of level 7 is actually their genetic experiment product, even the mighty Kerry civilization does not have a level 7 existence.

Otherwise, the Kerry people would not have been cleaned up so miserably by the only remaining descendant of the Eternal— Thanos Downey shook his head and looked at the huge building complex in front of him with satisfaction, Although extremely rough, it is powerful enough to overwhelm any building complex on the earth.

   This will be one of the temporary strongholds of the solar system for the residents of Cybertron.

   Cybertron certainly cannot stay in this small place in the solar system forever, let alone stay in this universe forever.

   Downey also thought, if one day he really becomes a great and powerful being, he will find a way to be promoted to sole, and then he will find a way to promote Cybertron to sole.

   Downey will lead the planet Cybertron and his inhabitants to hit the wall of superpowers together and enter the realm of gods!

   He wants to build the entire planet of Cybertron into a super planet like the Apocalypse star of Darkside and the new creation star of Heavenly Father!

   has become one of the many supreme realms in the realm of gods!

   But the process must be extremely difficult, maybe Downey won't finish it until death.

   A portal slowly opened, and Downey glanced at the red Martian world for the last time, then stepped in and returned to Earth.

   At this time, New York is still night, and suddenly from noisy Mars to quiet darkness, this contrast can easily cause discomfort.

   Downey returned to the Tang Manor, took a shower, walked to the room in the dark, and sneaked into the bed. His hands had already touched Wanda's crisp **** dishonestly.

   In Wanda's low exclamation and shame, everything seemed extremely harmonious.

   In the yard, Crypto raised his head vigilantly, then a pair of dog eyes showed contempt and disdain, "Wang" expressed contempt, and then continued to lie down to rest.