Transformers In Marvel Chapter 347: Confrontation with Thanos

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"I am the Fifth Hokage… You've trampled on our ancestors' treasure…their dream…and you will pay the price! As the Hokage, I will put a stop to you here and now!" – Tsunade


Just a few minutes ago, Qitarui's senior management was still holding a celebration banquet.

For a predatory civilization like Zitari, "loss" is nothing at all. Their lives are based on plundering and destruction. As long as they continue to destroy the planet, they can quickly recover their vitality.

This is also related to the structure of their soldiers. Their soldiers use a combination of machinery and human bodies. Soldiers at the lower level under control can only fully respect the instructions of their superiors. Protest is death.

This is also in line with the style of the predator civilization. The high-level Qatari never cares about the casualties of the soldiers at the bottom. They only care about whether they can complete Thanos' orders and get the favor of Thanos.

It's not how lowly the Qitarians are, it's that they serve the tyrant of Thanos. If they don't get favor, it means death, and their position will be replaced by the new Qitarians.

From generation to generation, the Qitarians have been tamed by Thanos to become mad dogs, and they are full of loyalty. Anyone who can stay at the top is in the craziest category because the not-so-crazy are killed by Thanos.

This time they attacked the earth, and the Zetarians did not worry too much. A civilization that could not even go out of the planet could be swept away by sending cannon fodder. They used this method to destroy countless low levels. civilization.

Until from the time and space tunnel, a ruthless character, a person, swept across an entire interstellar fleet, like cutting melons and vegetables, countless magnificent battleships became garbage in the universe, and the dazzling sparks symbolized the glory of the Zetaree end.

That demon-like figure was as small as an ant in front of a battleship as large as the continental shelf, but it was this figure that instantly destroyed everything the Qitarians were proud of.

Downey controlled the spaceship and killed all the Zetaris inside.

When the flagship was also controlled by him, in an instant, the nerve center control system that controlled most of the soldiers was destroyed by Downey, and a large number of soldiers died on the spot.

Only a handful of high-level commanders remain.

"Surrender, we have surrendered!" The leader of the Zetaru took off his mask and humbled himself on the ground, expressing surrender.

Many high-level officials did the same, trembling, partly fearful, and partly obedient, and collapsed on the ground.

For a time, a large number of voices sounded, mixed with words that do not know the meaning.

Each of the Qitarians looked at Downey with deep fear. It was this expressionless man who alone destroyed the Zitaly Super Fleet that had been rampant in the universe for countless years.

When these guys get down, it is not their self-confidence being interrupted, but the survival of their entire civilization.

"We can be your loyal subordinates and fight for you in the universe. We Zetarians are very good at these. We are born to be fighters!" the leader shouted, with a vibrato in his tone.

This leader's brain is very bright, he has already begun to consider how to avoid Thanos' revenge after taking refuge, or to encourage this new owner to go to Thanos to die. This will save them from their sins.

"But I almost killed your population." Downey was noncommittal, with no trace of emotion in his eyes, like looking down at the ants. "In this flagship, I have killed your population of 10.73 million. , Including children and women. Without these births, what would you do for me? Just rely on your remaining high-level officers and thousands of soldiers?"

All the Qitarians trembled, pain and hatred in their eyes, but they did not dare to attack. More people were cold and slumped directly to the ground. Looking at Downey's eyes, it was almost a demon.

That's tens of millions of people! The population, including women and children, is the support of the Zetarians to fight the universe!

In such a short time... have all been killed?

They didn't doubt that Downey could do it, because Downey directly destroyed the Star Fleet in a very short time, let alone the ordinary residents living in the flagship.

Although they didn't even know how the black man did it, he easily controlled everything just like the methods of the gods...

"The only people we have left hold all the wealth, including the wealth we plundered over the past few thousand years! All can be given to you! If you still need it, we can also desperately increase the population, as long as you give us a hundred years ...No, in fifty years, we can provide you with a stronger fleet."

The leader shivered, trying to show a flattering look.

It's over, now I can only keep Downey's thigh because Thanos doesn't store garbage.

Downey stretched out his hand and patted the Qitaree lightly on the head. Before he could show his joyful emotions, he directly applied a little force, and with a pop, Downey squeezed his huge head.

The corpse fell to the ground feebly, reflecting Downey's expressionless face more and more.

"Fifty years? Fifty years is enough time for me to occupy countless galaxies. I want you to have a shit."

With a look on Downey's expression, countless fire particles invaded the bodies of the remaining guys, killing all the cells in their bodies.

These lofty guys, the guys who made countless civilizations tremble, are like a group of pigs waiting to be slaughtered, being killed by Downey-no, using pigs to describe them as insulting pigs, at least they know they hum when they are killed.

They won't even have a chance to hum.

Downey walked directly to the main console and skillfully connected the incoming signal.

The wealth of the Zitarians? Most of them were squeezed away by Thanos and the Dark Cult. The only remaining part was also insight into the moment when Downey activated his flagship. All the treasure locations and interstellar accounts were obtained by Downey.

As for cultivating the population to fight for him? As long as Downey was willing, he could create hundreds of millions of intrepid mechanical legions at any time, drowning all enemies in front of him.

In other words, these Qitarians were worthless to Downey. Their fate was destined from the beginning. Downey would kill all of their population, and none of them could run away.

On the screen, the signal access from the highest level, the image of the tyrant, was revealed on it.

Purple skin, rough face, bloodshot eyes like wild beasts, and a wrinkled appearance like the bark of a century-old tree.

Thanos, for the first time, looked at Downey with a cold look, spanning countless light years.

"It seems that the Zitarians were wiped out by you."

Thanos does not have any unexpected emotions or that there are very few things that can surprise him, let alone Qitarui, even if someone tells him that the Dark Order has been destroyed, he will not feel that accident.

Everything is based on his own force and tyrant rule. As long as he is still there, he will have powerful subordinates.

Downey stared at the guy in the Megatron Universe indifferently, the scepter in his hand and the eyes of Agomoto in his chest were exuding a strange light.

"Next time, I will kill you," Downey announced a certain vow, in a plain tone as if he was talking about what to eat for the next meal.

Thanos took a look at Downey, narrowed the corners of his mouth, and became indifferent. The eyes that saw through the wailing of countless dead souls changed a little and stared at the prey.

But he didn't say anything, and Downey didn't say anything, and the two closed the communication at the same time.

For people like them, if you stare at it, sooner or later, it will explode. The eyes that meet each other have already explained everything.