Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 491: Doom Day Virus

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day



It is still densely cloudy and rainy, just like this complex city.

Downey looked up at the sky. The nasty rain was still pattering. Downey did not use an umbrella or use his strength to avoid the rain. He walked in the rain like an ordinary person, his clothes soaked.

As night fell, the dark side of the city was revealed, with sirens, chaotic crowds, vague communication, and... the smell of sin.

"The only thing missing is the smell of blood." Donny pulled up the hood of the black robe, and the wide hat covered his entire head.

This was not the case in this city a few years ago, especially after being washed in blood by Downey.

The riots of the people at the bottom, and the influx of weapons, bullets, and corpses flying across, made this sinful capital more things that didn't exist in the past.

A strong smell of blood, a newborn being concealed by the smell of blood.

But now the city has recovered to the state it was seven years ago, and the smell of sin has begun to permeate. Although it is far less dense and disgusting than it was seven years ago, it does have a tendency to make a comeback.

Gotham City is Downey's last stop, and he has to meet some people.

The mayor's office is heavily guarded. After a busy day, the beloved mayor still did not go home, sitting in the office with a tired look and correcting documents.

Sparks flickered, and Downey appeared straight here, looking at the more mature and steady mayor.

"Thomas, you have done a good job in the past few years, and you have even been re-elected." Downey smiled, ignoring the ticking rain and just sat on the sofa.

The mayor's brushstrokes paused, and his head suddenly looked up, his complex expression fading in a flash, in exchange for respect. He immediately got up and respectfully said to Downey: "Everything is in accordance with your instructions."

Thomas Wayne, nicknamed Ye Xiao, is Bruce Wayne's brother. He was thought to have died of illness by the Bruce family during his infancy, but he was actually rescued by the Owl Court for secret training.

When Downey was washing Gotham City, Owl chose to compromise with Downey and pushed Thomas to Downey as a bargaining chip.

Then Downey asked Thomas to disguise his identity to run for mayor, and even injected him with a brand new super serum to help him wash away the Bacchus factor.

In seven years, he successfully re-elected with high votes, and tremblingly fulfilled the duty of monitoring Batman that Downey gave him.

"You are free, Thomas." Downey shook his head and said, "The freedom you want, I will give you. From today onwards, no one will order you to do what you don't want to do."

Thomas shook his body and lowered his head deeply, with excitement in his eyes. He lowered his head and waited, but there was no response for a long time. When he raised his head in astonishment, Downey had already quietly left.

"Freedom..." Thomas whispered, with an unexpected surprise and a little overwhelmed, with a wry smile, he sat back in his seat again.

After hesitating for a long time, Thomas began to correct the documents again, as seriously as a real mayor.

In Gotham City at night, Downey traveled like a ghost. He saw the old Jack who he praised for "nice clothes", and he was very old. He saw Edson who was beaten violently by him, with a few scars and fierceness on his face.

Familiar faces, strange faces.

The moonlight was obscured by dark clouds, and a large shadow shrouded it.

Batman, as always, fulfills his duties as a guardian of Gotham.

He knocked down a gangster with one blow, then fell to the ground fiercely, and then took out a burning bat brand and stuck it fiercely on the criminal.


The screams screamed, and the criminals smelled of smoke and roasted meat. When Batman put away the bat brand, the criminal's chest was already covered with bat-like scars.

It's like the stigma penalty in ancient prisons.

"Batman, you butcher!" the criminal cursed.

"I hope it will teach you a long lesson. It won't be that simple next time." Batman stunned the criminal with a hoarse throat, stunned him, and tied him firmly to the other criminals who were stunned and branded by him. Tied together.

After a while, the police will arrest them.

Batman opened his wings and was about to leave. Suddenly, he stopped and looked at the person in the shadow on the left front, his eyes immediately becoming extremely dangerous.

"It's been a long time, Bruce." Downey walked out of the shadows, not even looking at the poor bunch of bugs on the ground.

He looked at the more burly Batman. Years of hard work allowed Batman's physique to surpass his youth and become more deterrent.

The more restrained temperament, deeper eyes.

And, that unshaven chin.

Batman is not young anymore, he has entered middle age.

The acting style has also become a bit extreme, but it is only extreme. Some principles have changed, but some have not changed.

"Donny..." Batman put his hand to his waist, preparing for something.

"I didn't come to fight with you. I just told my old friend to be alone." As he said, Downey seemed to remember something suddenly, and he drew a portal directly, not knowing where he found a pack of cigarettes.

He had quit smoking for a long time, and the last cigarette was handed to Batman who was about to retire.

Now, it does not prevent him from taking it out again.

"Do you want to smoke?" Downey asked.

"What the **** do you want to do?" Batman couldn't help yelling, "Killed the president of Lex Group privately, and dug out his brain for cruel research... Donnie, you're a jerk!"

"I don't want to argue with you about this, Luther is a scourge, he will bring countless crises to the earth." Downey frowned, and put his eyes on Batman's belt, "and..."

"You have initially researched the gene of Doom Day, right? You didn't destroy Luther's brain, but continued to use my research results ~ ~ to further develop."

Downey shook his head, allowing Batman to take Luther's brain, which was a very important step. He did consider letting Batman continue the research because Batman's character is like this, otherwise, he would not prepare various anti-XX battle armors.

Downey really didn't care about an inferior version of the day of destruction. He cared more about the day of destruction in ancient times. When he arrived in Gotham City, he had already obtained the research results of Batman sealed in the computer, which was of no value.

Batman, it is impossible to develop the Ancient Destruction Day in such a short time.

Without the life code, without a large number of Kryptonian gene models, without massive human experiments, it would be amazing to be able to develop an inferior day of destruction.

"Remind you, don't touch the things in your belt, you will become a monster."

Downey used his abilities to observe and lost interest. An extremely unstable genetic model has no value.

He lit a cigarette, and the flame was very conspicuous in the darkness.