Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 451: war

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"Either people change or they die before they do. It's one or the other." – Orochimaru


Smart he had already thought that his every move was under Downey's sight, and he had already prepared for this.

In and out of Gotham City, there are all Downey's minions, including the mayor who is beloved by the Gotham people, who is also Downey's.

Batman is not a fool. He can't find the problem in a day or two. It's rare for a few years to think about it clearly?

And Downey never tried to cover up any attempts.

"Does this not worry about me at all? No, if it's Downey, it must have a deeper purpose."

Batman knows Downey too well, and his attention and research over the years have made him well aware of the nature of this man.

But he couldn't figure out exactly what Downey wanted from him.

He was just a powerful ordinary person, unless, Downey also saw his brain, just like this suspected Luther brain in front of him.

Living computer?

It should not be that simple.

Batman coldly opened the transparent compartment and then picked up the brains. It felt extremely cold when he started. The fragile brain had solidified a lot, allowing him to hold it firmly.

Is it Luther? Go back and check your DNA.

After copying part of the information, and returning along the same path, Batman was ready to go out in a **** battle, but unexpectedly, no one came to stop him.

It's as if he doesn't exist.

The traces deliberately are too heavy, still disdain to cover it up?

Batman's heart was heavy. He didn't know anything about Downey's intentions. His every move now was under Downey's supervision, but he had to do it again.

Is it to abandon the brain and the weird experimental data, just take a look and leave? If impossible, then he is not Batman.

But the more so, the heavier he felt.

"Batman, the electro-optical guy has been staring at you, and he is actually there. You didn't find him before the top-level human magnetic field detection device you developed." Robin's bitter voice came, and the spirited young man was a little depressed.

They are like fools who take off their clothes and dance under the lights, but they are still complacent.

"It's normal, the abilities of the electric people have been improving," Batman replied.

In the night, Batman jumped out of the basement and left without looking back.

On a building a few hundred meters away, the azure blue body of the electro-optical Max was extremely conspicuous. He appeared abruptly and observed, but did not move further.

With that glowing feeling, Batman knew that he was being stared at without turning his head.

I'm in a terrible mood.

Responding to Robin outside, Batman boarded the Bat fighter, turned on the hidden device, and directly controlled the fighter to take off.

"Whose brain is this? Why did Downey want to give it to us?" Robin asked suspiciously.

"He has something he wants us to do," Batman replied hoarsely. Even if he boarded a fighter plane, he would "ot regain his original voice, very cautious.

"It feels terrible," Robin grumbled.

Batman has a cold face and a very bad mood.

Max looked at the Bat fighter that was going away, stood silently for a while, then left the roof, turning into countless electric currents and disappearing.

Downey usually gave him the task of housekeeping, but only to him.


On a calm night, a mudslide awakened many high-level officials.

"What? Hundreds of thousands of robots gathered in East Africa?"

"Three hundred ships made up of a large number of Transformers went to Africa?"

"What do those robots want to do? No, what does Downey want to do?"

"He wants to seize Wakanda's Zhenjin Mine and build a planet of his own. Downey will definitely not let go of such a precious thing as Zhenjin Mine."

"Compared to this, I am more worried about whether he will take action on his mines."

Many people are worried, but it is not that they are worried about the fate of Wakanda-if Wakanda has a gold mine and can make them covet it, they will not bother to control the fate of an African indigenous country.

They are even more worried that this is the first domino to fall.

What if Downey wants to plunder the world's minerals? They can't stop it.

"Contact Klein immediately and ask Tianyanhui what they want to do." Someone ordered.

It doesn't work to go to the Tang Manor, the people who are sent will only be beaten up and thrown out. This is a lesson of countless blood. So everyone knows that Downey doesn't want to talk about "public affairs" in the manor.

The Sky Eye Club became the channel for them to contact Downey.

This may be a dangerous signal, but it may also be the last signal.

Before Downey left the earth, he seized the gold mine. Since he did such a blatant thing, it meant that he had left the earth and entered the countdown.

The news that the Sky Eye would return confirmed their guess.

After taking the Zhenjin Mine, Downey officially left the earth.

"In fact, we all know that because of some unpleasant things that happened in the past, coupled with Downey's strong strength, leaving the earth is a logical thing."

A member of the think tank said to his leader.

The more unscrupulous the behavior, is it, not the more firm determination to leave the earth.

After some argument, most of the curses were made, but it was of no use.

Strength is the capital to speak, no matter how much they curse, they can't hurt Donny.


In the Atlantic Ocean at this time, more than 300 warships with weird shapes and nearly 300,000 Transformers were clustered along the Atlantic Ocean.

When the overall acceleration reached a peak, a huge vortex channel suddenly appeared in front, swallowing these Transformers.

The scenery changed. They had moved from the west coast of the African continent to the east coast, which is not far from East Africa.

"Strange, the Wakanda did not interfere with the transmission process?"

Megatron stood in front of a battleship Behind him, Starscream followed on his left, and he was stunned like a tower on his right.

"I guess they didn't expect us to use land bridge technology instead of teleportation magic to transport the army," Starscream said, spreading his hands.

That's right, the "land bridge" technology based on the planet's internal transmission has been developed and can be used on a large scale.

This is a technique that uses the principle of Karma Taj's teleportation magic. It is used in the form of technology and is essentially a grasp of space.

Before the development of the space bridge was completed, the land bridge was the fastest transmission method for Transformers.

"Starscream, don't think of Su Rui too simply, that woman has cosmic wisdom," Megatron said coldly.

Su Rui, the daughter of the old black panther, and the sister of Prince Techara, a guy who is smarter than T"ny Stark, has a pearl of higher wisdom.

This woman is their biggest obstacle to conquering Wakanda and occupying Zhenjin Mine.