Transformers In Marvel Chapter 387: Only 1 (one)

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


  The black light permeated, cutting off the color of the universe.

   The endless stars, shrouded in a terrifying to extreme blackness, are looming, and finally completely lost.

   is like a giant curtain appearing abruptly, destroying all the matter in the line of sight, and even the timeline is covered. The correction from the universe itself, after several struggles, has to withdraw from this black area.

  The black light covered the black, exuding a palpitation breath.

   "Donny! When I replace you, I will be promoted to the only one! Get rid of the cowardly kind and become the one and only one!"

   The face of No. 1 is frenzied, mixed with indescribable madness and obsession. He raised his right hand, as if performing some kind of sacred ritual, and finished everything he had planned long ago. At this moment, he was finishing off.

   is also the final sublimation.

  The black figure slammed into it, and his enthusiastic eyes gleamed in the darkness, and the huge power broke the luster of the infinite gem and pressed against Downey's chest.


   spouted out a very small amount of blood, most of which were fragments of internal organs.

   Downey's body had long been emptied of blood.

   looks very weak in front of the enemy who is in charge of the plot gem.

   Two human shadows, a little bit, overlap where the black light spreads.

   At this moment, beyond the comprehensible scope of time and space, the interference of the quantum realm is also repelled in one fell swoop. The black light forms a kind of enclosed area, which begins to peel away everything within, including the soul.

   "This is your plan? Be the only one by replacing me?"

   Downey lowered his head and watched his body gradually disappearing and disintegrating indifferently. His left hand had already turned into countless particles, disappearing little by little in a way that was visible to the naked eye.

   At the moment of contact, Downey understood No. 1's plan.

   It is extremely difficult to be promoted to the only one, not to mention that No. 1 is just an ordinary person, even if he gets the plot gem, he is just an ordinary person, how can he be able to be promoted to the only one?

   Therefore, the number 1 method is to nurture Downey and replace Downey in the end.

   is like cultivating a beautiful flower, watering and removing insects every day to make the flower healthier. All the hard work is to finally pick the flower, and then the cultivator himself will take the place of the flower.

   In other words, it is fusion.

"What do you think the source of fire is? Why do you think I should arrange a unique prop for you?" No.1's expression was extremely enthusiastic, he let out bursts of suppressed laughter, showing ecstasy, and in those eyes Uncontrollable excitement.

   "Build the only **** with the only item!"

   "As long as I fuse you and erase you, yours is mine, and mine is mine!" No. 1 said with a twisted expression.

   The arm began to dissipate, and the flood of countless particles drifted away, dividing, shrinking, repeating endlessly, and finally disappearing.

But behind this, there are amazing changes. Under the forcible kneading of the plot gems, No. 1 is disappearing, and Downey is also disappearing. From the body to the soul, it is dissipating, and then it is carried out at the level of ultrafine particles. The vast project of re-modification.

   When all the particles have been erased and become the purest matter, they are combined, like a videotape replayed, to gather everything together again.

   It's just that, among them, the memory and habits of No. 1 will be preserved, while Downey's will disappear.

   The method of No. 1 is to actively merge, and then you can have Downey's soul and body and also contain his own point of origin, which is a new source after fusion and modification.

At that time, the original Downey will disappear, only No. 1, the one that inherits everything Downey, the old memory, self-cognition, ability to discern, the truth of witness, everything, there is only one Replaces Downey's No. 1.

   The new body and the new soul are everything that Downey has, and it is the one that has washed away Downey's old No. 1.

"I used plot gems to fix all your duals, so that those few accidents survived you, and died of various accidents one after another! I have done so much for you and saved you so many times, now you should Give me back!"

   "You who have the source of fire to suppress this universe, so that you will not be obliterated by accidental changes anyway, this is what I give you-no, it is a precious opportunity for me to prepare for myself!"

   "With the unique characteristics of the fire source, build a brand new you!"

   "Then, I will be you! And the original me will disappear!!"

   "A life born from a single prop...Although there are many more irrelevant memories, what can be done? Any single life can easily obtain the memories of countless ordinary people! It is not important at all!"

   Under the dark curtain, No.1 changed its tone of voice, yelling hysterically, and the more he said it, the crazier it became.

   The success that is close at hand, the new life that is forcibly born under the blessing of the gems of the plot!

   The one that was born from the one, everything is for him!

   He had planned so many times, he was near death several times, and finally got here!

  Although... the time is a bit early, and Downey attracted him out in advance, it is not important. If it is a big deal, he will start in advance. Anyway, he has a plot gem!

   The ninth most weird and mysterious infinite gem!

   "To be honest, I am really worried that you will be slaughtered halfway, otherwise I will not feel the breath of the teleportation array, and I will rush back from hell."

The entire face of No. 1 is transformed into a stream of fuzzy particles. In the microcosm, they collide with each other. After a short while, his face will change into a large number of fine particles and melt into new particles.

   Downey's whole body also gradually collapsed. He silently felt this wonderful change, and his deep eyes could not see the slightest worry.

   "Do you remember, I always like to leave myself a few more cards..."

   Suddenly, Downey said, his face also showing a weird smile, and an inexplicable emotion was slowly brewing.

   No. 1 was slightly startled, uneasiness arose in his heart, but the black plot gem gave him confidence. He sneered and said: "Then you take it out, let me see what cards you have to play!"

   ridiculous, all traces of their existence are being erased, rebuilt, and revised, what cards are there to play now?

   Did King fry?


   Downey raised his right hand with the last bit of strength, and on the Infinite Glove, the red gem lit up a strange red light.

   Like a brush that cleans up the filth of reality, the red barrier slowly traverses, reappearing what has been hidden from beginning to end.

   In the open palm, the orange light shone silently, and the orange beautiful gemstone floated slowly and leisurely in the air.

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