Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 624: Civil War (3)

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Facts have proved that human beings are not afraid of being true, they are afraid of being too true.

The most fearful thing is that in the process of truthfulness, excessively imposing the correct ideas that oneself thinks on others.

Tony Stark is an example. He firmly believes that he is right and that superheroes with powerful power should accept official supervision.

Moreover, on the premise that he is the Minister of Defense, with him to deal with and coordinate, Tony firmly believes that everything will be fine. No one in this world is more suitable to be a superhero than him, and no one is more suitable to be a secretary of defense than him.

But he really couldn't understand the thoughts of those people in the Justice League.

"Their situation is different from ours, Tony, their purpose of establishing the Justice League is to not want to be restrained by the government as much as our Avengers. They are disgusted with this."

The American team sighed.

An official sent a pile of documents and handed them to the new Secretary of Defense, who was almost buried in various materials.

Before leaving, he glanced at the US team, with excitement and admiration in his eyes, as if he was delighted to be able to meet idols so close.

"They must accept supervision. I am willing to give in for them and promise to give them more autonomy." Tony looked up with a tired face.

"It doesn't make sense, Tony, no matter how much autonomy they have, it is fundamentally different from their current situation." The US team knocked on the table, trying to attract Tony's attention.

But Tony was absent-minded and looked forward blankly.

"I suggest abandoning the "Superhero Registration Act". This was originally a conspiracy by the Red Skulls." The US team rubbed its forehead and sighed.

"The smartest thing about Red Skull is to turn the conspiracy into a good idea that everyone recognizes." Tony said lightly, "So, it doesn't matter if a conspiracy is not a conspiracy."

"Then what do you want to do, wanted for the Justice League?"

"No, let's talk to them personally..."

"We? Are you sure?"

"At least better than my wanted order, right?"


Tony's "talking" is not talking with your mouth. Everyone is a superhero with firm beliefs. It is difficult to shake a belief in a simple mouth.

A guy who is not determined can not be called a superhero, otherwise he will be bewildered by the super criminals into the hostile camp every minute.

Then use the fist to talk and transform public affairs into internal affairs, into affairs that only exist within the Fulian and Zhenglian.

As long as one side wins the other side, it is naturally equivalent to practicing its own will and ideas, and can force the defeated side to compromise without causing greater disaster.

The reunion does not want to fight, and the Zhenglian does not want to fight, but they must fight.

On the coast, a deserted base is also the place of last negotiation.

Avengers, Iron Man, Captain America, God King Thor, Spider-Man, Black Widow, Ant-Man, Swordsman, Praying Mantis, Upper Air, Death Girl, Live Lightning, Firebird, Black Hawk, Shocking Girl...

Justice League, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Arrow, Flash, Martian Manhunter, Atomic II, Zatana, Black Canary, Hawkman, Hawkwoman, Blue Beetle, Shock...

There are dozens of superheroes standing on the opposite ends of the abandoned base and staring at each other vigilantly.

Although dozens of superheroes died in battle during the invasion of Steppenwolves, brand new superheroes are still emerging in an endless stream. Technology and genetic mutants provide brand new members for the two major alliances.

This is because the Sky Eye will vigorously restrain superhumans who are connected with it, and strictly forbid them to participate in the civil war, otherwise the evil spirit knights, the little green devils and others will be encouraged by their friends to participate in the war.

"This is the last warning, Big Bat, put down your weapons, and disclose your identities to me. Everything can be discussed at the negotiating table." Tony said solemnly.

Batman said with a hoarse voice: "No one has the right to override one's own will on another group, not even you, Minister. Go back, the Justice League will never disclose the identity of the members, we have with you Essentially different."

Batman glanced at the opposite side, Iron Man, US Team, Thor, Black Widow, Shockwave Girl... They had not concealed their true identity from the beginning, disdain to conceal, and did not have to conceal.

They have had extremely close ties with the government from the very beginning, and people like Little Spider are very few in the reunion.

On the Justice League side, they all wear eye masks or helmets, guarding against the exposure of their true identity... Diana is the exception, but he is not a human, but an Amazon created by Zeus.

Clark usually wears camouflage glasses made with Krypton Technology to change his appearance.

The foundation of the Justice League is concealment, and it has not been the same way as the Avengers from the time it was established.

When Tony asked the Justice League to take off its mask under the banner of justice and security, the contradictions had already intensified and were irreconcilable.

Everyone feels that they are right and the other party is wrong.

After the talk collapsed, I could only solve the problem with my fists, and defeated the other party and forced them to accept their own ideas. The problem was solved Tony put on the helmet and sprayed out energy in his hands. Rushed to Batman first.

This is a signal, a signal that the original meaning is light and justice, but that pushes things into the abyss uncontrollably.

Dozens of superheroes crashed like two torrents, and the moment they touched, someone was thrown out. The number is small, but it has swept the vast majority of superheroes that have appeared on the planet.

Wearing steel armor and Iron Man and Batman wearing a brand new armor collided, various high-tech weapons flew across, and small missiles bombarded each other unscrupulously.

According to their two estimates and analysis of each other, missiles of this level are nothing at all and will not cause fatal damage to the enemy's armor.


Iron Man swiftly dodges a heavy punch of Batman and a large number of missiles, but did not escape the second punch. The power index of up to two million tons smashed Iron Man into the ground on the spot.

The hard ground was smashed into a deep hole.

"A new type of armor?" Iron Man asked, lying in the big pit, his mind a little dizzy.

"Fenrir armor, this is the name of this new armor." Batman said hoarsely.

Iron Man raised his hand as a shot, right on the beetle-like flat head of Fenrir's battle armor: "Fenrir, son of Loki in Norse mythology? This guy killed Odin in the myth, but we There are real Nordic gods here."

Batman stretched out his giant hand, and the powerful mechanical kinetic energy gave the big guy he was driving an extremely powerful speed. An energy cannon blocked Tony, and the huge palm with only three mechanical fingers opened.

"Fenrir's Battlegear has another name..."

Batman whispered: "Repeatedly Avengers Battle Armor!"