Transformers In Marvel Chapter 383: I'm Downey

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


  The cosmic body is heading towards death, like a withered giant tree.

   The Sannomiya, which was little by little destroyed by the infinite gems, was observed by the top forces in the universe, and countless cheers rang out and countless people congratulated each other.

   Although I don't understand what happened, it seems that the terrible enemy Sannomiya has been defeated.

   Except for a handful of people such as the Observer Frogtu, most of them couldn't clearly observe the battle. They didn't even know who had accomplished the feat of breaking the Sannomiya.

   But this is not important, this kind of thing will spread throughout the universe sooner or later.

   At the edge of the universe, all matter was wiped out, leaving only an empty piece. The repairing power of the universe itself is still repairing those destroyed spaces and basic rules.

   Especially the large amount of blood domain energy pouring in from the gap is just like a virus, and it has super lethal power to the creatures in the universe.

   This thing, even those interstellar warships that can travel through the universe, must be treated with care, otherwise they will be planted accidentally.

   Blocking the energy of the blood domain and repairing the trauma of the universe should be the responsibility of the watchers, but the watchers disappeared for unknown reasons, and they were suspected of being taken back by the main watcher.

   The two figures looked at each other in the air, with cold eyes and undisguised chill, full of vigilance towards each other.

   To be precise, it was Downey who was wary of the thin man, and the thin man didn't care about some of Downey's small movements at all.

   He looked at the plot gem in his hand obsessively. With this thing, even if the body of the only **** came, he could escape comfortably even if he couldn't beat it.

  Even Sannomiya died in his hands, and the real horror results fully demonstrated the weirdness and mystery of the plot gems.

   Downey frowned, and asked nonchalantly, "Why kill Gu Yi?"

   "Killed easily, who asked her to come to me to die, and if it weren't for her, I wouldn't have exposed it so early." The thin man raised his head and sneered.

   Downey was silent.

   "Why, angry?" The thin man sneered, and a black light knocked Downey into the air. "You were created by me, and you can't keep me from thinking about it."

   "A small piece of ancient one actually makes you angry? Narrow vision, there are countless ancient one in the entire multiverse. If this is dead, it is a big deal to go to another universe and get one back."

   The thin man stiffened his stiff and thin body, and raised his eyebrows slightly: "You are really... innocent and terrible. I am really worried that you will be killed someday and I will leave empty-handed."

   Downey's flying figure gradually stopped. He stood silently in a vacuum. The five gems were scarred and dilapidated. The golden infinity gloves had lost their luster, and they looked no different from ordinary gloves.

  Only the fire source in my mind remains active, constantly flashing luster, and terribly bright.

   Against Sannomiya, he did not use the power of the fire source at all, and completely used infinite gems to meet the enemy.

   Another black light was pressed down, and the plot correction power distorted his movements, expressions, and thoughts. It seemed that there was a kind of magical power that made him follow the other party's ideas.

   The source of fire trembled, helping Downey get rid of the modification of the plot gem and return to normal.

   "You shouldn't kill her... You can beat her half to death and throw it away, or you can drive her out with a wave of your hand. There is no need to kill her..."

   Downey whispered: "You already have a plot gem. As a multi-creature creature, you can't fight against you at all. You only need to move your fingers to drive her away..."

   To be able to develop resistance to plot gems, at least a single creature is required.

   Or like Downey now, there is a single prop to suppress him, nailing him like a nail.

   Koichi, there is no possibility of winning in front of the opponent.

   The supreme mage who has guarded the earth for many years, the true supreme mage... just died. He thought about many possibilities, but he really didn't expect it, it was just "smooth"...

   At the beginning, it was Gu Yi who led Downey to the entry, crossing the four-level threshold; it was Gu Yi who helped him encircle Domam, helped him complete the plan, and was promoted to a demigod without a billion.

This is still on the surface. In fact, many things that Downey did, such as the risk of slaughtering Hulk, were all because of the ancient one. No matter how bad things turned out to be, such as Hulk's sudden infinite evolution to four-handed Hulk, there will be Gu Yi stood up to clean up the mess.

   But now, Gu Yi, is dead.

   can't come back again.

   As for the ancient one in another universe? Oh, is that the Gu Yi he knew...

   The thin man seemed to be very, very interested in Downey in this state. He touched his chin with a sense of surprise and looked at him in surprise.

"What the **** did the fat man think on the 99th, he actually chose such a role. Sentimental? This kind of stuff is sure to live for a long time? If I don't come out early, maybe this guy doesn't know who killed him. People are worried..."

   The thin man thought for a while. Although the timing was wrong, it was barely able to use it. He felt that he had better start as soon as possible, otherwise he would lose a lot when Downey was killed by someone.

   This Downey can only be killed by himself.

   is the only way to do so, it is worthwhile for him to take such a big risk, everything is for... promotion only!

   "You did so much to make me grow up? Then to make it easier for you to harvest?" Downey suddenly said, raising his arms and suppressing his sadness, leaving only the monstrous anger.

   "That's This is the only way, and there is no way."

   Thin "Donny" stepped forward and said with a sneer: "Your memory is from me, and your experience and habits are from me."

   "Your feelings, your thoughts, and everything about you are all born of me."

   "You, Donny, have never been a traverser."

   "I am the traverser... what you know is what I want you to know, and it is also what I can know."

   "You, from beginning to end, are not a member of'us', but a small character who has been modified by'us'!"

   "I'm Downey! The real Downey!"

   The thin man speaks faster and faster, and his face is getting more and more ferocious.

He recalled that he lost half of his life to save his life in a certain universe. He also remembered the strange events he encountered when he first came to the universe, and he had spent countless efforts to get the continuity of the plot that belonged to him. gem...

  The more you think about it, the more hostile spirit will rise, and the look will become more vicious like a ghost!

   Give so much, everything is for the guy in front of me!

   The thin man stretched out his hand slowly, and the black light filled his face. His entire face was twisted into a ball, with greed and desire, hatred and hatred.

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