Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 479: Destroy Spores (2)

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


The Day of Destruction is rushing to the earth at an alarming speed. Every second, he crosses countless galaxies, and the stars are in his eyes, just like rubbish.

Unexpectedly, there is no sense of tyranny in his eyes, but indifference.

A kind of indifference and apathy after slaughtering countless universes.

In a long period of time, in countless killings, his sanity returned little by little. The initial madness and disorder have been replaced by sanity.

This is the most terrifying, a beast with extremely high wisdom.

He doesn't understand any humanity or logic, but his instinct and spontaneously grown wisdom have made him seem extremely terrifying.

He keeps learning, keeps observing, and keeps using what he has learned to destroy the old.

He is the day of destruction, and wherever he goes, it is the day of the destruction of all life, and the end comes.

He came across the universe, deep in his eyes, a trace of greed and desire was exposed in his indifference, and he stared firmly in one direction.

There, there are things he desperately needs, which is the only thing he lacks.

Intuition tells him that as long as he gets that thing, he will become complete and perfect, instead of always feeling that something is missing, aimlessly destroying one universe after another, struggling to find something.

He didn't even understand what he was looking for.

But now he knows that the only supreme essence, in this universe, has what he needs.

Study, study, study!

Learn this essence, evolve this essence, and then kill the guy who taught him, he will become perfect!

He will be the only day of destruction in the multiverse throughout the ages!

Those inferior likes, those shuddering in front of him, the trash with the same genes as him, will disappear forever, and they will become the only individuals in the world.

Insight, the blue planet was already in front of him, and he suddenly stopped his fast-flying body, and the terrifying energy fluctuations made the entire solar system tremble under his feet.

The yellow sun was blazing, and Doom Day just glanced at it and staggered his eyes indifferently.

The yellow sun is a good thing. This was known when he was extremely weak. At that time, he was frantically looking for the yellow sun in the universe, absorbing the energy inside and becoming stronger.

But now it's no longer needed, a mere yellow sun can't give anything.

Far away from him, some forces in the main universe are silently observing, Senistor is also hiding in the dark, his face is extremely ugly.

"I'm catching up slowly, it's still a step too late!" Senisto gritted his teeth and gritted his teeth.

The green light faded away, beware of being discovered on the day of destruction.

He wanted to reach the solar system first, quickly pick up the life form that inherited Su's ring, and rush back to the new OA star. Unfortunately, he raised the speed of the green light ring to the extreme, and he was still a step slower.

In fact, just one step slower, this is still the power of the green light ring.

The Green Lantern Ring allows the Lantern to travel from one section of the universe to the other end in a very short time. This is the result of the power of will magnified to the extreme.

He can also be compared with Doom Sun, a beast with wisdom but no IQ. If he comes to the third house, he can reach the solar system in an instant.

Senator watched carefully, his face solemn, and the visitor from the outer universe went straight to the solar system and didn't know what he wanted.

The most important thing is whether Su's heir can survive, and what method Downey will use to deal with this monster.

A figure, small, but as if it were bigger than the solar system, was flying over from the Earth to outer space and settled down.

The two figures confronted each other in the solar system, a faint, world-destroying aura erupted, and a flare exploded on the sun immediately, becoming extremely irritable.

The eight planets also trembled faintly, and the orbit seemed to be interfered with by a giant hand and might collapse at any time.

Downey here comes, standing in space, watching the day of destruction hundreds of millions of miles away.

The space and distance seemed extremely ridiculous in front of them. That long area, in front of the subversive power, was like a boat in the ocean, and it was overturned with a light breath.

space? This kind of thing can be broken at any time, and even a long distance can be crushed and crushed into something else.

Sure enough, Doom Day did not kill, but calmly observed Downey. In that gloomy gaze, there seemed to be... suspicious?

On the Day of Doom, we have slaughtered too many lives and fought with too many enemies. Some were powerful and invincible, and others were wise and superb. In the end, they all died.

But the guy in front of him, the breath radiating from his body madly attracted him. Similarly, he was obviously weak, but he did not lose the wind in the confrontation with him.

Because Downey released a collection of information to counter the threat of Doomsday.

At this time, Downey's heart was also under great pressure. Who wouldn't hold back on the day of the destruction of ancient times?

Beating him will only make him stronger, and killing him is even more ridiculous.

Downey looked at the monster on the opposite side coldly. Only when he faced him, could he feel the specialness of this thing, which was a kind of reason.

On the day of destruction, he did not directly blast him into dregs but tried to make up for the unknown part he lacked. Before making up, he would not easily kill him.

The day of destruction covered with bone spurs gently raised his hand, time and space were shaking, life was wailing, and then, his eyes suddenly turned red, with a cautious feeling, a hot gaze blasted out, and directly pounced on Downey. .

The moment the hot sight with a high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees blasted on Downey, it was directly blocked by the energy bursting out of Downey's body.

The Day of Destruction was a little relaxed, and it was estimated that the ant in front of him would not die so easily.


Doom Sun roared and rushed forward brazenly. In Downey's perception, a seed flew out of Doom Sun quietly, moving toward Downey at a faster speed.

Destroy Spore, an alternative clone used to plunder and resurrect on Destroy Day, successfully parasitizes Downey.

Destruction Day roared again, with a trace of excitement in his eyes. Under his control, Destruction Spores immediately erupted, and they were about to grow from a seed into a big tree.

From the spores, the Day of Destruction clearly absorbed an incomparably astonishing purity of essence, which was a high-level energy and regularization.

This unreasonable destruction spore was in Downey's body, crazily perceiving, extracting all valuable things.

With a happy roar from Doom, he stopped and looked at Downey with a playful look. He was changing, becoming so excited that he himself, he felt that he was becoming complete.

As for Downey? It is an inevitable result to be completely taken away from all and turned into a corpse.

Who cares about a nourishing idea? Feeling his own changes on the Day of Destruction, he couldn't wait even more, and was about to germinate the spores, completely parasitizing Downey's body and soul.

But Downey smiled, relieved, and bared his white teeth at the terrifying day of destruction: "Thank you, you idiot. In return, I will find a way to kill you in the future and let you embrace forever. death."

"We will meet again, in the realm of gods."

Downey's eyes were fierce. Before the spores germinated, the three mother boxes suddenly floated in front of him. Under the mobilization of Downey's fire source, they stuck together without any hindrance. A dazzling white light burst out. Shooting away in the direction of the day of destruction.

Too fast, almost beyond time and space.

Countless dimensions are covered by the channel composed of white light, and the day of destruction has no time to react. The moment it is hit, it disappears in the white light.

Vaguely, Downey's unwilling roar echoed in his ear, with extremely violent madness and hatred.