Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 510: When I am here, you hate me, when I am away...

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


? (The chapter name of the previous chapter is "Zhenglian VS Fulian: Signs of Civil War". The order of the two chapters was wrong when I uploaded it. The second chapter was uploaded first, and the content has been revised. I will contact you in the next few days. Edit and modify the title, sorry, everyone will take care of it)

The parallax demon's expression was struggling, and he let out a low roar.

Hal was still fighting, with red eyes and blurred consciousness.

"not enough!"

The parallax demon roared, not knowing whether it was the request of the parallax monster or Hal, he wanted to kill more people.

Downey did it directly, at an amazing speed, brought a storm, and pressed the parallax demon's head to the ground with a fierce punch, and with a loud bang, the parallax demon's half of the body slammed into the ground deeply.

A huge crack spread out, and the middle part was deeply sunken in. The rocks that hadn't reacted because they were too fast seemed to be delayed in the slow-speed vision, and then seemed to have been given kinetic energy by some kind of force, and shot out at a speed faster than a bullet.

The Parallax Golem was held tightly by Downey like a doll.

"Roar!!! Donnie!!!"

The crazy voice of the parallax monster sounded, this time it was the anger of the parallax monster.

It's a parallax weird! It is the embodiment of the fear of all life!!

No one has humiliated it so much, even the little blue people of the OA star dare not treat it this way!!!

But Downey did just that, and the parallax was nothing to him, just like an animal.

Moreover, the parallax monster is the more thorny one of the many lantern beasts, and the fist is always better than the mouth.

"I look forward to your body coming to the Cybertron Galaxy to find me revenge," Downey said lightly.

The parallax monster was not reconciled, suppressed Hal's will, and then tried to guide the fear in Donny's heart, and even more to guide the fear of others, let them fall into madness and sorrow, and even lead them to suicide.

Downey only felt that some of the memories in the depths of his mind were artificially turned out, and the pictures he didn't want to see appeared again.

Streets, downtowns, monsters, small trucks, blood...

"you wanna die!!"

Downey's face became extremely hideous, his entire face was distorted, his eyes were red, and he ignored other people's changes. He just grabbed the Parallax Demon's neck, then slammed it in and wiped it out a little bit. Parallax is a strange will.

"I said, you will also be scared!" The parallax monster's voice was extremely sharp and proud.

Downey's face was sullen, and his murderous intent skyrocketed: "I said that too, fart!"

"Do you think I am in fear? Then I will kill the fear to show you!"

Downey used the blood-stained hand to pull out squirming yellow energy, and the meaning of fear continued to spread, causing other people's expressions to change.

"It's useless, you can't kill me, no one can kill me." The parallax monster's will laughed strangely.

"You angered me, dog stuff."

Downey squeezed this will to death, his face gloomily looked at one direction of the universe, and the corners of his mouth showed a cruel arc.

I really thought I couldn't catch you?!

And... the parallax monster seems to have some misunderstandings about "fear" and regards unwilling memories as a weapon to use fear.

Perhaps it was fear in the eyes of a beast of fear like the parallax monster because he could influence this kind of emotion, but in Downey's opinion, it was not.

This only made Downey even more angry.

Downey had already begun to calculate the possibility of killing the parallax monster.

If you can't kill it, replace it.

If you can't replace it, you will be imprisoned and tortured.

Anyway, Downey doesn't need the existence of the parallax demon, he only needs to create the yellow light ring. Taking the parallax monster back to Cybertron's imprisonment as an inexhaustible battery that draws energy is undoubtedly a good choice.

Torture regularly and pump energy regularly.

Hal weakly slumped to the ground, and as the parallax monster deprived him of his last bit of strength, he buried his face deeply in the soil, dull, and then let out a painful cry.

"Why didn't you come early!! You obviously have a chance to save everyone!!!"

Just as Clark was about to comfort him, Hal suddenly raised his head, his eyes were red with blood and tears, and he stared at Clark in an extremely crazy mood.

"Blame you, he came to find you!! All the residents of the seaside city died because of you!!!" Hal went crazy and hit Clark's face with a fist, banging his wrist directly broken.

The steel body of the Kryptonian, the weak Hal directly interrupted his wrist, and the palm with small scars slumped weakly.

But this bit of pain is far from making up for the pain in his heart.

Clark froze in place, lost, and subconsciously looked around, dumbfounded, with great guilt rising in his heart, and silently closed his eyes in pain.

His arrogant head slowly lowered, as if mourning and repenting for seven million dead souls.

Although he is a little puzzled about the hatred of Superman, he also knows that it may involve the hatred of his father's generation.

The mechanical superman, who lost his wife and children, traveled all distances to the earth to avenge the descendants of the El family.

Seven million people in the coastal city became innocent victims.

The U.S. team put the shield on its back and said solemnly: "Child, I understand your pain. I saw too many tragedies on the battlefield of World War II. I lost my comrades, lost my love, and slept alone until now. Looking at this era of drastic changes, I feel like a superfluous old guy."

Hal didn't listen. If his right hand was broken, he would use his left hand. If his left hand was broken, he would use his left hand. When his left hand was broken, he would use his teeth.

He suddenly looked at Downey: "What about you, why didn't you come earlier? If you came a few minutes earlier, you wouldn't be like this!!"

Downey regained his calm, pushed away the American team, pushed Tony away, pushed Clark away, and walked over, looking down at the poor worm-like Hal. The spirited, heartless young man has long since disappeared, and some, UU reading only has this resentful monster in front of him.

"I'm no longer the guardian of the earth, Hal. I didn't have it two months ago. I have my own planet, my own family, my own subordinates, and my own business."

Downey did not despise Hal, but in an equal attitude, very, very serious, explained to Hal: "Many people want to drive me away, because I exceeded their controllable limit, so I left."

"It can't be said that their thoughts are wrong, because they worry that one day I will lose control and begin to destroy the world for various reasons, so no one can stop me."

"But you, Hal, some people like you don't trust me, drive me, humiliate me in peace, even if I have silently guarded the earth many times-so much that you can't even imagine it, but some people still choose to forget. When the crisis hits, I can't wait to call my name loudly. When the disaster strikes, I point to me and start cursing me why I didn't come sooner..." Downey said seriously.

"No, I don't!" Hal couldn't help yelling.

"You have, Hal, you must have." Downey looked at him very seriously.