Transformers In Marvel Chapter 406: Wanda running wild, peeping at the source of chaos

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


The ice-cold deep sea, under the combined force of thirty nuclear bombs, boiled instantly under the high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees.

Even at the bottom of the deep sea, it could not stop the power of the terrorist nuclear explosion. At the moment of the explosion, a shock wave swept in all directions, easily smashing the shield of insufficient magic power, and giving countless Atlanteans to Minced meat.

"what happened?"

"what's happening?!"

Behind the shield, many ignorant Atlantis residents looked at the shattered shield with a confused expression. Before they could react, the shock wave came and destroyed the indestructible houses, as powerful as the residents of Atlantis, and could not resist the power of the nuclear bomb.

On the dark seabed, it was like awakening a certain monster, suddenly rolling, raging, and roaring.

The rolling ocean and the terrifying high temperature steamed countless Atlantis people to death in an instant.

Those residents who were a little far away and survived the first round of explosions were suffocated a little bit in the hot sea water that followed, their flesh and blood were steamed, and they became abnormally white.

They can survive on the bottom of the sea, and even smell the fragrance of the same kind around them.

The cold blood became hot instantly, boiled and burned, broke through the blood vessels, and then was solidified by the high temperature, and along with the cooked body, it became something steaming with fragrance.

It was not until a few minutes later that this violent explosion effect was transmitted to the sea surface, causing the sea to churn, and a large number of dead fish carcasses spread over the sea.

Soon, perhaps the bodies of the Atlanteans will gradually float to the surface.

Of course, the premise is that they can leave the whole body.


Aum was crazy, standing on the waves and roaring like a lunatic.

As his mentality became unbalanced, the entire sea surface became more and more violent, and the waves began to roar, turning into giant dragons on the sea, colliding fiercely with each other.

The dark clouds in the sky became thicker and thicker, surging at a jaw-dropping speed, and thunder and lightning all over the world appeared densely, covering the starry sky.

Countless lightning bolts descended densely, carrying terrifying volts, destroying everything violently.

"Damn you guys!!!"

Aum's face was distorted, a handsome face almost wrinkled into a ball, and his facial features were piled up, only those eyes full of sinister, still holding a terrible resentment.

A bolt of lightning blasted past, and Clark, who was somewhat confused, was blasted directly into the air. The terrifying power made him spit blood on the spot!

Clark, who has been in the sun on the earth for more than 20 years, has a high energy and scary, but he was vomited with blood!

Another lightning struck Diana, but was blocked by Diana's shield.

No matter how strong Aum was, he did not reach the level of seventh, and Diana's shield was an artifact from Olympus, enough to block this attack.

"Humble inhale species, you personally ushered in your doomsday!!!"

Aum roared loudly, a sound containing amazing magic power, which turned into a sound wave of amazing power, and even some unknown Atlantis fighters were affected, their hearing organs were destroyed, and they fell to the ground screaming.

Aum couldn't take care of it anymore. His eyes were blood red, and bloodshots kept bulging out, and he seemed to be about to burst out.

These **** land people, they are! ! ! How dare they! ! !

Diana looked at Om mad with a wry smile.

"Now that I regret it? It's too late, neither you nor us can do anything..."

"No, I have an idea, that is to kill all of you personally!"

"Then I will use all the land to fill the sea!!!"

Aum twisted his face, anger and spite rushing into his brain and reason. The corners of his eyes were cracked, and a trace of blood slowly ran down.

Diana lifted Clark up, frowned and looked at Aum, who had fallen into madness and extremeness, and then looked at the sky subconsciously.

She believed that Taj Kama and the others still had a back hand.

"I want to stop him!"

Suddenly, Clark in Diana's arms suddenly said something, and then stood up decisively, with a firm look on his face.

"He is not invincible, we can subdue him by joining hands." Clark wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said solemnly.

"What about after the uniform? Put him in jail? Then who will look at him? You?" Diana shook her head with a wry smile.

She has had more contact with Downey, and she knows exactly who Downey is.

That was a ruthless man who took over as the Supreme Mage on the first day, and the first thing he did was to kill all the prisoners in the magic prison...

Clark was silent for a moment, and said solemnly: "At least you can't let him go crazy, otherwise more people will die! I am a member of mankind, and I will never allow him to hurt mankind any more, and I will do my best to stop the hatred between land and sea. Continue to spread!"

Clark finally took the path that suits him and found the belief that suits him.

That's right, he is a human being, not any other species. If necessary, this righteous son will also kill the alien.

In fact, this is what Superman should do, and he does.

Diana showed a different color in her eyes, but she didn't stop it.

Finding a way to subdue Aum's flooded land is indeed the first priority.

At this moment, an abnormal golden yellow spark opened tremblingly, the bright color, under this gloomy sky, gave people a bright feeling.

But the one who came out was a less reassuring person.

"Wanda?!" Diana called out in astonishment.

But Wanda did not respond to her, or that she would not respond to anyone.

Those beautiful eyes full of rich emotions have been flooded with chaos and violence, which is very different from her usual gentle and pleasant personality.

A large amount of chaotic magic surging around the body uncontrollably spread all over, setting off a stormy sea.

Almost all of the rich and abnormal magic particles have materialized, and they spread in groups, and the stars surround Wanda like a moon.

The red dresses that many people are familiar with are also covered by the terrifying magic of chaos, and become more indestructible than steel. The unraveled hair is floating in the ocean of magic, and every hair is more than the bullet shot out. To be dangerous.

"Go to hell, breathe in!"

Aum yelled, raised his trident and pointed towards Wanda, a force far stronger than the magical lightning that blasted Clarke blasted past, and it had turned into a long corridor tearing apart space in the air.

In a ten-thousandth of a second, it pierced Wanda's face.

Before Clark could give a sound reminder, Wanda flicked his fingers at random, just like flicking a reptile. The shocking magical lightning was distorted by the power of chaos on the spot, and then disappeared silently.
