Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 473: For good mutants

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


The danger factor of Tang's Manor is also very high, and it is malicious to every uninvited guy.

Max, Betty, Lianna, Pietro, John, Blade, Johnny, Raven, plus an unwilling Su Rui...

Pets also include Krypton dog Kripto and space dog Cosmo.

There are also a lot of high-level Transformers.

Coupled with the ubiquitous killing machines and automatic devices, and the crisis-ridden underground laboratory, the beautiful Tang Manor has been built as hell.

For my own people, everything is only large areas of grassland, woods, flowers, small buildings, and food. Although not everyone lives here, many people often travel, such as Lianna, who often goes back to the border of **** to practice magic, such as Pietro. Run around the world whenever you have time.

Even if the fire broke out, Johnny would not live in the manor most of the time because of the spirit of vengeance, which would not prevent him from coming back to reunite on some major festivals.

Anyway, everyone here has two brushes, and he can press down his vengeful spirit in an instant.

As long as they come back, they don't even have to say hello, they can do it at any time. Everyone has a small building that belongs to them.

Partying, drinks, food, laughter, sharing...Here, it is heaven for the Tang family.


To the uninvited guys, this is hell, and murderous intent is everywhere, not to mention that none of the people of the Tang family are simple, either with super strength or amazing wisdom.

Outside the door, the special door opened for the first time, and someone guided the professor and Lao Wanxiang to go inside.

Magneto carefully observed everything around him. In his perception, there were a lot of powerful magnetic fields, and some of them were extremely strong, giving him a sense of danger.

This makes him more cautious.

But the professor didn't have so many scruples, and directly drove the wheelchair leisurely, enjoying the surrounding scenery leisurely.

These manor houses that have been carved by master garden masters are enough to make anyone amazed and admired.

"Don't be so nervous, Eric, no one here will attack you, including me." Professor X smiled at the corner of his mouth, in sharp contrast to Lao Wan's tight expression.

Magneto snorted, "Charles, I ask myself better than you, and Downey is far more dangerous than anyone you and I have ever contacted..."

"Even if he is not malicious to us? After all, he is also a member of our clan anyway." The professor gave him a strange look.

Magneto paused and stopped talking, but the expression on his face relaxed slightly.

He is a man who dedicated his life for the sake of race. He was very optimistic about Downey, but unfortunately, Downey didn't plan to take over him at all. Not only that, he even wanted to leave the earth.

what a pity.

Lao Wan regretted more than once that such an overbearing and witty guy, shameless and able to maintain the appearance of a noble guy, actually refused to dedicate his life to the career of mutants.

Selfish, despicable!

Magneto's bad perception of Downey originated from his loss of face after being attacked by Downey near the Statue of Liberty and being beaten violently by Diana in front of people all over the world.

As a result, he had to participate in the war to encircle Domam and became a hero of the earth.

It's so irritating. At first, he just wanted to clean up all the human leaders at the global summit and turn them all into mutants in one go. Don't you discriminate against me? Even you have become a member of me. Do you discriminate against me?

But in a blink of an eye, suddenly, I went to the war naturally, and I was so enthusiastic about the war, I felt at ease...

He still hasn't figured out why he did this in the first place.

Anyway, one thing is certain, at that time, he was beaten to death, whether Diana or his old friend Charles, they all became an excuse and a step for restraining him and letting him participate in the war.

This is too bad.

Moreover, both his daughter and son settled their family in this manner, directly causing them to lose two powerful subordinates. In other words, his eldest daughter, Wanda, has become the **** woman... It is unreasonable.

Magneto's heart was disgusting, and his favor with Downey took a turn for the worse, becoming nasty and vigilant.

"Charles, let me remind you again. He is very good at using people's hearts. This is what he is best at... I have seen him thoroughly. He can always pull you to do some troublesome things, but it makes you grateful for Dade. You see Looking at you now, you have retained the most basic trust in him, and he has already calculated it."

Old Wan said in a bad mood.

The professor still kept smiling: "Is it important to calculate or not? As long as he is still kind to the mutants, it is enough. We will need him in the future. Eric, you and I will eventually die. In the future, the mutants. He still needs his help."

"Do you think he cares about the people? He only cares about the steel bumps, and he has already left the situation of the mutants behind!"

"That's because the mutants are in a much better situation." The professor stopped abruptly, and said to Magneto seriously, "Downey proclaimed superpowers in front of the public time and time again and vigorously promoted his feats against aliens. Even the hidden sacred place like Kama Taj is shown to the public...why do you think it is? Just because he wants to show off?"

Magneto opened his mouth and closed it helplessly.

Yes, Magneto knew in his heart that Downey is not the kind of person who likes to be pushy. He always thinks about a lot of things. Pragmatism and utilitarianism are what this young man pays attention to.

Downey clearly demonstrated his strength, exposed the danger and darkness of the universe, and even blatantly killed the official high-level officials, just to warn...

Everything is within the consideration of the young man, who is forcing the secular world to accept superpowers in a direct way.

Of course, it also includes mutants.

Human beings are bound to be extremely sensible in their reflections after every catastrophe.

This trend is gradually fermenting, and some ordinary people even sporadically appear to worship the superpowers of mutants.

It is foreseeable that as long as Downey continues to sit on the earth, the situation of the mutants will be greatly improved, at least they will not be so vulnerable to open discrimination and abuse.

But the problem is... Downey is leaving!!!

Just set up a good situation, that **** is about to leave the earth to build his planet!!!

This is also the source of Magneto's great resentment towards Downey.

Why does refuse to do direct things to your compatriots? Such as direct leadership?

The professor took a deep look at his comrades and enemies and shook his head slightly.

Eric still didn't seem to jump out of some limitations. The young man was afraid that he had been prepared a long time ago, and every step he took was preparing for the visit of the two of them today.

Even if there was no persecution of the Ancient Destruction Day, even if the two of them did not take the initiative to come, Downey would definitely go to the two of them for a showdown.

To take away the most outstanding batch of mutants on the earth, follow him to build planets and fight interstellar.

The two followed the warrior who led the way towards the inside of the manor. From start to finish, the soldier did not look back, pretending to not hear what they were talking about.

"I have studied his style of behavior, Eric, something will happen in a while, you are ready." The professor smiled faintly.

Magneto frowned and glanced at him, a little confused, but didn't say much.