Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 481: Defeated

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Doomsday took the lead, pounced hard, and flew into Darkside.

The realm of God, where the space is solidified at this time, is very unfriendly to multiple life, but it is nothing to Doomsday.

He felt the obscurity of time and space. In his indifference, the five-meter-high body immediately changed. From the depths of his genes, there was a sudden drastic change. He adapted and modified his own genetic chain, and then to each one. The cells, and then every fiber in the body, are attached to the time and space they are in.

The hideous bone spurs slightly converged and pressed closer to the surface of his body. With his slightly opened mouth, hundreds of pointed teeth became sharper.

The energy used in the past was rapidly renewed. In an instant, the day of destruction captured the time and space of the God's domain, and then learned and imitated. Then, millions of evolutionary directions appeared in his body at the same time, and then according to the outside world. The slight changes produced quickly selected one.

The Day of Doom has evolved a physique adapted to the realm of God.

He recalled the traces of the essence of the One God that he had extracted from Downey, thinking that this was of course not enough, but it was enough to give him a direction for the next evolution.

He smashed Daxede with a fist, cleared a clearing, and then, grasping the last bit of noble essence, tried to evolve, but failed.

He was still far behind, and could only take a small step on the path of the One God.

Trying to condense the only subtlety again and again, but failing again and again, wasting a lot of energy and life, making the day of destruction even more unhappy.

Finally, he withdrew his attention a little bit, and looked at the guy he had beaten into the air.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but he seems to have...perceived what he wants from this guy? But it's far easier to analyze than the one drawn from Downey.

It is like the difference between a juvenile body and a complete body. The strength of the juvenile body is leaked out and cannot be concealed.


A red ray burst out of the ruins suddenly, and the day of destruction was easily avoided, but this ray seemed to be alive, stiffly but flexibly turned a few curved bends, and hit the day of destruction. .

The omega rays brought about by the Omega effect have the characteristic of "just hit the target". As long as they are emitted from Darkside's eyes, they will always change direction and twist and explode. The vast majority of them are from every angle. They are all around sixty degrees, leaving deep tracks in the air.

The violent destructiveness immediately penetrated, and the moment he was knocked into the air on the day of destruction, it quickly destroyed his body.

"you wanna die!!!"

Darkside jumped out from the ruins, his burly body was still a little different from the day of destruction, but the powerful aura was real.

His eyes were gloomy, Omega rays were used extremely skillfully by him, and a huge sense of humiliation rose in his heart, causing the tyrant to rise with a fierce killing intent.

He has been the Dark Lord Darkside, the **** of apocalypse, and the realm of the gods of megatron for countless years. On one occasion, he was blown into the air by some guy? !

He was willing to condescend to ask about the identity of the thing in front of him, which was already a great gift, but what was ushered in was humiliation.

Killing intent skyrocketed, Darkside stretched out his huge hand, and during his steps, this huge hand was already pressed on the head of the Doomsday. Then, Darkside gave a low growl and grabbed it fiercely, enough to destroy the universe. The force was released, lifting the Doomsday, and then falling to the ground.

The extremely sturdy Apocalypse immediately shook. Under this blow, a large area of ​​the ground began to collapse, and a ground comparable to the size of a universe was easily destroyed by Darkside.

Countless soldiers of the Apocalypse wailed and were killed by the aftermath. Their deaths were worthless. The tyrant didn't even look at them.

Weak trash, it's not worth his extra look.

"If you don't die, I will give you a chance to surrender me."

Darkside lowered his head and looked down at the ruins under his feet. He stood on it, his eyes passed through countless layers of rocks, and looked towards the day of destruction in the depths of the earth.

It was him, but he was also a little moved, because he actually stood up when he saw the Doomsday, and rushed to the ground under the heavy pressure.

The head of the Doomsday appeared extensively damaged, but soon, a more powerful force burst from the depths of the genes, repairing the injury, and making him stronger.

Doomsday is learning, thinking, and evolving tougher skin and muscles against Darkside's fighting style and attack power.

The Day of Doom gave a low roar, trying to analyze the essence of Omega rays. Of course, this could not be successful, but he immediately chose the evolutionary optimal solution that resists Omega rays.

Layers of bone spurs are like a violent ocean, densely following his head, gradually spreading all over his body. The closed energy circulation system in the body operates like crazy, and every time it operates, it brings more powerful energy. This complex energy is dispersed throughout the body, either to strengthen muscles, or increase bone spurs, or simplify. As energy.

The law of conservation of energy is all **** in front of the Doomsday. The Doomsday does not need to draw external forces, and it can continue to grow stronger by relying on its own internal circulation.

Darkside also couldn't help showing surprise. Under his gaze, the guy in front of him became stronger and his breath even more amazing.

He has become stronger in just a few tens of seconds.

Doomsday rushed up like crazy, he never feared fighting, no matter who the enemy was.

"Who are you!!!" Darkside roared.

But the other party didn't answer him at all, or said he didn't bother to answer. The huge body rushed up like an impenetrable barrier, and fought fiercely against Darkside.

The hot sight erupted in his eyes, called endless energy, and the indescribable trillions of high temperature blasted on Daxide, which actually caused Daxide to have a burning sensation.

One punch after another, any subtle movement of the whole body can cause the entire Apocalypse to tremble, and the orange-yellow materialized terrorist energy network is nothing more than a leak in the crazy battle on the Destruction Day.

Two strange monsters fought frantically, causing widespread destruction and death in their gestures, and the Apocalypse star appeared extremely humble and small in front of them.

Blood spattered and meat flew across, and the battle between the two gradually jumped out of the across the realm of gods, the battle was extremely tragic, and it shocked countless dormant sole gods.

What shocked all the gods was that Darkside was actually at a disadvantage.

Gradually, the attack speed of the Doomsday was getting faster and faster, the energy index skyrocketed, and the damage caused by the Omega rays of Darkside was actually lower every time.

Darkside's roar gradually weakened, and that powerful force became weaker in the face of the crazy day of destruction.

In the end, Darkside was actually suppressed, scarred, a large piece of rock-like flesh and blood collapsed and completely exhausted, and his armor, a symbol of honor and majesty, was also completely destroyed.

With another punch, the Destruction Day slammed Darkside's chest crazily, directly causing the collapse of a large area of ​​solidified time and space around him.

Darkside suddenly sank in his chest, and his whole person was like a falling meteor. His mutilated body was burning with raging fire, tracing a long red track, and falling towards the devastated Apocalypse.

Darkside, lost.