Transformers In Marvel Chapter 357: Depressed raven

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


A smile is the easiest way out of a difficult situation." – Sakura Haruno(most useless bit**y, simp, wh*re, abusive ass**le, bad friend, virago, witch, battleaxe, harridan, bird, we*ch and 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬, etc ) (if you like her just watch Naruto again and put the worse thing she has done despite being abusive for no reason)


"It's so annoying, it's so annoying, you guys are unwelcome to see. Sure enough, that interesting person is right. I gave him that baby. It's annoying for you CPs."

Deadpool looked down. The clown stabbed so many knives desperately, and there was nothing in his stomach. The clown couldn't even break through the defense of this black suit.

A knife is really difficult to penetrate the defense of the Symbiote suit.

The clown ignored him, stabbing it stubbornly, until he got impatient with the symbiote suit, and directly stretched out a black liquid-like thing, grabbed the knife, and twisted it with a gentle force.

The clown took the remaining half of the knife, looked in front of him, turned his head, and turned back again, full of surprise. He seemed to be very curious about the situation where the knife broke. He threw the knife to the ground and grabbed a mess. His hair immediately sat down on the table.

"I like your clothes." The clown licked his lips and said suddenly.

Deadpool tugged in disgust, trying to smooth the nonexistent folds, and said: "But I don't like it very much. Since this guy leaped on me, there is always another voice in my head, telling me I'm going to do this and that, it's so annoying. There are enough voices in my head, and now I have one more, and those guys always tell me that I should do this, I should do that, and direct them indiscriminately."

"It's not normal, isn't it? You can't be sure that your brain is your brain." The clown rolled his eyes, muttered, and laughed suddenly, "We have a guest here, are you going to kill her?"

Deadpool tilted his head and thought for a while, then refused: "Listen to my buddy, this guy can't be killed, otherwise you and I will be unlucky."


A figure shrouded in a black robe is walking quietly in a secluded alley.

This is a very petite girl, and her large black robe has turned her whole body into a quail that has been bullied.

The raven changed her appearance. In this place on the earth, she dared not show her true appearance with four scarlet eyes but saw people in the appearance of a human, or imitated the appearance of her mother.

But the little raven was very depressed at this time.

She ran to the earth secretly and saw her mother's hometown before her death. Because her mother Ala Yue, a gentle person, once told her that the Earth Gotham is her hometown.

This place, how can I say, compared to the Sanctuary of Agallas, compared with the mages of the Sanctuary, the people here are full of complicated hearts, good and evil coexist.

Of course, Raven has a second purpose. She came to Earth to find allies and reinforcements.

The two holy places of magic recognized by the universe, Agalas Sanctuary, and Kama Taj, if these two holy places can join forces again, maybe this can kill the Three House Devil.

At least Raven thought so, she didn't even know how terrifying her father was, and she didn't even know the vastness and danger of God's realm.

But when she came to the earth, she found out with frustration that the people here didn't even know about Kama Taj. She stunned one office worker after another and used psychic magic to ask about Kama Taj's information. Hell for this reason.

So this little girl who didn't know much about humanity and sophistication retreated and wanted to win a team by herself and follow her back to the Sanctuary of Agalath to fight the demons.

Although Agalas Sanctuary is very powerful if she can also bring back a group of supernatural beings, presumably the mages will be very happy too.

Maybe she can find a powerful magician and defeat Sannomiya.

"I don't understand, there is always an ominous premonition..." Raven frowned once again while walking, with a natural super sixth sense, and once again warned her.

In the dark, a pair of malicious eyes had already stared at her.

This is the eyes of Sannomiya.

This gave the Raven a greater sense of oppression, and she wanted to find a powerful companion as soon as possible, and then return to the Agalath Sanctuary together.

The powerful sixth sense told her that with the power of an Agalas sanctuary, even if it could fight her father, she would suffer heavy losses. She didn't want that sacred and beautiful place to be full of corpses.

Even the mages of the Sanctuary of Agalas are full of confidence, and confidence in the upcoming purification ritual, and they have repeatedly emphasized that they can solve the demon blood in her body in one fell swoop, and block Sannomiya from tracking her.

If you can bring back someone strong enough to help, it is also a good thing, right?

The naive raven thought so.

Although it seemed to Downey to be useless, let alone looking for some superhumans, even if Downey personally went on, he would have to kneel for an instant.

After all, that is... Sannomiya!

The only eighth-level great demon born, Sannomiya!

But the raven didn't understand these, what was unique, what was eighth level, what was the realm of gods, she didn't understand anything. Mother died early, and her ordinary mother didn't understand these things at all, and Sannomiya was even less interested in telling her.

If it weren't for Sannomiya's sudden discovery that Raven, a cheap daughter, had an extremely terrifying talent, he could become a powerful demon warrior under his command, and eaten her as a snack.

Sons and daughters, there is no shortage of three house demons with an unlimited lifespan. In the long years, the multiverse does not know how many times it has been destroyed and restarted. Time is a false proposition for the only life. The time in the multiverse has passed by hundreds of millions. Years, in the eyes of Sannomiya, there is no difference from the past one second, so he can leave too many offspring.

But few can follow him, and now there is one more raven.

Raven didn't understand these complicated things, she walked on the roads of Gotham City expectantly, opened the door, and wanted to recruit someone she had just found with magic.

"The guy wearing the black parasitic substance is very interesting. There are some places that even I can't understand." Raven murmured, with a dazzling light in his eyes. Maybe, this person can help her?

Her magic skills are very terrifying. From the moment she was born, UU Reading has crushed most hard-working magicians. There is an eighth-level dad, who can't even do it badly.

But when the raven opened the door, he only saw people go to the empty room.

Once again, the raven sighed deeply, and his tender voice revealed deep disappointment and depression.

This is the case again, this kind of thing is not the first time, she has been hunted down many times in this city because she can't hide the demonic atmosphere, she can now call out several people's names. , Such as Constantine, such as Zatana.

She didn't even have room for the defense, but like an ostrich, she tried her best to bury her head in the sand, regardless of the attacks on her malicious people.

She fled or stayed where she was beaten. She left silently when the other party was tired. Raven has always come here this way. No matter what she said, no one believed her.

Everyone regards her as a terrible demon, wanting to be detrimental to the earth.