Transformers In Marvel Chapter 320: Sao van gonza

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"Now I feel that maybe knowing who I actually am is the key to reaching perfection. Because that means knowing what I can and cannot do." – Itachi Uchiha


"What are you talking about? Saint Van Gonzal? It was snatched by the Witch Heart Demon long ago..."

   The previous generation of ghost rider Carter Shrei answered Downey's question with a gloomy look, and there was an unconcealable fear on that old face.

   Carter Shrei knew very well that Downey, the newly appointed Supreme Mage, was vicious and would never give him too much time and opportunity to play tricks.

   "It's a pity..." Downey frowned and threw Carter Sleigh to the ground. He clapped his hands as if cleaning up the dust on his hands.

   "Why don't you give it to Johnny directly? He has a stronger power than you, a younger body, and a steady stream of **** flames. Why not give him the contract directly?"

"I don't trust him. He is too young. The last time I saw him, it was the new spirit of revenge when he was crazy at night when he was killing people with a simple mind, and it was Mephisto's contract spirit. How could I rest assured Saint Van Gonzal give it to him?"

   Carter Sleigh got up from the ground, and looked down at his clothes covered with silt, complaining a little, this is his only set of clothes left.

There is a vengeful connection between the spirits of vengeance. As a veteran ghost rider, Carter Sleigh still has a little power of the spirit of vengeance in his body. He found Johnny the first time, and then at dawn, Johnny, who had recovered from a coma, was dragged back home.

   This is their only meeting.

   was also the first time that the cunning old fellow Carter Sleigh tried, but the result was not satisfactory to him. If possible, he would be very happy to hand over Saint Van Gonzal to a reliable person, and the province was afraid to keep the secret.

   He is very old, and it is the time to comfortably enjoy his leisure time in his later years.

"I can't help it, the Supreme Master, I don't have any vengeance in my body anymore. I am not the opponent of the Heart Sorcerer. He stepped on my head and forced me, otherwise, he would kill 10,000 people like me the next day. The price of non-cooperation..." Carter Sleigh said bitterly.

Downey smiled, looking like a villain on a black and windy night, squatted down and patted Carter Sley's head with one hand, staring into his eyes, seeming to want to see through.

"Old guy, you can't lie to me, the Heart Sorcerer can't kill you at all, otherwise you won't be able to live until now!" Downey tapped with his index finger one after another, "But forget it, I don't care if you are out of protection. From the perspective of civilians, I still want to protect myself, but you did save me big trouble."

   Downey stared into Carter Sley's eyes and really saw the trace of **** flame hidden in the deepest part.

   Carter Shrei is always brewing the last furious attack.

   Carter Shrei was silent, lying on the ground as if he had accepted his fate.

   Downey gave a hey, gave Carter Sleigh a playful look, opened the portal, and directly arrived at a strange town.

   After waiting for Downey to leave for a long time, Carters Lei tentatively raised his head, looked around, heaved a sigh of relief, and wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead.

   In a short period of time, Downey put too much pressure on him.

   "This place is not safe anymore, I have to change it again..." Carter Sleigh struggled to get up, the flame in his eyes was completely hidden, sealed by his treasure, just like in the past.

   He picked up his broken shovel and sighed, his eyes also showed a trace of worry, I hope someone can kill the sorcerer...


   There is no one in a dilapidated and old town.

   This is located in a remote corner of the mainland. I don't know why, it has been abandoned by people long ago. Only the dusty and leaky houses are left, which indicates that humans lived here.

   In fact, the residents of this small town, in fact, have already become undead, and they are measured in an ancient contract called "San Van Gonzal".

  Whoever can get Saint Van Gonzal can seize control of all the undead and gain the power of the undead.

   For those with special skills, this way of forcibly integrating the undead is extremely rough and stupid, and it will cause huge pollution and load on their souls.

  For the Wizard and Mephisto, there is no such thing. They desperately want to obtain the Saint Van Gonzal contract, strengthen their strength, rule the earth, and establish a new order.

  Sometimes, it is very simple to destroy a person. It is enough to permanently deprive you of what you should give.

   Just as Mephisto did to his son Witchheart.

In the declining town, the witch heart demon smiled evilly, with a hideous look, showing the densely sharp teeth in his mouth, and his black and white eyeballs were quickly replaced by pitch-black eyes. The sheepskin scroll he was holding tightly in his hand, Under the influence of Juli, became distorted.

   "Father, what you are not willing to give me, I will finally get it, I will gain power beyond you, kill you, and build my world."

   Under the manic appearance of the witch heart demon, he tried to suppress the ecstatic heart, so that his body trembled slightly.

   As long as the soul in the contract is absorbed and swallowed, he will be able to gain powerful power and the characteristic of unlimited regeneration.

   drove out his father Mephisto completely and took possession of everything.

  , standing on the other side of the street of the town as an avatar of Mephisto, who is present in his own posture, laughed unscrupulously. The harsh rubbing sound seemed to be a mockery of some kind of joke.

"My child, you don't know anything about the nature of this contract..." Mephisto sneered, and the sharp horns on top of his head slowly exploded, reflecting the shadow of the demon's body, slowly elongating and covering it. A large space behind him.

   Mordu slowly walked out of the shadows, his face was as dark as ever, but at this time, he was inevitably a little Oh. A servant? "Heart Witch sneered in a low voice, "My father, you are always like this. You hide in the dark like a mouse and play tricks. You have the name of a big devil, but you don't have even a trace of the big devil's bearing. Look. Looking at you now, even if you are dealing with your children, you must rely on the power of the lamb! "

   "So, you are only worthy of being chased by Gu Yi, and I will wait for you to be promoted to the new great demon after you die! I will use the earth as the stronghold of the new lord!"

   The witch heart demon arrogantly opened his arms and opened them to the sides, clutching Saint Van Gonzal with his right hand. Under the cold eyes of Mephisto and Mordo, he pressed it fiercely, and the filthy power poured in and activated the contract.

Numerous screams were suddenly uttered from the contract. Then, not only the contract itself, but the whole town was alive. A large number of dead souls suddenly appeared. There were children, old people, and women... They could not wait for one by one. He got out and slammed into the body of Heart Sorcerer.

   Every time one more undead enters the body of the Heart Witch Demon, the power of the Heart Witch Demon grows by one point.

   "What an idiot..."

Mephisto laughed in a low voice, turned his head and looked at Mordo next to him, and said in a kind voice, "Soon, I will occupy this world, and I will give up the opportunity to destroy Kama Taj. You, those hypocritical people, you have the opportunity to solve them by yourself..."

   "No need, no matter what, I won't cooperate with a demon." Mordu's face was ugly, but his voice was surprisingly calm.

   Mephisto stopped for a while and smiled silently. The teeth that were inadvertently exposed at the corner of his mouth flashed with a cold light on this dark night.