Transformers In Marvel Chapter 329: 1 Get up and drag racing (2)

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


  Night falls.

   A small area was sealed off on Central Avenue in Queens, New York City due to construction. Just as the road workers took the warning signs and blue boards on their front feet, a group of people took out a bunch of brand-new warning signs on the back feet and placed them at the end of the road, blocking the entry of a large number of vehicles.

   There are very few vehicles on Central Avenue, and many of them are car owners with a blank face.

  I just turned a corner, why was he locked up on the construction road?

  Huhu sounded.

   A truck pulling the wind is rushing forward.

   Behind the truck, a large number of various sports cars, colorful and chasing each other, successfully aroused the anger and swearing of the passersby.

   "Asshole, what's the matter with these people, is your traffic in Queens so unruly?!"

   "It's them again! Those rich second-generation racing cars! This year they are already racing for the third time in public!!!"

   "No one is in charge?! Where's the police?"

   "If someone has money, what can you do? Catch once, pay a fine, wait for a period of calm, and then come out to do something, what can you do?"

   Countless passers-by talked, all kinds of wry smiles and verbal abuse rang through the sky, and many brawny men showed bad expressions, but deep in their eyes, they showed an eager look.

Drag racing, in the open nation, is nothing at all. All kinds of black modification factories and all kinds of black technicians are very popular among the rich and racing racers, because they can transform the strongest locomotives on the broad roads. , Facing the different eyes of passers-by, rushing forward, enjoying the pleasure of speed.

   Many passers-by who ate dirt couldn't stand the stimulus. They ran home angrily, drove their car out of their house, drove on the road arrogantly, stepped on the accelerator to the maximum, and screamed strangely.

   There are no shortage of guys who drive dusty classic cars. When they move the engine, they make a piercing noise, which seems to explode at any time, but the owner of the car still joins the race with enthusiasm.

   The police were out of anger. They drove a police car with a loudspeaker, and drove side by side with a slow and smoky classic car.

   A policeman sitting in the passenger seat stretched his head halfway out of the window, and said angrily: "Dad, can you be ashamed not to come out?!"

   "Boy, I was also a master in drag racing back then, but he retired later..."

   The police are almost mad, back then? The speed of that year was so extraordinary! What is the current speed!

   Start at 100 per hour! Two hundred is normal!

  Especially some lunatics, they dare to go as fast as three or four hundred hours, and are not afraid of being killed!

   All the police officers, including him, looked angrily at the luxury caravan ahead, cursing in their hearts.

  The weird guy in the lead is certainly no stranger to the traffic police. He is a rich second-generation who is addicted to refitting vehicles, but I don't know what's wrong with him. He actually switched his hobby from sports cars to trucks!

   Drag racing with a truck? Who do you think you are, Downey the Mechanic?

   "Those guys, this time they must be sent to jail, no matter how much money, no matter what background, don't even think about bail!" A policeman shouted angrily.

The other policeman was very calm, leaned comfortably on his seat, blew a whistle, and said, "You don't know the guy in the lead. You clearly think of yourself as Downey. You really think you can get out of the plane. ...Hey, even Downey can't drive his tank out of the plane's speed, right?"

   "He can, he only needs to control the high-speed rail." A policeman answered the question.

  'S leading flamboyant young man, drove his truck with satisfaction, hurried all the way, this is a miracle, but all high-speed vehicles are very particular about their structure, basically in an arc shape, reducing resistance and own weight.

   But this guy didn't, so he got a truck, hollowed out a lot of metal structures, replaced it with a super engine, and went wild all the way.

   That's right, a large part of the interior of this truck has actually been hollowed out. It's like driving the shell. If the owner hits the car with a convulsion, hehehe, the picture is too beautiful...

   The driving youth looked at the rear car mirror. The companions who had been left behind by him showed triumphant expressions. He held the steering wheel with his left hand and a cigarette in his right hand. He took a sip and smoked.

   He is a locomotive lover, and he was also a normal good young man-only interested in sports cars.

   But two things happened in a row, which made him completely give up on the old sports car and put his interest in the truck instead.

   The first thing, he tried to hook up a woman with a good figure and wearing a black tights. Until now, he can't forget that woman, especially the bursting chest and bare thighs.

   He tried to lift her with a sports car, but was ignored. The woman got into a truck...

   Oh, that woman's name is Amanda Falcone.

   The second incident happened not long ago when he met a woman wearing a red dress. At first glance, it was like being shot by Cupid, the goddess of love. He was full of confidence to hook up, but somehow, by the time he reacted again, the other person was already at the other end of the road, and the beauty in red walked straight into a private manor.

   In the door before it could be closed, he glanced at him in surprise and saw a blue truck pulling the wind.

   "What kind of sports car, shit, these years, trucks are the mainstream! And I will be the leader of the new trend!"

   His aesthetic seems to have encountered some terrible misunderstanding, and a big turn has taken place one hundred and eighty degrees.

   The young man squinted his eyes, and at the same time happily, he inevitably felt a little depressed.

   I was so handsome and handsome, young and gold, twice in a row, fell on top of the truck.

   If the opponent is more handsome and richer than him, it's fine, but it's nothing special. The common thing is the truck that pulls the wind.

   Since then, the young man has been obsessed with the truck that pulls the wind.

   "I will be the new king of racing cars in the world! What kind of sports car, shit, that small and petite appearance, it is ridiculous, only a girl can drive a sports car! A strong truck is the romance of a real man..."

  Thinking about this, the young man fell into self-intoxication and couldn't help himself.

   The youth subconsciously glanced at the rear mirror, and those comrades were eating dirt behind his ass, and they couldn't help showing a look of contempt. He glanced at the dial again, and the speed has reached two hundred per hour, which is the standard for racing rally.

   looked around, the young man couldn't help showing an arrogant expression.


   A deafening engine sound, as if explosives were detonated in the engine cylinder.

   The young man frowned, wondering in his heart, which silly X was chasing him on a motorcycle, probably the nasty group of police officers.

   The young man glanced at the rear car mirror again. What he saw in this glance made him feel like a heavy blow, his mind roared constantly, his eyes suddenly dull.

"This...this..." There was a loud noise in the young man's throat, and he couldn't squeeze a word out. He seemed to be blocked by something terrible, almost a blue giant with a height of four meters Tyrant, the body is painted with a brand new flame-like pattern, and the front of the front of the car also stands with a sharp spike.

   On the front of the car, it was marked with a weird face-like sign.

   This big guy who is bigger and heavier than his car, is like a roaring mountain, and the violent engine is like a roaring monster chained to it!

   In just a few seconds, from appearing in the field of vision to keeping pace! After a few more seconds, he easily overtaken him! ! !

   A blue giant truck resembling a huge mountain, with a heavy bucket box that was more than ten meters long behind it, just like dumping his son, he easily threw his most proud chariot behind.

   The young man's eyes were bloodshot, and his sluggish pupils didn't have the slightest color.

   The dropped cigarette **** fell to the thigh and burned the skin, but it did not cause the youth to react at all. In his eyes, only the violent monster remained, the giant that shouldn't exist!

"How is this possible, how is this possible, it is not scientific at all..." the young man stared blankly, talking nonsense, "I know the most advanced modification method, but how can there be such a car like a super heavy truck!!! "

   "What's more, it's so fast! How can this be possible, it's not scientific at all!!!"