Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 459: The day of destruction is coming

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


A few hours ago.

The dark dimension, as one of the top dimensions with the most expansive coverage and the widest coverage among the many dimensions of the main universe, has a very high status.

Domam, the ruler of the dark dimension, has been a little fluttering since defeating the Sannomiya.

It was not until after the war that he followed Downey's trail all the way to the place of nothingness.

Then, it seemed, some terrible skill was lit up.

In the end, the awakened Donnie was beaten up and lost a clone. Now the whole universe is full of controversy against him, which makes Domam feel depressed.

"It would be nice if I did it earlier. It would be a big deal to offend the Cosmic Presbyterian Church and destroy the Void Land." Domam muttered, regretting that it was not.

"Start early, I can kill Downey when he is seriously injured... No, I can't kill, I want to enslave him, let him be my slave!"

Dommam thought happily.

Those unbearable days have long been an eternal pain in Master Domam's heart.

He, the great Domam, was actually enslaved by the weak Downey!

"He can become a demigod, but only by absorbing the power I have accumulated! He is the most despicable and shameless thief. The whole universe is deceived by his glamorous appearance! Lord Domam should expose him Show the hypocritical side to the entire universe, let him realize my pain."

Dommam murmured fiercely.

On a declining planet not far from him, a group of people are busy.

This is a very rare scene in the past, there are people alive in the dark dimension. It stands to reason that apart from Domam in the dark dimension, and some of his servants, there will never be so many lives alive.

Still live on a planet together.

Although this planet is a bit tattered, it is indeed the best planet in the entire dark dimension.

Zach, as the new leader of the ancient demon mutants, is directing his family to create a huge sculpture.

This is a sculpture of Lord Domam.

Zach, who was not strong but had high emotional intelligence, keenly sensed Domam's preferences and decided to build this huge project.

Anyway, being idle is also being idle, and they are already very satisfied to survive in the dark dimension.

In the past two years, many newborn babies have been born, and these survivors have been beaten with blood.

When the Red Devil was still there, they shrank into a dimensional space in the solar system, struggling to survive.

It wasn't until Downey got in there, slaughtered the Red Devil's body directly, and then threw them, the survivors, onto a planet in the dark dimension.

Calm, tranquil, and beautiful, this is their evaluation of the dark dimension.

Bad environment? No, life in a different dimension is bad. Here, under your feet, is called heaven.

Zach has no ambitions, he is already satisfied.

Even if Domam regained control of the Dark Dimension, he didn't do anything to them—or rather, he wanted to do but hesitated about something, and ultimately did not do it.

They also got lucky to live to this day.

In the dark dimension of peace, it is simply the place they dream of. They also treat Domam with a hundredfold enthusiasm, although Domam is too lazy to care about them.

He hates people living in his world, and Zach is a group of little ants, he also hates it, but it's the same after a long time.

He has no interest in staring at a group of ants all the time.

Everything was the same as before, with no difference until there was a deafening noise.

The mutants stopped their work and raised their heads in confusion.

Dommam suddenly opened his eyes, his tyrannical eyes revealed the ferocity and the long-awaited excitement.

"Donny, I know it's you! Don't think about success this time, Master Domam will completely cut off your hope!"

Dommam yelled, as if waiting for a long time.

He has been waiting for Downey-there is no way, if he takes the initiative to attack, the avatar he created is limited in strength, and it is not Downey's opponent at all.

Only in the dark dimension, he is a seventh-level god, backed by the dark dimension comparable to the universe, and consumes energy to kill invaders.

As for the last time... well, that was an accident.

Yes, he was caught in the tricks of Downey, a despicable villain.

This time, Master Domam will be shameful!!!

"Donny, let me see how I enslaved you! You will become my slave!" Domam got up fiercely, the body comparable to the planet moved, with a trace of anger, a trace of jealousy, a trace of wildness, and a trace of... Uncheckable tension.

He knew that when Downey really came in, it meant that Downey was sure.

The huge body rushed towards the intruder, and in an instant, he reached that place after crossing countless light-years.

"Take it to death, ants!...who the **** are you?"

Domam suddenly stopped his huge body, and the huge hurricane that was triggered also stopped. With indifferent eyes, he looked at the little boy condescendingly.

A little dwarf with a height of five meters and a strange shape.

There are still some bone spurs inserted upside down on his body.

"So it wasn't Downey..."

Master Domam breathed a sigh of relief, a little disappointed, and a little lucky, and couldn't help looking at this little thing indifferently.

The strange shape is probably the product of the failed gene of a certain civilization.

However, it seems a bit familiar...

The little dwarf raised his head, and there was no emotional change on his flat face. The bone spurs all over his body, and the muddy skin and the **** covering the skin between the bone spurs, showed a bit of violence.

Five meters high, it was too small in front of Domam, but the violent aura radiating from his body gradually made the entire dark dimension begin to tremble.

As if standing there, he was a supreme god, who could easily destroy the sum of countless universes.

In fact, he can indeed do it.


The monster moved, let out a roar filled with endless rage and madness, and jumped, even Domam couldn't see his movement.

The explosive muscles instantly deformed and bulged, and the surrounding space couldn't help letting out a harsh whine, and quickly collapsed and annihilated, revealing nothingness.

The free particles in the air collapsed silently, and the molecules, atoms, electrons, and other particles were shattered when the monster moved.

Five meters high, for an instant, it was like a **** looking down on Domam... a **** symbolizing destruction and despair!

The entire dark dimension collapsed in an instant, and quickly collapsed in front of this force!

Dommam's huge planet-like body was beaten into countless particles with one punch, and then, as if unspeakably terrible power spread, those fine particles were also destroyed.

Vaguely, Dommam let out a scream with extreme horror, the scream was half tight, and then disappeared.

He recognized it, he knew who this guy was.

That aura more terrifying than the Sannomiya, let Domam know the identity of the visitor from the outer universe.