Transformers In Marvel Chapter 322: Ancient 1

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Learn to treasure your life because unfortunately, it can be taken away from you anytime. – L Lawliet (Death Note)


Hell is one of the top realms in the realm of gods, a place where countless people have heard of it.

  From here, a large number of great demons are born at all times, killing and devouring them, which is the only way for **** demons to grow and become stronger.

   From the beginning of their birth, they were accompanied by destruction and corpse demons. From weak to strong, every life was stained with blood, and sin was their instinct.

The great demons in the multiverse and the realm of gods are spreading terror and despair unscrupulously. Even in the realm of gods where the strong gather, not many people are willing to venture into **** because lunatics are everywhere here, plus The atmosphere is full of corrosive demons, and the environment is full of madness, making **** a Jedi in the eyes of many people, a paradise for demons.

   But not long ago, a multi-element creature from the multi-universe broke into **** extremely viciously, chasing Mephisto frantically.

   This news circulated among the circles of many high demons, and Mephisto has become the laughingstock of many great demons. Of course, those low-level demons are not qualified to be exposed to this kind of news. They live a precarious life, either devouring others or being swallowed by others, and they don't have the thought to gossip.

   Gu Yi, this mage, has also killed a large number of demons with short eyes in the course of more than a year of hunting and killing, and he has gained a reputation.

   But a lot of tough guys don't care at all, multiple creatures? They are indifferent to things that are as fragile as **** worms. No matter how big things Gu Yi provokes, they can smooth them back.

   They were, even more, applauded for their pursuit of killing Mephisto, and even some big demons made the gambling market public, taking it as a piece of fun.

   The strong are happy to watch the excitement, the weaker ones are going to die.

   After experiencing the initial difficulties, Gu Yi's situation has improved miraculously. In contrast, Mephisto's life has gradually become difficult.


   Mephisto spits out a mouthful of blood, and backhanded his bald Gu Yi back, his face extremely ugly.

   "You lunatic, are you really going to fight me hard?" Mephisto let out a low growl.

Gu Yi was another powerful magic, which easily penetrated the earth's crust, leaving a thousand-meter-long crack on the ground, which seemed to break the pressure balance. The magma like a river became violent and spewed frantically for the first time. Out.

   A large number of low-level worms were swallowed by magma, emitting large white smoke.

"The same question, you have asked me more than a hundred times in the past two years, Mephisto, this is not like you." Gu Yi's face was flat and his complexion was not bad overall, but his clothes were damaged. Wannian's white clothes became a bit old and tattered.

   "Do you think I really can't kill you? If it weren't for worrying about those snoopers getting cheap, I would kill you easily!" Mephisto growled anxiously.

  His real demon body is also full of cracks, and there is still a lot of magic power remaining on it, which is continuously causing damage to Mephisto.

   Although the damage is subtle.

   In the battle between two 7th-level beings, no matter who wins is bound to be seriously injured. In this horrible place of hell, serious injury equals death.

   I don't know how many demons are following them, watching with greedy eyes, waiting patiently.

   "It doesn't matter, anyway, my purpose is to kill you, not to kill you while preserving myself." Gu Yi's expression was plain, and his words seemed extremely indifferent.

   Mephisto gas knot.

   Mephisto was very entangled in this old woman's tactics, unscrupulous, all kinds of losing-lose styles of play.

   In hell, he is confident of winning, but he is not confident of winning. What's the point of dying Gu Yi at the cost of serious injuries? I'm not going to be killed by others.

   So he has been avoiding, looking for a place to linger, and after Gu Yi finds him, continues to run, and find a place to linger.

   is very awkward, but it is more useful, and even directly consumes a lot of unruly demons without patience and slips away quietly.

"Gu Yi, tell your purpose!" Mephisto rushed over, narrowed the distance between the two, exploded Gu Yi's magic once, and asked in a low voice, "I know you too well, you Maybe you really want to kill me, but this is a secondary goal, you have other goals!"

   Gu Yi tilted his head, calmly, and threw two magic spells in response.

   "Ha, Mephisto is really rubbish. This is the strength of the demon lord? I think I can also run for the lord's seat." A little demon chattered from the side.

   "Then you have to find a way to kill a lord."

   "Then choose Mephisto. Anyway, he is just trash. He was forced to this point by a multi-element creature."

All kinds of presumptuous discussions reached Mephisto's ears, filling the already bad mood of the great demon with anger, and his bitter murderous intent skyrocketed. He patiently persuaded him with a voice that only Gu Yi could hear. :

"It's been two years. The heir you chose is not very good. He can't handle the relationship at all! He is too young. I can see all of my clones. Sooner or later, he will ruin your efforts and take everything. It's all messed up! Why don't we join forces, I will help you get what you want, and then you return to Earth and continue to be your Supreme Mage..."

   Gu Yi finally showed a gentle expression, "If he is so incompetent, wouldn't it be more in line with your mind? In two years, your clone has not occupied waste-guarded earth?"

Mephisto's old face twitched and let out a low laugh: "You will never think when I will do it. You take that guy too seriously...Look, he is having fun with my doppelganger now. We are about to start the second transaction, we are about to sign a new contract! You didn't expect this, a supreme mage who traded with the devil, hahaha...poof!"

   Suddenly, Mephisto's face became stiff, and his body was already injured. He couldn't help but vomit a little blood again, and an uncomfortable feeling surged up. The induction of the strongest clone suddenly broke off.

   A part of the soul has been completely lost, and will never come back.

A strange color flashed across Gu Yi's face, smiling, and the assassin's pain, countless Gu Yi suddenly separated from his body, each of them was exactly the same as the original Gu Yi, and Mephisto was tightly surrounded by each other. In the hands of an ancient one, fierce magical fluctuations are erupting.

Mephisto screamed, and the devil's real body suddenly magnified dozens of times, the entangled muscles, flesh, and blood exploded with all their power. At the cost of being injured again, with a scream, he rushed out embarrassedly, sprinkling large swaths of blood and meat in the air.

   The hidden demons screamed in surprise, and rushed out impatiently, snatching Mephisto's flesh and blood.

   But they were all blown up by Gu Yi and all died.

   "Almost, this time, Mephisto is going to recover from the injury, and the hiding time is longer than any time in the past..."

   Gu's eyes flickered, and a large number of entities Gu Yi didn't close together anymore, and just caught up like this, seemingly fast, but it actually gave Mephisto plenty of time to escape. In the past, she did this, suppressing her speed and showing her upper limit to all demons.

A large number of clones seem to be powerful, but they are not a remnant of time, but a superb use of mirror magic. The copying ability of mirror magic can be called a bug. Even a mirror space that completely imitates reality can be created, and it can be copied in a short time. On its own, it's not difficult.

  While a group of ancient ones was chasing after him, one of the ancient ones gradually disappeared from his figure, and disappeared quietly into the crowd, disappearing.

   This is Gu Yi's ontology. She created a bunch of mirror images to confuse the audience, and the ontology is secretly searching for something.

   This is the reason why she ventured into hell. There are some things that she must understand.

   Going to Xiaoli, this may be related to the life and death of the earth, and going to Dali, may also be related to the survival of the main universe.

   Everything is full of uncertainty, and Gu Yi is also secretly looking for clues. Fortunately, she found it. ...