Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 421: Vertigo in the flames of war

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


The two torrents crashed into each other, making earth-shattering noises.

Just above the earth, on the surface of the Indian Ocean, a great war broke out.

The legion of various life beings in the universe, which numbered more than 200,000, collided with the Decepticon legion of more than 20,000, and they turned their backs in an instant.

Countless figures moved forward at high speed, and immediately received tremendous force in the collision. They flew out on the spot and turned into countless figures, such as scattered meteorite fragments, which turned into fireballs and burned under the friction of ultra-high speed.

"Kill these robots!"

"If you win, you can exchange for freedom!"

"Freedom! Freedom!"

Two hundred thousand criminals in the Phantom Zone, one by one, are extremely vicious, with twisted and hideous faces, speaking different languages, and charging like crazy.

In the Phantom Zone, there is a complex and harsh environment, a large number of broken asteroid belts, and inside it are the guys who have been defeated by the Kryptonians for a long time.

Anyone who can survive from the Phantom Zone is the strongest and most ferocious guy. The weak chickens died the first time they entered the Phantom Zone and were killed by other criminals.

Some of the people who survived had very cunning personalities, some were very powerful, and even more proficient in spiritual abilities.

But now, they have to put on battle armor and fight for their lives.

Their lives are controlled by the Kryptonians, and the Kryptonians in the battleship can detonate the devices in their brains at any time. If you want to survive, you must fight for the Kryptonians.

A fierce battle is unfolding over the Indian Ocean, and the whole planet is watching.

Everyone restrained and silently observed the fighting.

This is the battle between the Decepticons and the Krypton criminal legion, and it just happens to show the combat power of this group of criminals.

Although it is strong, but to be honest, it is limited.

On the earth, most of the forty-one bases have opened their main energy guns and aimed their muzzles at the battlefield. After accurate calculations, after calculating the curvature of the earth's surface, they fired one after another and blasted them towards the enemy. The rear of the legion.

A violent explosion sounded, and the screaming criminals were killed and injured.

Only a few survived, and the vast majority died on the spot.

In just one minute of fighting, 200,000 criminals killed 50,000.

"Damn it, isn't this a backward planet, why is there such a powerful energy weapon?"

"This is unreasonable. Why didn't the Kryptonians help us intercept? Don't tell me that their artificial intelligence is a fool!"

As soon as the swearing criminal's voice fell, his head suddenly expanded in a circle, and then he made a pop, like a burst tomato, completely exploded, and a small spark was burning brightly.

The criminals around shivered, their faces were so gloomy, and the killing intent was fleeting, but they could only vent their anger on the Transformers.

The Kryptonians' methods of treating these criminals are very cruel. Breaking orders is death, and arbitrarily talking is also death.

The sky was full of artillery, and countless images of people fell like dumplings.

There are both unknown creatures and Transformers.

Life has become very low and ridiculous at this moment, these two hundred thousand people who have been numbly killing for survival all the year round can only find a little value of existence in death.

Of course, criminals are definitely not willing to admit it. Whoever wants to embrace death is a fool's job. The two words alive were interpreted to the extreme by the criminals in the Phantom Zone.

Fighting head-on, the loss is great.

In the air, a large number of warriors are entangled together. Although the number of Transformers is small, they still have an advantage, each with a computer-like brain, a powerful steel body, and a sharper weapon.

A Decepticon Type I warrior, holding a gun in his left hand and a sword in his right hand, slashed down and killed two enemies with a single sword. Then a big guy slammed over and knocked his chest down, but this King Kong was not at all. He hesitated and shot him directly with his left hand, calmly killing him.

The wound on his chest was so heavy that his heart guarding the fire showed a trace of damage. It stands to reason that this kind of injury needs a five-minute rest, and his body's self-healing ability can recover as before, but he didn't mean to stop at all, immediately transformed into a helicopter, and opened fire violently at the large number of enemies.

Seeing that the efficiency of ordinary weapons was too low, the soldier protruded a device directly from the nose of the aircraft, which was a pulse jamming device that he had researched on his own.

The nearby enemies were a group of octopus-like creatures with a lot of tentacles. They barely squeezed into the standard equipment provided by the Kryptonians and rushed towards him.

"Go to death, long live the Decepticons!"

This Decepticon warrior directly used electromagnetic pulse weapons to interfere with their technological armor, and then a fierce artillery fire killed these octopus creatures.

But he was also surrounded by more enemies.

The helicopter propeller was damaged by a shot from an enemy and began to emit black smoke. The Decepticon warrior also swayed and was about to fall. He was besieged by many eager guys.

At this moment, a big scary giant sword slashed over, and then swept across, clearing out an area.

"Good job, soldier! What's your name?"

On Megatron's ferocious expression, there was a rare hint of appreciation.

The helicopter trembled, and a dull voice came out: "Dizziness."

"Very good, dizzy. As long as you don't die, I decide to give you opportunities and resources for promotion. As for the level of promotion, it's up to you."

Megatron admired, and the jumping body suddenly landed in the air, his left hand was raised, a giant cannon was assembled in half a second, and it was perfectly inlaid on the top of his left forearm, and then a beam of energy from two eyes It blasted out like an amazing waterfall erupting from the eyes of a Wangquan.

The fugitive energy emission mode will undoubtedly waste a lot of energy, but for Megatron, who has an energy of 150,000 degrees at this time, he doesn't care about the energy of more than two thousand degrees at all.

The effect was amazing, and dozens of enemies who quickly surrounded them were killed.

Megatron, whose body was falling rapidly, was about to fall into the ocean. At the moment he was about to fall into the ocean, he directly turned into a windy and hideous fighter. The acceleration instantly increased to three times the speed of sound, and the barbs on both sides of the fighter shook slightly, forming A very lethal corner is formed, and the tip of the needle is outward.

Raging speed A powerful body, Megatron ran rampant among hundreds of thousands of enemies. Wherever he rushed, there must be a large number of stumps and arms.

Those barbs were also covered with fuzzy flesh and broken armor, and Megatron's body was dyed a strange color, which was the color of various blood.

Vertigo looked at Megatron like a **** of war, his eyes brightened, as if he had found a benchmark in life. After a moment of silence, Vertigo still maintained the form of a helicopter, quickly shuttled through the battlefield in the form of a seemingly bulky but extremely flexible vehicle, killing one after another strange-looking aliens.

He is very smart, knowing that he is just a Type I soldier, and he can't handle an overly powerful attack.

The loss of the Decepticon legion is still increasing. Forty minutes later, under the impact of the indomitable prisoners, the Decepticons paid the price of 7,000 soldiers who died or were injured and fell into the ocean.

But there are more than 10,000 Decepticon fighters who have just been awakened in various bases, ready to move.

This is also the final reserve force of the Decepticons.