Transformers In Marvel Chapter 390: Only 1 (three)

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


   The power of the plot gem has forcibly crossed the multiverse, pulling the remaining Downey doubles, turning them into particles, and fusing them in.

   This is a very, very obscure process. No one cares about the lack of a human being in each universe.

   No. 1 is very smart. To prevent himself from being discovered by other sole gods, he set everything very vague and low-key.

   But everything he prepared was done for Downey.

   "It's a rough way of promotion..."

   Downey's soul is also completely disintegrated, building a framework under the action of the gems of the plot, using the source of fire as the source of life, renewing and slowly gathering.

   Everything is silent, hidden by the gems of the plot.

   The source of fire is also shining brightly, a certain life rule firmly absorbs and frightens these countless particles gathered from the multiverse, and combines them into new individuals.

  A brand-new individual, an individual that does not exist in the entire world of Wan Tianyi and the realm of the gods.

  With plot gems as the impetus and fire source as the new core, everything in Downey's body is a new substance, new energy, and every particle that is born under the sole props, and has an unprecedented label.

   Downey vaguely felt the countless selves, and silently felt the various forms of life, falling into silence.

   Every double-body life, he seems to have gone through it again, like countless reincarnations.

  Some double bodies are facing a scene of a Hulk's fierce battle and hatred, and are about to die; only a few double bodies have survived by chance, and those with better luck have awakened the X gene and have the ability to accommodate superpowers.

   "Only I am special, the most distinctive core of all people."

   Downey has experienced countless similar lives, watching the repetitive fate that cannot be avoided.

  His self-existence has also been verified again and again, using Downey's own vision and cognition to absorb and gather everything he has.

   Everything is natural.

   He, who is only in the main universe, possesses unique cognition and memory. That is something that was forcibly added by No. 1 in order to make him unique and facilitate No. 1 to replace him.

  Multiverse, covered by countless black thin lines, sneaking up, splitting, dissipating, and fusing countless Downeys.

   Countless Downeys are ignorant and become part of the main universe Downey.

  They are mediocre, they have no advanced memory, no knowledge of the world, and the most remarkable thing is that they are just ordinary superpowers, too far away from the demigod Downey.

  At this time, all Downeys were erased by the plot gems, turned into segments of pure particles, and reorganized.

   "Really in line with the style of No. 1, eager for quick success..."

   Downey whispered in a low voice. At this moment, he experienced hundreds of millions of times in his life. Their existence of himself was confirmed again and again. The unique body and soul were engraved and fixed.

   At this time, he was fixed by the source of fire early in the morning, shaping him out of the ordinary, his memory, and his various cognitions of the future, and therefore will not be copied or destroyed by the multiverse.

   At this time, it was just another process that allowed him to maintain his special and unique self even without the source of the fire.

   and he succeeded.

   in the crudest way.

   Using magical plot gems, he forcibly collected all his own trajectories and condensed them roughly into one, which made Downey's cognition of himself crazy improved.

   It doesn't care about time, it doesn't care about space, and countless Downeys are all gathered by him.

   If someone can look down from the perspective of God, they can see the horror picture-endless Downey, densely packed, continuously superimposed from the infinite timeline at a frenzied speed.

   is like countless clones who have merged into one at a speed exceeding the speed of light.

   Timeline and spatial dimensions are powerless to stop, the endless Downey is merged into the new part of Downey in the main universe.

   is like a nail. This nail used to be nailed with the help of a fire source, but now he can firmly nail it himself.

   Countless genes and souls of similarities and small differences return, gather, and aggravate. Similar trajectories are superimposed again and again. Every minute and every second, hundreds of millions of Downeys are superimposed and become the "weight" of the new Downey.

  The power of time gradually becomes ineffective, and the power of space also loses its effect.

   From the very beginning of the gene, it became stronger and more terrifying than steel bars. The substantive soul gradually became a concrete reality, and the endless duplication was suddenly terminated by a certain force.

   The entire multiverse seems to be stuck for a while, and then it continues to run nonchalantly.

   But from this moment on, the derivation and replication of the multiverse are completely ineffective for Downey.

   Ignoring the copy and erasing the existence of the dual body is just the first step.

   "Although the method is a bit rougher, the methods of this guy No. 1 are really scary..."

   Downey once again, gathered from countless particle states, each particle's movement and return can cause tremors in the quantum realm, because at this time Downey has been promoted to the only life.

   The only life, every particle in the body is unique, and it is an existence higher than the multiverse.

   Every particle is like a royal family in a dynasty, born high above, whether other people want it or not, whether the multiverse wants it or not, they must lower their proud heads.

   has nothing to do with strength, only state.

   Downey is a newborn, tall body, exuding fluorescence, white as jade, every inch of skin exudes a noble and holy luster.

  'S deep eyes seemed to contain the changes in the world of the entire Wan Tianyi world. The memories of countless reincarnations were as plain as water, and the barriers that crossed boundaries from diversity had long awakened him.

   The world seems to be different in his eyes.

   is the same as the ghost, wherever he can see, whether it is a planet, a different dimension, or even a small free particle in a vacuum, ghosts are spreading out in a large area, floating, and floating.

   in a higher dimensional form, drifting out, in a distant place, re-reflecting, forming a new universe, a new timeline.

   And no one will notice.

   Except for Downey.

   He lowered his head and looked at himself. Everything was "normal". The ghost images that made him dizzy and unpleasant did not appear on him at all.

   The source of fire in my exudes light, as always.

   But the plot gem is already full of cracks.

   And the soul gem is floating quietly on the side.

   Downey felt that the "contract" between himself and the soul gem no longer counted.

   It was a strange feeling. He sacrificed himself to the Soul Gem and reached an agreement with the Soul Gem. If not surprisingly, Downey would become a role like the Red Skull and become a gatekeeper.

   Soul Gem is also very satisfied with this agreement. Compared with the kind of Red Skull, Downey is so powerful that it is more unique.

   But at this moment, the soul gem is a bit dazed and at a loss.

  Why, suddenly, his servant has changed?

   The contract between myself and the servant, although it exists, is directly invalid? It was as if he could no longer ask Downey to do anything.

   And Downey can still contact himself through a contract.

   The Soul Gem is a little angry.

   It shook, disappeared directly, and flew in the direction of Warmir.

   It feels the deep malice in this world. There are too many scammers. A simple gem like it is really rare.

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