Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 443: Cosmic test site, the ruling day plan (2)

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Knocked down and nodded as if to understand.

He reluctantly made up for the castrated version and the ancient version that Downey said.

"The land bridge technology has been basically researched and perfected, and we are just short of the final experiment. We plan to transmit inside the earth first, and after confirming that it is correct, we will directly aim at Mars and contact Optimus Prime."

"Give us a little more time, and the interstellar space bridge can be successfully developed. At that time, we will look for a remote galaxy as a test site. If you are careful, you will not be discovered..."

Knocked down and talked, slapped his shoulders lazily, made a clanging sound, and sat on the ground.

Downey glanced at him lightly, and said flatly, "Who told you that experiments were conducted in our universe?"

"Huh? Do you want to cross the universe? Do you really want to use a complete universe as a giant test field?" Knocked down, "I think it's great to be able to find a galaxy, and we don't have the technology of a cosmic bridge at all!"

"I can travel between the universes. I can go on my own. Spread the virus on a large scale... with the life of the entire universe, you can always pile up a pile of ruin days."

"At that time, we will find the best genetic template in these days of destruction with uneven potential, and then create a controlled day of ancient destruction."

Downey's eyebrows drooped slightly, covering the flashing things in his eyes.

When he said these words, suddenly, something in his heart was let go.

Downey seemed to understand why some of the only gods who entered the multiverse would be ruined.

Because they don't care, and because they are so familiar with the structure and nature of the multiverse, they appear to care.

Even the current Downey is just a quasi-only god. In his eyes, he can see the formation of countless universes, and the newly formed universe can differentiate into countless universes again... The geometric multiples grow wildly, and the universe is born every minute and every second. It's simply astronomical.

Every second, countless people who are familiar with themselves are born, living in another universe, experiencing similar or completely different lives.

In this way, destroying a universe is really nothing...

Downey's own power cannot match a universe, but the noble nature of the only **** can interfere with the progress of the universe. Downey can even affect countless ghosts in his eyes, causing the parallel universes that are being separated and formed to be distorted under his influence. The reaction eventually went to death.

This time, Downey intends to do it himself and spread the original gene template of the Doomsday in a certain universe.

If the only **** really takes something too seriously, he will drive himself crazy instead. For example, the only **** cherishes a multi-living being, and this multi-living being has too many misfortunes in the countless double bodies of this multi-living being in the multiverse. Does the only **** have to save one by one?

Impossible, unless the only God directly modifies the rules of the multiverse, making the happiness of the people he cherish becomes an iron law. But this will make the multiverse collapse little by little and head toward destruction.

I have experienced too much and watched too much, so I don't care much.

The heart has changed.

"That's the decision, I will develop the initial Doomsday gene template as soon as possible, and then put it into other universes." Downey said.

"Then we also have to be prepared. In a universe, there will always be some exceptions. Maybe an uncontrolled day of ancient destruction will be born. Then we will not worth the loss, and we will personally create a powerful enemy." Shockwave Said.

"So I will find a way to add CNA gene fragments in the initial gene template. In this way, those days of destruction will be affected by me... It is impossible to get benefits without paying any risk. This risk, It's worth the risk," Downey said.

If successful, they will have a powerful monster with unlimited potential and immortality.

The planet Cybertron needs a "sacred beast" that can be used.

A "sacred beast" marked with the only mark of favor.

"Order the Decepticon Legion and the Mechanical Insect Legion to attack Wakanda, seize the Zhenjin Mine, and finish on the earth." Downey commanded, "On the Antarctic side, I will let the Sky Eye send people to dig over there. Zhenjin Mine."

Sasser and Knockout nodded, and left in a hurry. This war requires them to take it seriously.

After all, it was a war of annihilation.

The secret room of Creation regained its tranquility. Downey looked at the light yellow sacs in this small secret room with his back on his back. After pondering for a while, he began to study the new Destruction Sun gene template.

A Kryptonian gene template doped with CNA.

"Day of destruction... the ancient Kryptonians are really geniuses, they are only one step away from success, but unfortunately they will always fall on this last step."

Downey raised his hand and transferred a sac. With the Code of Life in his left hand, he extracted a large number of genes from it and spliced ​​them bit by bit. The power of the fire source was also extracted by Downey, and the original CNA contained in the fire source was also removed. Extract it out.

It is troublesome to use CNA gene fragments to join the Kryptonian gene chain, but it is not impossible.

"Ancient Kryptonians, they are only one step away from becoming a god..."

Thinking of this, Downey's expression was a little weird, as if he was smiling.

As we all know, things like the Destruction Day were originally developed by the Kryptonians to solve their own racial defects, and they are the "perfect Kryptonians" they can imagine.

That's right, in fact, the evil and ugly monster like Doom Sun is essentially a perfect Kryptonian, a new Kryptonian with no genetic defects.

If the ancient Kryptonians really did it, and developed the Day of Doom and was not killed by the Day of Doom, they might really be able to raise the clan to be a god.

Think about it, every individual in the entire ethnic group has unlimited potential for evolution, and can violently fight at any time, creating more people in every minute...

Even the many sole gods in the realm of gods will be stunned.

Unfortunately, it was only one step away. The ancient Kryptonians succeeded. They had successfully created the perfect Kryptonians in the era when the multiverse was just born and there were few universes, the only era where time and space merged with many dimensions.

Well, although the appearance of this perfect Kryptonian is really not flattering, it is indeed perfect in terms of the essence of life and genes.

It is a pity that it is uncontrollable, and there is super high learning wisdom, which became the executioner and gravedigger who destroyed the ancient Kryptonians.

"The ruined ancient Kryptonite, the violent day of ancient destruction, the disappearing God of Krypton Rao... Hey, I don't know how many secrets are being covered."

Downey sneered, looking at the broken gene chain, without changing his face, he experimented again.

"The 191st experiment failed."

"One hundred and ninety-second..."