Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 500: New world

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day






When Bobby the Iceman crossed the colorful whirlpool passage, he came to a steel city.

Yes, a super city that is no different from a modern city on the earth, it is more than enough to accept more than 700,000 of them. Almost everything on earth can be found in this city, such as shops and clothing stores.

Outside the city, there are large areas of wilderness, forests, and all kinds of strange new plants, making people dizzying.

But beyond, there is a barrenness, eagerly waiting for further development, and the rest is the matter of their mutants.

Bobby answered a routine question from a staff member—John the Fireman was sitting in front of him, interrogating him very seriously.

But John's winking eyebrows from time to time caused Bobby's slightly uneasy heart to calm down immediately, and he wanted to laugh a little.

Fireman John was one of the thousand mutants who boarded the spaceship. He had nothing to worry about, and he had been following Downey long ago.

"Welcome to the new world, brother, the two of us can be roommates again." John grinned, and a lighter slipped out of his sleeve, fiddling with him.

Bobby shrugged: "Really, I think you just want me to cover you-when you do something bad again."

"Don't say that, buddy."

John just lost the papers and lost his job to the mutant next to him: "Piot, you will leave the rest to you. We two will go have a drink."

Piot the Steeler looked helpless and had to take over John's job. His silver metalized body sat on the seat, the alloy chair crunching non-stop.

"I'll find my sister Lianna to sue." Piot warned.

John shrank his neck and ran away with Bobby.

Mysterious Liana, the queen from the border of hell, demigod, but a petty temper, very slippery with black magic.

When he was in Xavier school, John, who had a violent personality, was often hanged by Lianna.

It's the same when it comes to the "New World" of Serves.

The two broke into a bar directly without anyone. But it must not be long before there will be an endless stream of people coming in.

John casually took a bottle of vodka and two glasses from the wine cabinet and poured them separately.

"I wanted to taste it a long time ago," John said.

Bobby looked around at random, the same facilities as the Earth Bar. Even above the front desk of the bar, there was a screen hanging, which was playing the scene of the registration of 700,000 mutants.

Perhaps he sensed Bobby's gaze, and the screen suddenly changed, and Bobby holding a wine glass appeared on the screen.

Bobby looked dumbfounded, and looked left and right. In the picture, he also made the same action.

"Is there a camera here?" Bobby was surprised.

John took a sip of vodka and was choked. He coughed and said, "It's Ultron, the artificial intelligence of Cybertron. It's kidding you."

"Mr. John, make a correction. I am not an artificial intelligence, but a more advanced intelligent life." Ultron Machinery played with a low electronic sound, and on the screen, Fireman John appeared.

"Oh? Then you are excellent, Ultron." John is young after all. In his opinion, artificial intelligence is still an intelligent life, and it is a gadget at all...

Is there a difference?

They are all embarking on interstellar migration. Isn't it strange to watch Downey create a planet, two satellites from scratch, and an intelligent life?

"Ultron, is there anything interesting about this planet? I mean, is there any difference between the new world and Cybertron?" Bobby asked curiously.

"Strictly speaking, there is no difference. Mutants can also live and live on Cybertron." Ultron replied, "If you want, you can go to the main star Cybertron through the land bridge at any time, but there are countless Transformers are undergoing construction work and are not suitable for play now."

"What about the other satellite?"

"The other satellite is specially prepared for Kryptonians. Of course, if you want, you can also use the land bridge to settle on New Krypton."

"Then I will use the land bridge now." Bobby said tentatively.

"Unfortunately, sir, you are a poor person and cannot open the land bridge." Ultron replied at a glance, "Using a land bridge consumes a certain amount of super-energy crystals. This is still a big savings if the land bridge is greatly upgraded. Consumption."

With the further upgrade of the land bridge, it is barely possible to establish a channel within the Milky Way, but it will not be possible to carry out inter-river transmission.

Because the distance between the river system and the river system is too far, and with the continuous expansion of the universe itself, the spatial distance between the river system and the river system is constantly increasing.

"Then how did I get that crystal? Is this thing money?" Bobby said helplessly.

"Energy is money. There is nothing more valuable than energy. If there is, it is more advanced energy." said Ultron.

"Just like on Earth, you can make money by working, studying, and increasing your ability. Cybertron will issue you a different share of super-energy crystals every month according to your ability level. My ability is level three, every month. A hundred units of crystals arrived, enough for me to open land bridges fifty times."

John blushed and poured himself a glass of vodka. He liked this superb drink very much: "And I audited you and earned a unit. The crystal is very valuable. You can take it to Cybertron. Pile of Transformers will rush to trade with you."

"Bobby, if you don't have money now, you can overdraft, you and I are both Level 3, and you can overdraft 100 units." John said with his tongue hanging out.

"Well, then I will overdraft a hundred units..." Bobby said.

Ultron paused, and one hundred units were immediately transferred to the newly created It didn't say much, and John's words were correct to some extent.

One level, ten units. Level two, thirty units. Three levels, one hundred units. Level 4 starts with 1,000 units.

This is the most basic kind of "welfare", which guarantees that people will not die from starvation. If you want to earn more, go to work hard, work, tasks, etc. Some have the opportunity to earn more.

For example, John audits newcomers and asks some very simple questions, and one unit will be credited to the account. Then he sat for a day, and thousands of units were easily obtained.

But Ultron didn't take the initiative to disclose that Bobby's account was extremely special and was the focus of Downey's attention.

As a Level 3, John can overdraft 100 units.

And Bobby, as an Omega-level potential, has the qualification to increase the limit infinitely, but this qualification is in a frozen state.

It only takes a little bit of Bobby's potential to be converted into strength, and his authority will be extremely terrifying.

This is a preferential treatment for Omega mutants.