Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 423: Come back!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


The Chamber of Creation is the cradle of life for all Kryptonians who give birth unnaturally.

All Kryptonians will be born in the secret room of creation. There are light yellow sacs inside. Krypton babies made by genetic technology will grow up from this sac until they become complete babies. Personnel take out and train.

The pale yellow viscous liquid inside is the same as the amniotic fluid of human mothers, but it is stronger and contains more amazing nutrients. This is a substance specially formulated for Kryptonians and can make Krypton babies better. growing up.

General Zod stepped into the secret room of creation. Here, only he has the highest authority, and he is the only owner.

This is the only creation secret room they have, and it looks crowded, incomparable to the huge and wide creation secret room on Krypton. After all, this creation secret room was built on a spaceship.

If the only remaining secret room of creation is destroyed, it will be over, even if they get the life code, it will be useless.

General Zod recounted the relevant instructions, and the artificial intelligence followed General Zod's instructions and followed them one by one.

"Start the preliminary preparations for the experiment code-named'Forbidden Creatures', and transfer the second authority of the Creation Chamber to Fiora." General Zod ordered.

"Warning, the Doomsday plan is banned by the Supreme Council."

"Do as I say!"

"Order passed, General Zod."

The artificial intelligence responded meticulously. A dozen capsules were fused together, and the light yellow viscous liquid inside was also being debugged by several robotic arms.

"Zord, stop it." A familiar voice came from behind him.

General Zod turned around, "Even if you die, don't you forget to preach to me? Just like you did to me when you were on Krypton?"

Joe El, Clark's father, was crossing his hands, looking at Zord with a pair of wise eyes.

Nearly half of his hair is gray, and he is wearing a decent black trench coat of the Al family, showing the last dignity and demeanor of the chief scientist of Krypton.

"I know, you will definitely keep some preparations." General Zod nodded on the console, directly depriving Joe El of control of the spacecraft.

"I have deprived you of your authority. Even if you build this spaceship, you can no longer interfere with me." Zod said, "The S key on the girl named Louise has no effect."

Joe's face was a little ugly, and he said in a low voice: "Zord, you are destroying a race."

"Yes, and I'm talking to a ghost about the benefits of doing this." Zod walked over and looked coldly at the friend he had killed by himself.

On Krypton, he and Joe El have always been friends who support each other, but when Zod made a coup against the rotten parliament, Joe not only refused to help him, but also stole the life code and disrupted Zod. All deployments.

In Zod's eyes, Joe, a good friend, disappointed him extremely. Not only did he destroy Krypton, he also selfishly integrated the life code into his son's body.

"We are all ghosts, Zod, Krypton is over!"

"As long as I am here, Krypton will be resurrected!" Zod growled, a trace of hostility flashed in his eyes.

"The power contained on this planet is beyond your imagination. You will only make things worse. Zod, even if others don't take action, my son will definitely be able to stop you. He is twice as powerful as you are now. "Qiao said coldly.

Zod slowly raised his head and glanced at him, and said indifferently: "Tell me, you have Joe's memory and consciousness, can you feel his selfishness? I will take the life code from your son's body, and then here Build a new Krypton on this planet."

Joe El stared at Zod's eyes without a trace of emotion. His only remaining intellectual consciousness was quickly wiped out by the artificial intelligence on the spacecraft.

Just like a group of data, it emits bright light when it collapses and turns into countless tiny points of light.

Zod clenched his fist fiercely, and the blue veins on his forehead were beating, showing his uneasy heart.

"I will keep getting stronger until I can match the strongest on earth."

Zod whispered.

Using super perspective and super vision, he saw that tens of thousands of meters away, the battle became more and more fierce, and the criminals who were not afraid of death began to flee, because the opponent was too fierce, and they often had more than one enemy. Can fight back.

Although they are fierce criminals, they are still far behind the Decepticon warriors who are born to be able to compete with the top combat masters, fighting masters, gun masters, and reproducible powerful steel bodies.

They are just flesh and blood. Although they have various abilities, they are far from absolute power.

There are a handful of guys who don't hesitate to flee and wait for death, and are unwilling to face off against the Decepticon group of meat grinders.

General Zod withdrew his hard gaze. Although he was a little surprised by this result, he did not expect the combat effectiveness of this group of robots to be so strong, but this is not worth mentioning in front of the formed Krypton army.

If it were 200,000, only two hundred Kryptonians would be able to sweep the Decepticons.

Under the blessings of the yellow sun, the Kryptonians are invincible.

General Zod looked at the secret room of creation, the sacs symbolizing new life, and his eyes revealed a rare softness. At the beginning, when he was a baby on Krypton, he was taken out of this sac.

This secret room will be the hope of the rebirth of the new Krypton!

"No matter who it is, you can't stop me!" General Zod said to himself.

"Oh? Really, I would like to try."

An indifferent voice came with a hint of chill.

"Who?" Zod got up, solemn on his majestic face.

The spacecraft's artificial intelligence faithfully reported: "General, there is no one. You must be stupid and misunderstood."

Zod's face changed slightly, and his eyes revealed a terrifying murderous intent!

His artificial intelligence would never talk to him like this! ! !

Someone quietly controlled this spaceship and his artificial intelligence! is the only one who can have this ability!

"Donny?" Zod asked with a sullen face.

A golden spark appeared abruptly, and Downey dressed in black stepped out. On his left hand, he followed a little girl who was also wearing a black robe, and under his right hand, he followed a cute puppy.

Behind him, twelve black giants are fascinating.

"Sometimes I still wonder when you Kryptonians will come." Downey said to himself, tilting his head to the left, and seeing the raven staring at each other fiercely, he stretched out his hand and patted her. Head.

The raven immediately calmed down, showing an expression of enjoyment.


The Space Dog Cosmo called out with some jealousy.

Looking at Zord, Downey slowly said: "I am actually very interested in some of your Kryptonian things... So, give me your life, I need your body!"