Transformers In Marvel Chapter 342: 1 punch 1 starscream

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"Religion, ideology, resources, land, spite, love or just because… No matter how pathetic the reason, it's enough to start a war. War will never cease to exist… reasons can be thought up after the fact… Human nature pursues strife." – Nagato Uzumaki


Two more floating giants floated over.

The fifty-meter-long body size, coupled with the powerful alloy covering the surface, was the unfavorable biological weapon of the Zetarians in the past, and the most powerful war weapon except for the interstellar warship.

Until they met Megatron.

Even if a large number of Zita Swiss soldiers attacked Megatron, the bombardment on Megatron's special Type IV body was like a bright bubble, which burst with a soft sound, and then there was no waves.

Type IV is the latest result of Downey's research, the highest research result of special secondary Edman alloy + vibrato, which can not only retain the millions of tons resistance and self-healing ability of special secondary Edman alloy, but also Possesses the ability of vibrating gold to absorb and release energy.

It is similar to the original Edman alloy, that is, the shield in the hands of Captain America, but it is far inferior in hardness.

The shield of the US team was developed by Tony's father who mixed a lot of rare metals including vibrato, and it has not been able to be copied so far.

Called the hardest metal in the universe, it also has the energy-absorbing properties of vibrating gold.

Although Type IV is not as good as that shield, it is enough to sling most enemies.

Even if Megatron stood here for the Zetarians to fight, unless they used the starship's main gun, Megatron would only be unharmed.

You don't even need to use the "blood" in the body-energy, and it depends on the body to eat raw.

In Megatron's scarlet pupils, a dangerous light flashed, and the muzzle on the left arm quickly collapsed and became a large number of parts, which were merged into the left arm. When the last layer of parts healed, the whole left arm It's still so silvery, it's all one.

"Two reptiles, these are the weapons of war of the cosmic robbers?" Megatron sneered in a low voice, stretched out his right arm, turned his wrist to his back, and grabbed the eight-meter-long giant sword.

This giant sword is eight meters long and two meters wide. The tip of the giant sword has barbs protruding from the left and right sides, and the tips of the barbs are exposed with cold light and exudes a cold atmosphere.

Megatron used his sturdy arms, as if pinching a straw, and easily picked up the great sword. The diameter of one of his arms was already more than one metre. It was so strong that it was easy to start with this ten-ton giant sword.

The wind howled, it was the gale brought by the high-speed movement of two giant floating beasts. The shadows that diffused over were the sky that was concealed by a large number of Zetari aircraft.

Megatron looked up and roared like a **** of war. The two explosive thighs burst out with more than 300 tons of power in an instant, transmitted to the soles of the feet, and trampled the roof of the 600-meter building on the spot. Huge void.

Tons of waste rocks rolled down the cave and fell to the next level, making loud noises.

At the moment when the entire top floor collapsed, Megatron moved.

From being still to suddenly violent, the dark silver body, against the shadow, held the huge sword high in his right hand, as if it was about to split the whole world in the next second!

The giant didn't growl any more, but the seriously crazy red silently told everyone how excited he was and how eager to fight.

From top to bottom, the huge body drew up a huge sword in the air, ignoring the dense artillery fire, and fiercely smashed at the head of a floating giant beast!

Puff! !

The alloy armor on the head of the giant beast, like tofu, was easily chopped, and even the head with the giant beast was split open, exposing the brain inside. A huge sword in Megatron's hands has produced far more shocking results than a thermal weapon.

With one sword, a huge floating beast was killed.

The poor behemoth wailed on the spot, and the split head spattered a large amount of light green blood, sprayed on Megatron's body, weakly fading to the ground, and crashed through three tall buildings in the middle.

Countless Zita Swiss soldiers standing on it were also killed by the fallen behemoth.

"Wow!" Tony couldn't help whistling.

Megatron jumped again. Before the giant beast hits the ground, he stepped on half of his head and smashed it on the spot. With this force, Megatron jumped under the other giant beast and stretched out. He took out the giant sword with a cruel look in his eyes, and pierced the head of the second giant beast.

At this moment, the world belonged to Megatron, and everyone was shocked by the brutality of this guy.

"Look, that big guy!" As the terrified civilians were on the run, someone pointed to Megatron, who slaughtered the Qitarians like a **** of war, with a look of surprise.

A large number of images have also been transmitted to the world and seen by people all over the world.

Megatron smashed two giant beasts to death one after another, and the other giants did not dare to come over, and one after another bypassed him. Ordinary trash fish was easily slaughtered by Megatron. He seldom used guns and slashed directly with a huge sword. Every time he swung his strong arm, he could wash out a large blank.

"It's boring, I only used less than one Baidu's energy." Megatron knocked his head, and after examining every item of his body, he suddenly felt a little bored.

[Name: Megatron]

[Affiliation: Decepticon Legion (Leader)]

[Body: Type IV (good)]

[Height: 10 meters]

[Energy: 100,000 degrees (enriched)]

[Tinder: active (good)]


Up to now, the energy has lost a total of 3090 degrees, leaving 100000 degrees.

This is not a calculation error, because his recovery speed is 10 degrees per second. As long as his fire state remains "active", just as a healthy heart can provide more and more abundant blood, as long as the fire is active, he can replenish a small amount of energy.

Unless the flames dimmed over time, then he should eat super-energy crystals.

However, from his birth to the present, Tinder has always been active, and will continue to be active for a long time in the future. At this rate, he will only need to consume super-energy crystals once about a year later.

Megatron looked at the battlefield, greedily inhaled gunpowder smoke and the smell of blood, wielded a huge sword and massacred a large number of soldiers, feeling even more dull.

Especially no matter how he fights, he is in full condition.

These guys are too weak.

The corpse and the artillery fire excited him, but the enemy fragilely made him very unhappy, and a restless rage had nowhere to vent.

So naturally, some people are going to be unlucky.

Megatron jumped up, grabbed the nose of a new fighter jet, and yanked it down. Megatron pinched this strange fighter and shouted: " your name!"

The fighter struggled a few times, seemingly helpless, wanted to resist but didn't dare, so he could only transform on the spot and became a guy who was a circle shorter than Megatron.

The small red eyes and the deeply sunken eye sockets give people a cunning feeling.

At the first impression, Megatron was not very good to this guy. He grabbed this little thing by the neck and shook it like a little chicken.

"Oh, your majesty is supreme, Lord Megatron!" The Transformer had a face of impotence, and he knelt down on the spot with a look of admiration, "I am the captain of the flying squadron, Starscream."

"Starscream? Why are you here now? I was two minutes earlier than you!" Megatron waited for his eyes, pinching the poor Starscream and dangling.

"Uh, I'm commanding my soldiers to fight..."

"Stop talking nonsense, and give me your status template!" Megatron's big face leaned over, and the roar of a beast was full of intimidation.