Transformers In Marvel Chapter 408: As expected of Master Domam!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Somewhere in the universe, a place of nothingness, a paradise for mercenaries, a place where fish and dragons are mixed.

Dommam flew through the vacuum of the universe with a majestic face, and then landed on a big scary head with a supremely stalwart figure.

This head is called the Land of Nothingness.

This head comes from an ancient **** of the universe gods group. He was beheaded many years ago, and his head was chopped off and thrown into space. Eventually, he became the base camp of all kinds of life in the universe, and was called "the land of nothingness." ".

Over the years, countless adventurers have unearthed the value of this head, from the brain to the bone marrow, all were poached and sold, and finally entered the stomachs of countless rich people.

The flesh and blood of a seven-level **** is a treasure that is more precious than any medicine.

The touch from the feet came, it was harder than the rock, the ground and surrounding decorations that had been repeatedly trimmed countless times, and the interior of the skull was almost hollowed out, and the wonderful buildings built were the first time for everyone. There was a huge shock to those who visited.

Of course, Lord Domam wouldn't care about this kind of thing.

Inside the skull, countless strange-shaped buildings abound. The lights all over illuminate the darkness, just like looking up at the starry night sky from a planet, gorgeous and luxuriant.

Around, you can see some small cutting machines carefully cutting something on the "wall".

They are collecting the only bone marrow material left.

Domam didn't pilot the spaceship, and he didn't need it at all. He flew directly with his body, broke into it, and always walked in a straight line. His brutal behavior hit many buildings along the way, causing exclaims and being suppressed. abuse.

"Asshole, it's...oooooo..."

"who is it?"

"Domam! It's Lord Domam, the man who is said to be at a close relationship with Sannomiya!"

"Wh, what, is he the legendary existence?!"

The insults of countless lives of various colors were suffocated in their mouths before they had time to scold them, and they were replaced with crazy worship and fanaticism.

Those who don't know Domam in time, after asking the people around him, will also show a shocking expression from the heart.

"Domam! Domam!!!"

Countless cheers sounded in the void, and countless lives were cheering for Domam.

In the past, this frenzied scene can only be seen on Domam's fanatics, such as the Casillas and others, who are so enthusiastic in pursuit of Domam in order to long for immortality.

But now, these unruly guys did not hesitate to offer their awe and admiration to Domam.

Lord Domam was very pleased with this.

His face was indifferent, and there was a dark fire burning on his head. Not only did the raging fire not warm people, but it made people feel palpitations. The burly body is like a mountain, the majestic behavior is like the Milky Way sweeping the night sky, and those cold and indifferent eyes, wherever you look, the people there appear to stagnate for an instant.

Then came the louder cheers.

"Domam! Domam!!!"

Master Domam wanted to raise his hand and wave it in response to the shouts of his loyal admirers-this trick he learned from the earth, and it is said that simple movements have great lethality.

He remembered that when those humble mortals waved their hands, countless people cheered with small flags.

Domam listened to those singing voices, very useful, as if he personally pushed open the door of the new world and saw a completely different style.

He destroyed many galaxies before, was feared by people, and worshiped by greedy people; but now? He is being appreciated and admired from the heart by countless people.

A very strange feeling, obviously he did nothing, but many people respect him.

Everything originated from that battle, the fierce battle that broke the ground and destroyed a huge number of galaxies and almost destroyed the entire universe.

Dommam flew into the largest bar in the void, and he liked a drink here.

As soon as he entered, countless people noticed him, waved to him, cheered, and let out a path in awe.

Although Domam was happy, but trying to maintain his dignity, he suddenly felt that this was life...

"Master Domam, tell us how you defeated Sannomiya!"

"Yes, yeah, there are rumors that you and the Sannomiya Demon got a tie and saved our universe!"

"Ahhhh, that's the Sanguinian Demon. I have read the record about that guy from the ancient books uploaded by my ancestors. It is said that he is the strongest demon in hell!"

"The strongest? Didn't you kneel down in front of Master Domam! As far as I can see, his Sannomiya is a fart!"

Various strange creatures argued fiercely.

Dommam took the drink from the bartender who was frantic on his face, drank it, and narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he was recalling the extremely tragic battle, his face was a bit heavy and sighed.

The crowd gradually calmed down and looked at Domam in awe.

This one is said to be a man who is close to Sannomiya!

A great and extremely true God!

"Last time, where did I say?" Domam whispered, his voice extremely lost, as if he was full of reminiscence and loneliness for the unbearable past.

"It should be you who stepped out of the dark dimension and stood hundreds of millions of meters tall and faced the Sannomiya Demon!" Someone frantically reminded that he had become a fan of Domam.

"Ah... I've already said that..." Domam put down the cup with a snap, and sighed. There was endless sadness in his tone, which almost made many people cry.

Lord Domam... must have paid a great price, right?

Domam...what a great man!

Who is so special? Let's say that Lord Domam is an evil destroyer of civilization, and he will be killed directly next time!

Domam pondered for a while and then slowly said: "On that day, I noticed the coming of evil in the dark dimension, and decided to guard our world. Then I faced the Sannomiya and fought him. Every time there is a battle, a large number of galaxies have been destroyed, and countless civilizations have been destroyed by the Third House, but I can't save them in time... I'm so sorry."

As he said, Domam drank another drink with a heavy face, and his mouth was lonely.

The crowd fell silent and listened quietly.

Very few people walked in, even though their eyelids jumped wildly, they were patient and silent.

"Master Domam, are you the last to defeat the Demon of the Three Palaces?" someone asked impatiently.

Hearing this question, Domam was silent. Finally, he sighed deeply, with a tone of "I am tired", "Why do you care about such a false name so much" and "Really troublesome", sighing faintly:

"Yes, I was discovered by you...Actually, I defeated Sannomiya!"