Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 449: Vertigo and his pet

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


The arrival of the ancient day of destruction was a bit too fast.

For Downey now, it was too difficult to deal with that kind of enemy.

Unless you deduct the plot gems to work hard, but if you do that, the essence of his sole **** will not be concealed, and there will be countless sole gods who will come to him, and he is very happy to take him away for anatomy.

A demigod-level sole god, weak to death, those ancient gods were happy to kill Downey and study his secrets.

Unless he escaped to other universes in advance or contacted other kinds and only gods.

For example, in the fifth dimension, they must be willing to accept Downey, where the fifth king, fifth queen, Jin Chao, and others are not afraid of the day of destruction, and they can completely take Downey.

He also has an "old friend" in the fifth dimension.

"Ancient Destruction Day, with wisdom but no IQ, is a completely advanced beast. It is impossible to kill or imprison him. I can only think of other ways..."

Downey pondered for a moment, pressed his doubts to the bottom of his heart, and asked Wanda, "What are you eating tonight?"

"I want to!" Wanda leaned close to Downey's ear and said softly.



Somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, the Decepticon base.

In an advanced cultivation warehouse, following the command of the operation King Kong, the huge warehouse door opened, and a figure walked out of it.

On the purple incubator, there are a large number of extremely complex tubes flowing with many substances, some are liquid metal, some are super-energy crystal energy, and some are small parts that are difficult to observe with the naked eye.

These are the nutrients for the new Transformers.

With the input of the original CNA—just like a human fertilized egg, it has omnipotence—under the continuous supply of nutrients, it will continue to grow and eventually become a complete individual.

This is how Transformers were born.

What came out of this special cultivation warehouse was Vertigo. In the war against the criminals in the Phantom Zone, Megatron saw him and gave him a chance to be promoted.

Vertigo looked down at his body which was too strong, couldn't help but clenched his fists, felt the power of the explosion, and his eyes showed excitement.

[Name: Vertigo]

[Affiliation: Decepticons]

[Body: Type III (good)]

[Height: 9.2 meters]

[Energy: 12000/47000]

[Tinder: Weak (growing)]


Vertigo, from a first-level soldier to a powerful fighter with a Type III body, is simply the best spokesperson for the "Decepticon Dream".

This is what he made with his life, not only desperately on the battlefield, showing his talents, but also through life and death in the cultivation warehouse, finally survived and successfully tapped the potential in his genes.

"Sir, congratulations on your success." A low-level Decepticon warrior said respectfully, revealing envy and admiration.

Wanting to be promoted is not that simple.

Every Transformer has infinite possibilities, but how many are truly capable of tapping the potential? Especially dizzy guys who risked their lives to cross two levels.

In the process of promotion, many Transformers were unable to carry the influx of powerful energy and various chaotic and complex resources. The gene chain did not produce positive changes in the dying process, and the final result was death.

Too many Transformers died during the promotion.

It's too rare to cross two levels like vertigo.

I don't know how many times I patrolled before the gate of the ghost, and again and again, nearly died.

"Master Vertigo, Master Megatron is waiting for you." The low-level warrior said respectfully.

The surrounding Decepticon warriors also lowered their heads slightly, with a humble expressions.

"No, I'm here already!" Megatron walked in with heavy steps and pushed open the door directly, with undisguised appreciation in his scarlet eyes, "Good job, you didn't disappoint me."

As he said, he came to the dizzy, raised a hand on the other's shoulder, "You have this potential, I didn't see the wrong person as expected."

"Master Megatron..." He was so dizzy and excited that he squatted and couldn't say anything.

"The war is about to begin, and the legion is gathering, I just need a strong fighter like you." Megatron said, "If you stand out on the battlefield, you should return to the battlefield to let more people see your horror."

Starscream walked in at this time and looked dizzy with his scrutiny eyes, also a little surprised.

It is too rare to be promoted across two levels.

"Very well, what's your name? From now on, you will join me under my command, and I, the wise deputy commander of Starscream, will lead you..."

"No, I will let Vertigo be my escort." Megatron gave Starscream no face and vetoed it on the spot.

Starscream's expression was stagnant, and he recovered quickly, and delivered a flattering skillfully: "Of course, your majesty is supreme, my lord."

Megatron patted the dizzy shoulder again, making a dull sound, the dizziness of his tall stature didn't even shake.

"Starscream, is the army assembled yet?" Megatron said solemnly.

"Of course, a total of 270,000 soldiers have assembled, ready to attack Wakanda across the sea, but are these soldiers not enough?" Starscream said.

The Decepticons that enter the tyrannical mode grow very fast, they are only limited by resources and energy.

But 270,000 had completely emptied the Decepticon family.

There is no way, the body of Transformers of various models is just a big resource eater. All kinds of man-made precious metals are too rare and too time-consuming.

Their population base has never risen, which hinders the efficiency of output resources.

All the resources of the Decepticons come from the seabed, and all kinds of minerals are also excavated from the seabed.

"The Creator will also do it. This is not what we are worried about." Megatron glared at Starscream before turning to leave.

Starscream hurried to keep up.

As they go away, Vertigo can finally see a brand new self.

"You have become stronger." A low-level soldier walked over, envied.

"I will make a contribution to make you stronger, surfboard, you are my second closest, no, the third closest King Kong." Vertigo looked at his brother's surfboard and whispered.

Downey was the first to be close. And second, it was taken over by Megatron, and now my head is dizzy with the idea of ​​making merits for Megatron.

"You don't need What you can do, I can do it too." The low-level King Kong named Surfboard refused, putting away his envious eyes, with an eager expression in his eyes.

He and Vertigo were born together, but Vertigo has already left him far away, and he is still dangling in the low-level sequence. How can this make him reconciled?


A slap-sized scorpion ran from the corner and climbed onto the vertigo shoulder skillfully.

Sark Scorpion, this is a stunned pet, a miscellaneous soldier who is not even a Type I warrior—maybe not even a miscellaneous soldier, this is a gadget made by accident with scraps.

"Oh, of course, I won't forget you, we will all become stronger." Vertigo said in a low voice while looking at his pet.

The poisonous scorpion screamed, and on its long tail, the delicate small parts kept turning, shining with cold light.