Transformers In Marvel Chapter 327: 1 Get up and drag racing (1)

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


   The situation on the earth is as stable as ever.

   Occasionally, some little villains jumped twice to promote a sense of existence. For example, the loss of Tony Stark who almost killed Tony Stark was of little importance to the overall situation.

   This period of time can be regarded as the most peaceful and dull days on the earth, and precious peace and tranquility are rare.

   "I just don't know, how long it will be messy." Downey stood at the highest point of the Tang Manor, looking at the tall buildings in the distance and the newly planted trees nearby.

   Even the soil is new.

  Wanda accompanied him, snuggled up in Downey's arms obediently, and squinted comfortably.

   "Didn't you say that you will step down soon? When will Gu Yihui agree?" Wanda raised his head and asked.

   "Fool, Gu Yi knows very well that I am definitely not the most suitable one, at least I will not stay on earth for a lifetime." Downey touched Wanda's hair and sighed.

   I don't know why, I always feel a little uneasy.

   It stands to reason that Gu Yi should also be back. After all, Mephisto signed a new contract with him, and Gu Yi who had no reason to kill Mephisto did not know.

   I just hope everything goes well, after all, that place in hell...


   There was a roar without deterrence, and the small steel rope stepped on the metal leg, and the sole of the foot was on the ground, making a crisp sound, looking for it excitedly, and yelling.

   There is a wine bottle in his mouth.

   "Well done, that old thing is probably going to be **** to death... although he is not far from death." Downey praised and patted the tightrope on the head dozing.

   The wire rope dropped the wine bottle, revealing the dense teeth in his mouth, and bit down Donny's trouser leg hard, pulling on both legs on the ground.

   Looking at this scene, Downey couldn't help sighing.

   Switching to cats and dogs and other pets to do this action definitely to take him somewhere, but switching to a tightrope with a very low IQ to do this action is a pure joke.

   Subconsciously, Downey glanced out the window. The Krypton dog named Criptoe boredly yawned at the sun, turned over, and continued to sleep beautifully.

   This dog, day by day, is either basking in the sun or sleeping. He is in high spirits. He eats dozens of cities of food in one meal and tastes the taste.

   "Wang Choi, do you eat bones?"

   An employee tempted Crypto with the bones he had just finished eating which was still stained with saliva.

   The dead dog immediately became energetic, grinned, made a low threat, smelled the saliva, and finally couldn't help it, barking strangely, with a sharp and high-pitched voice, and bit the dead employee with one bite.

   After a few mouthfuls, the employee's clothes were torn and he didn't know where the bone was thrown.

Wanda rarely changed into a white dress, folded his hands to the back, and looked at with a smile, looking inside the house for a while, and outside the house for a while. His seductive beautiful eyes fell into an unblinking, like a whirlpool full of intoxicating aura.

   The sun shines down, and the original beautiful Wanda is covered with a layer of colorful yarn.

   Downey sent away the tightrope, and when he looked back, he had seen it many times, but every time, there was an amazing feeling.

   "Why did you put on a white dress today?" Downey said gently.

   "You said before, don't want me to always wear a red dress." Wanda took a step forward, stretched out his hand, and hugged Downey.

   Downey smiled and said, "I just said casually, you still look best in red."

   "Then I'll change it back." Wanda hummed.

   The two were tired for a while and then went to work on their own affairs. Wanda also went to Kama Taj to study Chaos Magic. Her magical fluctuations became increasingly terrifying, and even Downey was shocked.

   This little girl sometimes works very hard, she is clearly chasing his footsteps...

   After watching Wanda leave, Downey groaned for a while, listening to the provocative screams made by the tightrope when he talked about Cripto again in the manor and Cripto's barking anger.

  What is this called? Long Fei Gou Jump?

In   's mind, the fire source, which seemed to be unchanging in the past, jumped slightly at a fixed frequency, without a jump, it was accompanied by a flash of light.

   "It's almost time. After so long and so much effort, I finally fought for a more reliable period of peace..."

   Over the years, Downey has enslaved the earth's greatest enemy Domam, expelled Mephisto, and killed the demigod Red Devil around the corner.

   Enemies that could threaten the entire earth were all dealt with by Downey by all means. He also executed all the prisoners in the Kama Taj prison.

   Even at this time, when Kitari and Zod came to Earth, there would naturally be a group of reliable fighters to kill them, without Donnie's hands.

   This is a very, very rare and precious time. The enemies of the star destroyer are temporarily extinct, and the remaining ones are naturally blocked by many superheroes spontaneously.

   Batman sits in Gotham and successfully attracts the attention of a large number of villains.

Under the leadership of Coleson, S.H.I.E.L.D. has temporarily suppressed all hostile actions against Downey, ambitiously wanting to form a super team, and deliberately listed Thor as one of the main candidates-this It might not mean to be on guard against Downey. If it succeeds, S.H.I.E.L.D. will undoubtedly release an important card.

   is the heir of God King Odin after all.

   There are also Paradise Island and Diana to help hunt all kinds of alien creatures.

   Atlantis seems to have an internal problem, the fight for the throne has become very fierce, and there is no time to worry about the mess on the mainland.

  The Flash, the biggest variable, was also successfully limped by the flashback. He believed in the various orders issued by the flashback and executed them without compromise.

   All of this indicates that this is the most peaceful period.

   is also a period of peace in that Downey spent a lot of effort and erased a lot of variables.

   "Also, it's time to build the Cybertronian civilization..."

   Downey walked into the wide secret basement, waved his hand, blood from various creatures appeared, and immediately disappeared.

  The genetic codes of these organisms can be used for reference, but they must not be imitated. The CNA of Transformers is completely different from DNA.

   CNA and soul are the most basic requirements for making an independent, complete, and multiplying life.

   CNA represents a unique body. It also serves as a substance that mirrors the soul and interferes with the evolution of the soul. It has a very close relationship with the soul.

  The soul is a collection of the initial thinking and self-discrimination consciousness.

"Transformers don't need to be like humans in the way they multiply. They can first produce CNA through a unique breeding warehouse, and then use the genetic code recorded on the CNA to deliver enough energy and material to finally form the original embryo. "

   "There should be an embryo first, then a soul. This should be the best way."

   There is a body first, and then a soul. It's easy to understand. Just refer to the reproduction method of the Kryptonians.

Every Kryptonian is artificially created. The society needs waiters, so they create the gene chain of waiters and adjust the talents and characters of these people on the gene chain-gentle, courteous; when the society needs it Warriors, so they create a gene chain of warriors, and show the genes suitable for fighting on it, so as to nurture babies.

  Kryptonians are the best examples of existing bodies and souls behind.