Transformers In Marvel Chapter 363: Dog barking in silence

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"I'd be lying if I said things are going according to my plan… but beggars can't be choosers, right?" – Madara Uchiha


Gotham City is getting more and more lively, and many high-level or special people can perceive this.

Bruce shook off the killer of the Shadow Warrior Alliance and returned to the Wayne Mansion.

He did not repeatedly change his route to get rid of the people who followed him, as he did in the past, before returning to Wayne Building. The Shadow Warrior Alliance had known his true identity for a long time, and there was no point in concealing it.

There is one more tricky thing. Batman has to deal with both the clown and the Shadow Warrior Alliance at the same time. There is also a group of suspected magicians sneaky and some bounty hunters who came to Gotham City in the mess.

"Afu, send me the information about those people."

As soon as Bruce stepped into the bat cave, he took off his hood, turned on the complicated computer, and spoke to the screen.

But in response to him, only a bunch of meaningless noises, and slurs.

Bruce paused abruptly, then stretched out his finger to tap the keyboard nonchalantly, and asked again: "Alfred? Are you there?"

"Of course, I have always been there, my young master." His faithful old butler, Alfred's voice came, still so kind and kind.

Bruce heaved a sigh of relief. In this world, the person he trusted most was Alfred. He really didn't know what would happen to Alfred if he was attacked by the enemy.

"What happened just now, communication failure?"

"No, our communication equipment has been interfered with."

"Can you find out the cause?" Bruce asked, tapping on the table with a certain frequency for a while.

The other side was silent for a while before responding: "I am investigating. It is difficult for scientific and technological means to affect our communication equipment. You must know that you have participated in the development of this."

There was a faint percussion, and Bruce let go of his guard.

This is a safe signal and everything is normal.

"You mean, is this caused by non-technological means? Is it mind or magic?" Bruce asked at the screen.

"It may be similar to a superpower. Some kind of interference suddenly appeared and disappeared quickly, causing a small-scale disturbance of the magnetic field. It may be related to those strange guys who got into Gotham City." Alfred pushed his glasses. , Rubbing his eyes, his age has not allowed him to maintain super high energy.

Bruce sat in front of the screen in the bat cave, in the dark and empty basement. The only light came from the large screen, and the rest was dark.

Bruce hides his body in the darkness as much as possible, which will give him a more rational mind and a more suitable environment to think about problems.

On the other end of the screen, from Alfred's side, there was dog barking sounds. As always, Bruce's pet dog Ace played with a little white dog who didn't know where he came from.

He also found out that the white dog was Downey's dog, which made Bruce feel bad, and he always felt like he was being watched by Downey.

Even a dog ran to him to have fun?

And it's a super dog, even he can't beat it.

Over time, Bruce let his pet dog play with the little white dog. He is a very realistic person. Before finding a solution for the little white dog, as long as the little white dog does not touch his bottom line, he will tolerate it.

The screen slowly turned off, and the huge bat cave was completely darkened. Bruce was immersed in the darkness. Only those eyes remained calm, exuding a terrifying chill in the darkness.

"Constantine, since it's here, come out," Bruce said suddenly, with a bat dart in his hand, and all the various mechanisms in the bat cave are all ready.

Constantine, with a sloppy and decadent look, pulled his ruffled trench coat, got out of the darkness, and asked helplessly: "How did you recognize me?"

"Sika cigarettes, the production of this kind of rare cigarettes is very scarce, and it is destined to be only available to a very small number of people, and the taste of Sika is very spicy, and it is not admired by people. Now the whole Gotham only you will smoke this kind of cigarettes, And then leave a strong smell on the body."

Bruce stood up, picked up the kettle, got a glass of water, and handed it to Constantine.

Constantine was also not welcome. He took a sip from the water glass, slapped it, and put it on the table half-and-half, with bloodshot eyes, as if he hadn't slept for days and nights.

Before Bruce could ask, Constantine asked first: "Batman, if you were replaced by you, how would you deal with an overwhelming enemy? If you can't even escape?"

Bruce calmly looked at the decadent man in front of him, the notorious **** detective, and said calmly, "Find out his weakness, and then knock him down."

"What if there is no weakness?"

"That's because you haven't thoroughly analyzed this enemy," Bruce said concisely, staring at Constantine with indifferent eyes.

Uninvited guests, no host will be pleasantly surprised.

Constantine scratched his head irritably and felt desperate when he thought of the name. He also had the urge to escape to **** altogether.

Constantine knew a lot of demons, and he could use some means to let those guys take him to hell.

It's just that the end is not so wonderful. It is estimated that he will be torn to pieces by the demons who helped him as soon as he arrives in hell...

In his depression, he directly came to Batman recklessly, hoping that this sane and calm person would give him a little comfort, but it would bring more helplessness and despair.

He thought it was a bit Following intuition, he came to find an ordinary person without superpowers. His instincts have always been accurate, and many times have saved his life, but this time, it may have failed and directly led him to find the wrong person.

Seeing Constantine's extremely decadent appearance, Bruce moved his eyes and asked, "What kind of enemy makes you, the **** detective so... decadent?"

Bruce raised both hands as if trying to describe something with gestures.

"It's a demon, a demon who crossed the universe, Bruce, a demon of that level, you can destroy the earth with just a breath, and you can destroy a universe with your hands-I know you guy thinks I'm a lunatic, I I also know that you are ready to take down my uninvited person, but I still want to remind you that your preparations are ineffective to me. In the face of this kind of enemy, you and I are as small as ants, and there is no difference."

Constantine is in such a bad state. Although this guy has always been decadent and sloppy, Constantine has always had this honor, whether he is to humans, demons, or those nasty angels, but this time, he really did not know what to do.

What should I do? prayer? Pray that after the demon gets the raven, he kindly lets go of the universe. Don't be funny, the monster Sannomiya, even among the demons, is the most special.