Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 495: Are you a spy sent by the Decepticons?

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


No one asked Downey how to build a planet, because, for a top demigod powerhouse, it was just a matter of spending some time.

The most indispensable thing in the universe is matter. Downey can pull a few planets from other star regions at any time, and control the reorganization of matter after a punch.

"From now on, this Sun will be called..."

Downey talked to Wanda and the others with high spirits but got stuck, a bit embarrassed. For naming and scrapping, every time naming a new thing is a huge problem.

Downey looked at the people who looked at him teasingly, coughed, tried to show a very majestic expression, and his brain turned fast.

In its previous life, Cybertron was in the Centaur spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy, with two small satellites half the size of the Earth's satellite, revolving around a sun called "Alpha".

But if you name this beautiful yellow sun with Alpha, it is inappropriate.

Alpha is a scientific name to describe controllable mutants. It is far inferior to Omega. At least in terms of force, it lags far behind Omega.

Omega, the original meaning is unlimited potential and immortality.

"Omega... the sun is called Omega!" Downey said solemnly, "Just as the meaning of this word symbolizes eternity and immortality, here is our new home! Our new planet!"

"Our small star system is called the Cybertron Galaxy, or the Omega Galaxy!"

Downey's voice spread through the two battleships through Ultron, and after a moment of silence, a huge cheer sounded.

Many people crowded at the edge of the window or in front of the electronic screen, excitedly watching the burning fireball, shouting, crazy.

New sun, new home!

A whole new world!

They crossed a long distance from the Orion spiral arm of the Milky Way to the Centaur spiral arm and finally found a new life.

Hundreds of thousands of people fell into madness, cheering, and some even burst into tears.

It's hard to describe the feeling of traveling through the vast sea of ​​stars. Although it is not even a day, it seems to have passed countless years.

They are about to usher in a new life.

Everything in the past will be a memory of the past. Perhaps in a long time, they will sit under the big tree, look at the starry night sky, and tell their future generations about their experiences on the earth.

At that time, the earth will become a precious treasure buried in my heart.

Perhaps some people's lives on the earth are not so happy, but all of these are worthy of being a reminiscence of the past in the face of a new life.

When they are very old, do they sit on chairs and look up at the stars in the night breeze?

Everything seems to be a dream.

People are in madness, and now they don't have to go too busy building planets, it will be their turn to play after Downey builds the outline of Cybertron and the two satellites.

Now they just need to revel.

The fear and expectation of the unknown universe burst out in one breath. The mutants are cheering and proud of their feat of crossing the galaxy, while the Transformers are letting go in front of the dream that is about to come true.

In the huge battleship, the mutants started the carnival with drinks, anyway, there is no shortage of food.

"Hey, Elizabeth, would you like to have a drink together?" Someone asked admiringly at the tall Lingdie.

"No, I have other things to do." Lingdie refused.

On her beautiful face, the facial features seemed to be the most meticulously weaved, full of the soft beauty and delicate beauty of an oriental woman. On her slightly dazed face, there was a trace of confusion, and soon the confusion faded and became firm.

"What are you doing here?" Wanda walked over, looked at her for a while, and asked.

Looking at the uprightness of the opponent's chest, Wanda subconsciously looked at his own, and then calmly looked away.

Well, it's just a little bit bigger...

"You..." Lingdie looked at her in surprise, somewhat restrained.

"Don't mind, I just come to meet you." Wanda smiled and handed her a glass of champagne.

Lingdie looked at Betty in silence, not knowing what to say.

"I heard that you took the initiative to apply for immigration?" Wanda asked.

"Yes, I want to pursue something different." Lingdie bit her lip and nodded. She calmed down and returned to her capable style.

Wanda nodded, and took a high look at the woman in front of him, "You have an amazing talent, Elizabeth..."

Wanda nodded at her and talked.

This woman named Lingdie was one of Downey's close attentions—don't get me wrong, neither would that object nor that attention—a mutant with quasi-Omega potential, it really deserves Downey's attention.

Moreover, the potential Lingdie has further possibilities, with a high probability of becoming a true Omega-class mutant with unlimited potential.

If Downey does not intervene early to fully tap the potential of Lingdie, it is possible that Lingdie will survive with the potential of the quasi-Omega level in her entire life, and her achievements will be limited.

Quasi-Omega and Omega are two species, the former is mortal and the latter is god.

But Wanda looked at the woman in front of him who was trying to stay calm, and she seemed to have nothing special except for her face and figure...

Who would have thought that she has an amazing talent?

The mutants are relatively mild here, while the activities of the Transformers are more violent.

They used the entire spacecraft as a racing track, and they turned into a vehicle-like racing car, oh, also flying a plane.

The deafening engine sound resounded, and in the outside world, many mutants carrying wine bottles also came to watch the battle, screaming from time to time.

"Look! It's a limited edition, Lamborghini!"

"No, no, I like that Ferrari better."

"Bah, a group of female guns, seeing that the fastest tank is gone, that's a man's romance!!"

"Last time you said that trucks are a man's romance?"

"Don't care about the details!"

In the entire spacecraft, it can be called the International Vehicles and Aircraft Exhibition, and you can even see many uniquely tasted King Kong, transformed into classic cars and steam cars that were only available in the last century.

A yellow sports car takes the lead.

The Hornet, with an unparalleled powerful speed, rides the dust and makes other vehicles eat ashes.

Exciting pop music was uploaded from Bumblebee, making the King Kong who ate ashes in the back very angry.

But just as the Hornet rushed forward, unfortunately, a big guy drove up on the opposite side.

The off-road vehicle, the partition, got lost again, went around in a circle, and galloped down the racing track perfectly.

Bumblebee: "Huh? You were left behind by me, why did you come from here?"

Separator: "Isn't it this direction?"


In front of the tonnage of the partition, the Hornet was knocked into the air without any suspense and fell to the edge of the road in embarrassment. Of course, this kind of impact is nothing, at most a small injury, with their recovery speed, they can heal themselves in a few hours.

"Hahaha, Autobots are stupid X! We are set to win!" The Decepticons whizzed through the air, and the one who took the lead in mocking was undoubtedly the annoying fellow Starscream.

They soared along a fixed route, mocking the chaotic Autobots below.

Even the Decepticon medic who knocked down the vehicle form of this vehicle surpassed the Hornet on the runway.

The heavy partition touched his head, got up a little innocently, and walked over to pull up the one-size bumblebee: "Man, are you okay? Alas, I'm not suitable for this kind of sport, and I ran in the wrong direction. "

"Dili Dili!"

Bumblebee roared There was a strange movement.

The clapboard and the Hornet fell silent at the same time, and the atmosphere became weird.

An ominous premonition flooded Bumblebee's heart, his eyes rounded, showing an unbelievable emotion, and with a trace of luck, he tentatively spoke out——

"Dilididili? Dilididili? Dilididili!!!" Bumblebee's eyes rolled round and roared.

The clapboard urn sounded the urn to make up the knife, very honestly: "It seems that the sound generator is broken. I don't understand what you are saying for the time being. I need to analyze your new pronunciation. You are really unlucky, buddy."

After speaking, he slapped Bumblebee to show his closeness but almost slapped him on the ground.


Are you a demon?

No...Are you a spy sent by the Decepticons???