Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 427: I really want to... look at the sun again...

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


The fallen dry palm fell to the ground and shattered.

Only a few drops of blood forced General Zod to cut off his right hand.

His majestic face was filled with deep jealousy and guard. Especially seeing Downey's head, the left half that was half-blasted by him, unexpectedly recovered in a blink of an eye. The terrifying self-healing ability made him terrified.

"Time magic?" Zod said slowly.

"No, if I wanted to use magic to deal with you, you would have died a long time ago, and it is impossible to hold on till now." Downey was expressionless, "Zord, you should be very clear about how huge your Kryptonian gene chain is. Defects."

General Zod squinted his eyes, and a haze flashed through his eyes.

How could this supreme mage be so clear about the weakness of their Kryptonians?

With a murderous heart, General Zod shook his only left hand, and a sharp pain came from the fracture of his right arm, as well as the smell of barbecue scorched by his hot sight.

His face twitched fiercely, and Zord stared at Downey, his eyes full of consciousness of killing.

A powerful supreme mage who is familiar with the racial defects of their Kryptonians...This kind of person, as long as they live, is an enemy they must kill for their Kryptonians.

Zodhan said: "I didn't expect Karl to tell you all of this... and that's right, if you didn't know Karl had such a weakness, you would not tolerate him living on the earth..."

Zod felt that it was because Downey mastered Clark's method that Clark survived by allowing Clark to become stronger quickly.

Zod knows too well how powerful a Kryptonian will become after being exposed to the yellow sun. In such a moment, his power index has crossed the 100,000 tons threshold. Although the cells in his body will always have an upper limit for storing energy, it is conceivable that the upper limit must be very surprising.

"You guessed wrong again, where Clark likes to go, he grew up on the earth, in my eyes he is a human being on earth, and objects will not interfere with him too much." Downey said indifferently.

Really speaking of threats, Clark was wearing a family suit, with a life code inside his body, and his magic resistance index skyrocketed. Ordinary magic would have no effect on Clark at all.

Moreover, Clark's power has surpassed one million tons, and in a few years, it will basically be able to maintain around three million tons. This is also the limit that Clark can reach in a short time.

And Downey, who is still dangling thousands of tons, his power is already very scary, but it is not worth mentioning in front of Clark.

But did Downey manage Clark?

No, because it is not necessary.

Before the creation of the secret room, he and Clark, who was always on the side of justice, really had nothing to communicate with.

After the creation of the secret room, even if it was for the life code, Downey was happy to contact Clark and accept it as soon as he saw it.

He is very, very interested in a certain research on the Kryptonians and is very willing to push that research forward by himself.

Downey is bound to win the creation of the secret room.

Zod let out a low growl, trampled on the ground violently, and suddenly violently, the figure barely visible to the naked eye straddled a long distance and slammed into Downey.

In his eyes, hostility flashed, killing intent permeated.

Muscles bulge and explosive power bursts out again, which has surpassed the total energy of tactical nuclear bombs. Strong muscles and blood vessels appeared on General Zod's face, and the blood flowed rapidly, making Zod's face more sordid.

It's like a beast that saves everything.

Downey stood there, his eyes flickered slightly and then sneered.

The moment Zord hit Downey, he kicked the ground again, and a few meters long cracks spread out. With this force, Zord suddenly turned and rammed... the door of the Creation Chamber.

"Don't think about it, Zod, I still want to use technology in front of me, it's just death."

Downey waved his hand quickly, the door that was knocked open by Zord suddenly came alive and began to gather frantically, trying to block Zord. At the same time, the entire creation secret room, the entire spaceship, seemed to come alive, the ground and the walls began to move frantically, tearing the place, and then entangled toward Zod.

Under Downey's control, the entire spacecraft began to oppose General Zod, and the Kryptonian's artificial intelligence was dead, without saying a word.

All weapons are controlled by Downey, and all metals are driven by Downey.

This mothership, including artificial intelligence, has become the property of Downey, and all the information and secret materials recorded in the spacecraft are invisible to Downey.

That rigorous encryption, a code lock that was so complex that computers on the whole earth could not calculate it, was easily overcome by Downey.

Naturally, the backhand that Zod left for him was also known to Downey for the first time.

The Doomsday Project was the most dangerous biochemical experiment in the universe that made Downey interested, and was very willing to personally push it forward. Like the little girl who stripped off her coat, all the secrets were exposed to Downey.

"No! I order you to open the secret room of creation!"

Zod was surrounded by countless metal materials. He smashed countless layers, and countless broken metal pieces were recombined without a trace of fragmentation.

His tens of thousands of tons of heavy punches smashed deep pits, but in a blink of an eye, the pits recovered as before, and even crowded toward him, compressing the space for his activities.

Countless metal materials began to superimpose, merge, and crazily compress under Downey's control.

As a sixth-level demigod, Downey has the most basic ability to control atoms, and break up and recreate matter, not to mention that he has a source of the fire. The power of the fire source was being dug little by little by him, and it burned brighter.

Layers of metal overlapped, overlapped, like endless waves, which flooded Zod one after another.

Ordinary paper, constantly folded and compressed, can become harder than steel, not to mention a large amount of metal on a spaceship.

It can be said that Downey pulled most of the metal inside without affecting the operation of the spacecraft, and surrounded Zod.

General Zord roared in bursts, accompanied by the deafening sound of boxing and the crisp sound of steel collisions, and the momentum was astonishing. It's just that the sound is getting duller and dull. In front of the continuously compressed metal plate, Zod's 100,000 tons of power is not enough to see.

Atoms are wonderful things. A thin layer of atoms can even pass through the human body without causing any impact. But if many layers of atoms are combined into a single thread, the aircraft carrier can be easily divided.

Then countless atomic layers were crazily compressed and merged, and the resulting matter could not be broken by a power level of 100,000 tons.

Zod was like a beast, with red eyes and a wild gaze erupting, trying to cut the metal plate in front of him, but it was useless. His cutting speed is not as fast as the speed at which metal atoms recombine and heal.

Zod tried his best, leaving only a trace of a red mark on the metal plate in front of him. After a second, even the red mark disappeared.

His eyes were cracking, and a drop of blood broke from the corner of his eye and shed.

Looks like red blood.

Maybe it should be tears.

General Zod never shed tears, but he would bleed until the blood was drained and the fight was to the last minute.

"Walk all the way, Lord General, the last hero of Krypton..."

Downey said quietly, "From now on, no Kryptonian will remember you, but trust me, I will remember you... Maybe we will meet again soon but in another way."

"I'm still me, but you...not necessarily."

"Go well, General Zod."

Countless metal plates bound Zord, only revealing his still resolute eyes. Vaguely, he could still hear the low growl from his sealed mouth.

He is such a person, even at the last minute, he will continue to fight. He bears the last hope of the Kryptonian people. A billion pairs of eyes are looking at him expectantly. He will not, and cannot, fail.

Even at the last moment of life, you must never fail.

Zod fell silent and watched a thin scary metal strip floating in front of him, with awe-inspiring killing intent, covering his last sight and the last golden sunset he could see.

The metal bar was slightly erected, a point pierced out, aimed at Zod's head, pierced fiercely, penetrated, and splashed a **** The setting sun gradually darkened, and the deep part of his eyes was soaked. The sun is completely gone.

Covered in darkness, consciousness will eventually become blurred, and a little collapsed.

Perseverance and longing were still exuding in those godless pupils.

The metal plates opened one after another, revealing Zod's burly body that stood like a mountain, still as strong and tall as before, with the hope of Krypton on his shoulders.

It's just that the frozen eyes, I don't know when, have moved away from the secret room of creation, looking in the direction of the setting sun, standing silent forever, staring.

I really want to... look at the sun again...
