Transformers In Marvel Chapter 393: Lively editorial department

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


   "Everything is normal in the Wall of Origin."

   "As of now, I haven't found any trace of Savita, I can't find him at all! Who will help me!!"

   "Shen Su Li has undergone small-scale changes. It seems that someone has crossed the timeline. I am closely monitoring the progress of the situation..."

   "It's weird! The Day of Doom suddenly abandoned the universe that was almost destroyed by him, and went crazy toward the main universe! The reason is unknown!"

   "The Clone of Sannomiya lost the battle and was destroyed by the owner of Infinite Gems. We need to pay close attention to the actions of Sannomiya, and beware of him jumping the wall!

   "What you said, watch out for the Kryptonian dog from Criptoe running out to bite you."

   "It's okay, I won't let the Criptos find out, this group of little white dogs can't even find us in ten thousand years!"


   In an extremely spacious and bright huge conference room, countless figures are busy, coming and going, everyone holding something in their hands, walking around in a hurry.

   Only a handful of people are very leisurely, putting their feet on the table moistly, whistling, enjoying with various drinks in their hands, gloating at the busy colleagues around them.

   Some people who passed by stared at the leisurely guy with angry eyes, and shouted: "Asshole, the two of us should change jobs! Why am I so busy, but you are so leisurely!"

"Don't say that, old man, I am you, you are me, we are all ourselves, what I enjoy is what you enjoy — oh, don't worry, I will enjoy your share as well as for you Compensation."

   "You bastard! No. 7739, you really deserve to die!"

   The man cursed, holding a pile of documents in his hands, and left with an unhappy expression on his face.

   "I protest! No. 7739, you change with me, I am in charge of the wall of origin, how about you be in charge of the wall of superpower?"

"Oh, how can this be done? The Wall of Origin is too much involved, and there are so many secrets. It is all mystery. Only I can do this job well if I am dedicated to my duties~ I stare at the Wall of Origin every day. , Overdraft every day, just for the safety of our editorial department~~~"

The inquirer trembled and cursed: "Who doesn't know that the Wall of Origin is the least problematic place? Countless gods are stuck by the Wall of Origin, and they are still unable to break free. Secret, let alone you?"

Similar quarrels are too common in this huge conference room, but there are more people arguing, and there are actually more people who are busy. Some of them are holding the paper to write and draw, some are typing in front of the computer, and some Painfully clutching his hair, thinking about the problem.

   These people are all authors and editors in the editorial department. They live here and are responsible for their respective tasks.

   Some of them are tall, some are short, some are fat, some are thin, but it is enough to pay attention to one thing: they are all a person in essence.

   The same face, the same genes, the same soul, and the same nature of ordinary people, without any supernatural power.

   Across the fourth wall, outside the wall, a black light concealed everything.

   Downey stood in the invisible black light ball, separated the transparent wall, watching the people in the editorial department thoughtfully.

   The plot gem was held by Downey, playing the ability of jumping dimensions.

   Deadpool is able to enter and leave the editorial department freely with this stuff.

   But this gem was taken by No. 1, and now it falls into Downey's hands.

   "The editorial department... very lively..."

   Downey was across the fourth wall, looking at the variety of newsrooms amusedly. He hasn't seen a few guys fighting and fighting into a ball.

   As long as he wants, he can rush in at any time and kill all these ordinary people.

   But it's the same sentence, it doesn't make much sense.

   What about killing? In case these guys have any back-ups and can't pit Downey, they can pit Wanda and others, just need to guide some dangerous guys into the main universe.

   And, from the eyes of Downey's only life, this editorial department, to put it bluntly, is a peculiar dimensional space.

   Tricksters from the fifth dimension can distort the rules of the entire multiverse at will. For example, nonsense mathematics such as 1+1=a fish can become a real reality.

   Trickster is just an ordinary resident of the fifth dimension.

   And these so-called author editors, their existence may be more novel than the way of life in the fifth dimension, but as long as you see it through, that's it.

  Similar to high-dimensional life, three-dimensional life can arrange the plot of two-dimensional characters in comic books at will, and can prevent those two-dimensional characters from discovering abnormalities.

   The editorial department, to put it bluntly, plays this role.

   Downey originally had a slight hostility towards the editorial department, but at this moment, seeing this messy scene really felt amused.

   "These authors and editors are all doubles... They are simply a person who has been copied countless times."

   Downey touched his chin and smiled.

In fact, the term double body does not mean that there is a "ontology", because every double body is exactly the same as the other double bodies. Every double body is a body, and every body is a double body. body.

   For example, when the thin man just jumped into the aging universe, a dozen of him suddenly appeared. The number 1 who won in the end firmly believed that he had killed his copy. But as far as the other dozen No. 1s are concerned, they all feel that they are the original ones, and the other talents are despicable copies.

   So I don't understand at all. The ability to replicate this multiverse is to replicate everything perfectly. Every individual is real, so I don't understand at all.

   This is why multi-organisms generally hate to see a bunch of themselves clamoring "I am me".

   Downey shook his head not paying attention, turned and left. The whole process was silent. In any case, he already knew the truth of the editorial department, so he didn't need to be that early bird.

   "Find a place to cultivate for a period of time. Going back in this state will only harm Wanda and the others."

   Downey shook his head helplessly as he looked at his body that was madly dissipating and gathering information. He is very tired now, urgently in need of self-cultivation, and then gathers the amount of information that spreads little by little.

   At the moment when Downey really left, a new dialogue was taking place in the editorial department.

   "No. 99, are you still looking for No. 1?"

   "Yeah, I don't know where that guy went, let me add some inexplicable plots, and then he disappeared."

   No. 99 is very distressed, holding her hair, her chubby body squeezed into the chair.

   "What did that guy ask you to add?"

"Oh, it's to rewrite a person's fate, a passerby who should have died when Hulk fought and hated." No.99 replied, "Although I don't know why, but I can take charge of such trivial things and help. He gave it a hand, but..."

   No. 99 worries and said: "Now I can't find No. 1, even if I can't find the passerby character whose fate was changed by me..."

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