Transformers In Marvel Chapter 309: Zha Kang: You will win, right?

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Whether you win or lose, looking back, and learning from your experience is a part of life. – All Might


Four ghastly figures appeared outside Downey Manor.

   The Witch Heart Demon brought his three banished lackeys, followed the spirit of the ghost rider, and came to the door.

   From the outside, the Witch Mind Demon looks like a young man with over-make-up. His thick eyeliner makes people nauseous, and his pale and bloodless skin shows a bit of coldness.

"The knight is here..." The Witch Heart Demon looked at the door coldly and waved his hand. "You three, go and kill him, and let my stupid father see. He has everything behind in this world. The kid's trick. The world he has not conquered for thousands of years will be occupied by me in one breath."

   "We are not your subordinates!" The water monster seemed to be drenched all over, with water vapor, and his tone was very dissatisfied.

   "You have no other choice, either follow me or return to heaven, do you see if the group of angels will let you go!" The Wizard sneered and sneered.

  Water Demon, Wind Demon, and Earth Demon are all elemental creatures. They were originally inhabitants of heaven, but were kicked out during Michael's purge and became wanderers.

   These three creatures then went to the witch heart demon of **** for him to drive.

   The three elemental creatures glanced at each other, and they all saw the helplessness in each other's eyes. Although they were dissatisfied, they had to bow their heads to reality.

   "The guardian of this planet is not there, no one can threaten our survival." The demon agreed lukewarm, and arrogantly took the lead towards the manor.

   With a wave of hands, countless sand particles rolled up from the ground, wrapped around the iron gate, and pulled slightly, the high-alloy gate deformed like mud and was thrown aside.

   Although the three creatures were originally inhabitants of paradise, their combat power is also the weakest. Not to mention competing with guardians of paradise like Michael, they are not even demigods.

   But no matter how bad he was, he was once a resident of paradise, somewhat emboldened.

   As a result, they hit the iron plate head-on, destined to bleed their heads.

The violent sound of    attracted a large number of undead soldiers, and various weapons greeted them one after another, but after the smoke and dust passed, the four were safe and sound.

   The three elemental creatures ignored the physical attacks, and the Heart Witch had no soul at all, and could not die at all.

   "Hey, the blood of these mortals actually smells like hell..." The Witch Heart demon raised his eyebrows, and felt an extremely deep demon aura on a few undead warriors.

   That is the breath from the resurrection spring.

  The witch heart demon's eyes suddenly turned black, as if some kind of strange power burst out. In an instant, hundreds of undead warriors present all uttered painful sounds together, and the flesh and blood of the body began to dry up quickly.

   Their souls are being pulled by the Witch Heart Demon.

   At this moment, a powerful magical power was transmitted, forcibly cutting off the control of the Heart Sorcerer, and arbitrarily shoving everyone's almost separated souls back.

   Most of these undead warriors fell to the ground, their faces pale.

   "Playing soul spells in front of Kama Taj's mage, son of Mephisto, are you looking for death?"

   Downey was wearing a black robe and slowly walked out of the darkness, the slow and calm magical fluctuations gradually became smooth, but the murderous aura like a volcano was brewing in Downey's body.

   The other members of the Tang family were also alarmed, and their faces appeared one by one.

   Max, Betty, Wanda, Ghost Rider and others appeared one after another.

   "Who are you?" Witch Heart Demon tilted his head.

   Everyone's mouth twitched.

   This Mephisto's son threatened to occupy the earth, but he didn't even know the guardian of the earth?

   "My target is him, my father's running dog." The Witch Heart demon pointed to the evil spirit knight, and said arrogantly, "No matter who you are, the only thing that dares to interfere with me is death..."

   "I'm dying, you uncle!" Betty instantly turned into a red giant, roaring, and ramming like a land tank, directly knocking the Heart Demon into flight for more than 30 meters.

   "Do it, kill them!" Downey also gave an order, and everyone brazenly did it and rushed towards the three elemental creatures.

   The Demon is the most upright, yelling and rushing forward, but it is a pity that Max is faster than him! The endless electric light flooded him, and his body was turned into glass under the action of lightning on the spot, and was shattered.

  The water demon is the most cunning. He tried to escape for the first time, but he was surrounded by the **** fire of the evil spirit knight and burned alive.

   The only remaining wind demon has the strongest life-saving ability, but it was directly distorted out of thin air by Wanda, who is proficient in chaos magic, and restored to the most primitive energy particles.

   "Yes, the chaos magic used is getting more and more adept." Downey praised, and then personally, came to the front of the Demon Witch in an instant, grabbed him by the collar, and lifted him up.

"If all the demons in **** are as stupid as you, then I will save much trouble. I have to say that you have not inherited one hundred thousandth of the cunning of your father. I suspect that you are the result of the devil next door. ." Downey sneered mercilessly.

   Mind Witch was a little surprised, and looked at the three subordinates killed in disbelief. This mortal world seemed to be different from what he had imagined? He quickly calmed down and let out a low laugh, "I didn't expect that among the lamb-like human beings, there are people like you, which are different from what I know."

   "It's okay, just use your life to make up for it." Downey punched it hard, and with a bang, a huge gap appeared in the wizard's chest.

   But the Mind Sorcerer still sneered, and his voice became more and more wild, "Stupid, don't you know that I am immortal?"

   Downey punched again, smashing the wizard's mouth.

   The Witch Heart Demon waited with scarlet eyes, staring at Downey, full of bitterness and resentment.

   was stared at by a pure little devil, which may also be a lot of trouble.

   Another low roar full of tyrannical aura came. Along with the sudden burst of teleportation power, a three-meter-high creature appeared and roared up to the sky. The sharp horns on his head indicated the identity of this visitor.

   A demon, the most common kind of demon in hell.

   Downey frowned, looking badly at the figure behind the demon, " I warned you not to use Grand Summoning casually."

   Behind this demon, the light of the teleportation array slowly dissipated, and Constantine, with a smirk and helpless face, slowly walked out.

   "This is not a big summoning technique, it is a small summoning technique that extends from the big summoning technique, but it has been applied with some materials and fixed coordinates..."

   Constantine's crying face, messy hairstyle and stubborn beard, set off his young age like a greasy middle-aged uncle.

   Under Downey's gaze, Constantine winked at him, trying to express something, but Constantine's expressive ability was really lacking, just like his character, full of unreliable meaning.

   But until a guy with a gentleman's stick showed up, Downey finally knew who was doing the trick.

   "I'm sorry, I originally wanted to watch the excitement here, after all, I am a **** detective who specializes in dealing with various demons and charging rewards..."

   Constantine was almost crying, and pointed his finger at the common demon that was first summoned, and then looked at the guy next to him.

   "I can't help it either. Gu Yi is on the top. For the sake of us fighting side by side, Downey, you must be able to deal with Mephisto, right?"

   Constantine sighed for a while, and Downey's eyelids jumped wildly when the hopeful look came over.

   What is the natural sense of sight and the feeling of wanting to hit someone?

"It's been a long time, Downey, I've been looking forward to this day, looking forward to harvesting my delicious soul." Mephisto walked up tremblingly, took off his hat politely, and smiled sternly, hoarsely. Said the voice.