Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 429: The afterglow of Fiora, the end of the Kryptonian

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Distance is not for the fearful, it is for the bold. It is for those who are willing to spend a lot of time alone in exchange for a little time with the one they love. It is for those knowing a good thing when they see it, even if they don't see it nearly enough. – Meghan Daum


Fiora stared at the white dog flying in front of him coldly, with anger gleaming in his eyes.

The person in front of the dog, with the S logo on their chests, is simply the biggest humiliation to her.

The son of a traitor, and a creature created by a traitor who violated the prohibition privately by conducting biochemical experiments.

In the front and back chase, the momentum is amazing. Whether it is Cripto or Fiola, its speed has exceeded ten times the speed of sound. Against the sonic boom produced by the air, it looks like it is charging the world from a distance.

The sound barrier that is visible to the naked eye makes a deafening sound, which can easily shatter the eardrums of passers-by. The faster the speed, the more dangerous the sonic boom will be. The sonic boom driven by ten times the speed of sound is enough to damage the body of ordinary people.

Kripto panicked, and a little panic flashed in his eyes. It was just an ordinary terrestrial dog. Even if it was transplanted with advanced genes, it had strong wisdom and strength, it would not be used at all.

At least compared with Fiora, a warrior who didn't know how many births and deaths he had on the battlefield, Cripto was just like a child, who didn't know how to use his power skillfully.

It is stronger and more powerful than Fiora, but it tries to steal Clark and hide, instead of trying to kill Fiora.

Fiora's face grew colder, his face twitched, and he became more and more accustomed to his soaring power, and was rapidly becoming stronger.

For example, the way of movement has changed from frequent jumping to long-distance jumping. It is rapidly adjusting the frequency between itself and the earth's magnetic field, and gradually mastering the flying ability.

A golden halo appeared in time, sending Cripto away, and Stephen's figure walked out of another portal, directly bombarded by a light golden magical lightning.

With a bang, a deep hole was left on the ground, which just cut off the center of the road.


Fiora raised her two thin eyebrows and didn't say a word. Before Stephen could speak, she immediately attacked the killer, rushing over at an astonishing speed, her fists raised, her eyes brewing murder.

She clearly remembered General Zod's command: when she met a magician, before they used the magic, she would kill them and kill them with just one punch.

Weak magicians, their bodies can't stop the ordinary punches of the Kryptonians after they have been exposed to the yellow sun.

The distance is so close that ordinary people can't react at all.

It's just that there are no ordinary people here.

Stephen was hit head-on, and Fiola's body went straight through.

This is a projection.

The mirroring spell, a spell of the upper middle level in Kama Taj, creates a temporary projection that is nothing at all.

"This is not where you should be, Kryptonians."

Stephen's voice came from the top of a small building. He looked down at Fiora, then set one hand in the air, while the other slowly turned.

He wants to pull Fiora directly into the mirrored space, where it is his home court. To be honest, Fiora put a lot of pressure on him. If he hadn't made a projection in advance, he might not be able to dodge the opponent's speed.

"Your tricks don't care about me, magician." Fiora said indifferently, watching Stephen's movements, her sense of crisis rose sharply.

"Stephen, I'll take care of her, you immediately clean up the trash fish on the Indian Ocean battlefield."

Downey's voice suddenly came, and he stepped out, with fourteen coffins floating behind him.

All the Kryptonites, including Zod, were killed by him and put in the coffin.

Stephen's movements paused, and a hint of surprise appeared on his prudent face.

"Are you back?" Stephen surprised.

"Not long after I came back, I was lucky, just in time for such a lively time." Downey smiled, tilted his head and glanced at Stephen, and smiled, "You have become a lot stronger."

"I'll surprise you." Stephen curled up his mouth and said no more, directly opened the portal and hurried towards the Indian Ocean.

He knew that he was no longer needed here.

Downey is back, and this group is dead.

At the moment when his body disappeared, Stephen couldn't help but glanced back at Downey, with respect in his eyes. He knew what Downey was doing and how dangerous the process was.

"That's the Sannomiya... he really did..." Steven murmured, trying to laugh.

The portal closed slowly.

"Fiora, right, Adjutant to General Zord, a loyal follower." Downey pointed to the fourteen coffins behind him, and smiled, "You will be the fifteenth."

Fiora's face changed, and he used super perspective to see the image inside the coffin. Then, his face turned pale and his body couldn't help shaking.

She gasped quickly, as if something in her heart had broken.

"They are all..." Fiora's pupils suddenly enlarged, his eyes suddenly lost something, and he looked at the coffin a little stiffly.

The hands and feet began to become cold, and the boiling blood began to freeze.

The face behind the mask was unremarkable.

"Dead, I personally killed fourteen people, none of them ran away." Downey said lightly.

Downey looked at him suddenly stupefied and exuding icy Fiora, his eyes drooped slightly, then he lifted up again, and said indifferently: "You can't run, I will kill you one by one, and then let me On the test bench."

"Go to death with peace of mind, Fiora, I will end the last afterglow of Krypton, and it will not be enough to insult you."

Downey stretched out a hand, and countless particles gathered to form a burning translucent flame.

Yingying is shining, beating slightly, exuding light.

But in Fiora's eyes, this flame is colder than an iceberg.

Just like her heart.

The messy ground is her masterpiece.

But their Kryptonites, including General Zod, came to the earth in high spirits, and like this fragile ground, they shattered with a single touch.

"The warrior's home is the battlefield, and they are considered dead." Fiora stepped away, the pain on her face was fleeting, and immediately changed to her most due attitude...indifferent.

Just die.

Krypton is long gone, and their group of homeless wanderers should also be gone today.

It's just a pity that I couldn't take another look at the general in the end.

Fiora glanced at the guy in front of him one last time, as if to remember Downey forever.

"Let go of their corpses and give them the destination of their fighters. I can give you everything. A living Krypton is better than a dead Krypton." Fiora whispered.

Downey's face moved, and he nodded slowly, "If you insist, you can."

Fiora was silent for a while, put down her hands, and walked towards Downey coldly.

Those slender legs, towering chest, slender waist, and delicate face were slowly approaching Downey.

An iceberg-like powerful female warrior succumbed to a stronger man.

The distance was getting closer and closer, and finally, Fiora calmly walked in front of Downey, and slowly lowered his head.

It is expressing surrender.

There seemed to be a hint of redness in the deeply buried eye sockets.

A steely palm squeezed her chin, then, abruptly, lifted it up, forcing Fiora to look straight at herself.

Downey carefully looked at the female warrior her face moved closer, and the closer she was, the more we could feel the strange feeling coming over her face.

Fiora looked directly at Downey's eyes, numb, as if resigned.

If you change to any man, you will have a great sense of accomplishment.

A queen-like woman, powerful, cold, and beautiful, but she has to surrender and look like whatever you can do.

"Do you want to destroy Zod's corpse with a hot sight?"

Downey asked suddenly, the strength in his hand suddenly increased.

Before Fiora's face changed slightly, he endured the severe pain, and wanted to use his hot gaze to turn his head to destroy the fourteen coffins. Downey took the first step and broke Fiora's neck with a fierce force.

The red eye sockets gradually extinguished, and the gathered high temperature quickly became cold, just like the last afterglow of the Kryptonians.

With a bang, the dust rose, and the fifteenth body, Fiora, fell into Downey's hands.