Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 517: Thanos, Warmir

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness." —Ralph Waldo Emerson, author


?" where is this place!!"

"A strange galaxy."

"I use pulsars to locate... Damn, it's the Milky Way! This is how many billion light-years across!"

"The spiral arms of the Milky Way Centauri, a bland star system."

The many unruly guys in the Void Land panicked a little, inquiring about each other in panic.

This is horrible, okay, the last second I was drinking, the next second I will come to a strange galaxy billions of light-years away?

Who did I provoke?

At this time, an extremely majestic voice came into the ears of every life: "The place where you are located in the Cybertron Galaxy. From now on, the land of nothingness will no longer exist, and the world of war will become your new stronghold. "

"Grass, did I agree?"


The guy who said this was blasted into the flesh by the invisible force and splashed out.

"Scumbags, welcome to my world!" The voice was full of malice. Every guy in the void felt that he was being stared at by a pair of cold eyes, and his whole body was cold.

"I'm Downey, the owner of the Cybertron Galaxy."

"I don't care about your bad past. When you come to my site, you must accept my rules, or you will die."

"The Void Land will be destroyed by me, all of you will usher in a new life in the war world, continue what you should do."

Downey's breath slowly faded, and the malicious gaze gradually disappeared.

At this time, someone reacted, the world of war... isn't it Mongo's planet?! That infamous mobile Colosseum?

"Tanny? So that one..." Someone fell to the ground with a slumped ass, cold all over, with the fear for the rest of his life.

"It looks like Mongo was killed by Downey. Tsk tsk tsk, the fierce man who has been rampant in the universe for so many years came across a more fierce man."

"Just be honest, there are too many strong men who died in Downey's hands, and I don't want to be the next one." Someone sighed after counting with his fingers.

The entire Void Land had just quieted down, and suddenly, there was a tremor, and then a powerful force spread and the Void Land began to collapse little by little.

The indestructible bones, bones with bone marrow and other substances are taken out, shattered little by little, and the huge head quickly began to decompose, turning into countless fine particles.

The millions of people in the Void Land were directly pulled by Donny, and then countless portals appeared, swallowed one by one, and were thrown into the war world one after another.

The Void Land disappeared completely and was collected by Downey as a reserve of research materials.

Well, creating a brand-new divine power system requires a lot of **** samples, and this **** head is very suitable.

Those unruly mercenaries and bounty hunters were all transferred to the war world, where the host Ultron monitored everything, enough to kill the idiot who made trouble in the first place.

"Yongdu, what do we do? It's hard to find the whereabouts of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and now it seems to be lost."

A predator member said in frustration.

The other predators were also frustrated.

How can such a big change happen in the matter of drinking a glass of wine?

As the leader, Yongdu blew a whistle, letting the small arrow lying in his hand float, alerting to the possible crisis.

"They will definitely come. I know Quill's character. He is a **** just like me. He will definitely come to the world of war to make money. The new central stronghold means countless opportunities. Downey made a big deal, Kui The hyena will never let it go."

Yongdu touched the shark fin-like decoration on his head, tidied his collar, and followed the guidance given by Ultron's thoughtfulness, and headed for the inside of the war world.

The little red arrow floated beside Yongdu, seemingly not lethal.

But the other predators' eyelids jumped wildly, showing fearful expressions.

That small arrow, named Yaka Arrow, comes from the Centaur galaxy. It is extremely sensitive to sound. It is the weapon and attack method that Yongdu has become famous for. The supersonic movement speed and super penetration are simply a big kill. Device.

You haven't reacted yet, and the red light flashes and you are already dead.

Both Yongdu and his tribes have the ability to control Yaka arrows with their voices.

The other predators hurried to keep up with the boss, and everyone's eyes also showed some fiery and longing. Maybe they could also make a fortune?

Oh, and seek revenge from the damned Guardian of the Galaxy.

In the beginning, they grabbed the power gem, but they were intercepted by Xingjue Kuier and others, and finally, the accused Ronan got it.

Then Ronan was pretending to be on the Sandal star, and he was beaten to death with a fist by Downey, who appeared suddenly, wearing three infinite gems, and the power gem was also taken away.

It's really miserable.


Warmier Star, the seat of the soul gem.

A huge spaceship came here, and countless small spaceships shuttled through the interior of the huge spaceship.

Thanos Thanos brought his army to this unworthy planet.

"Warmir, the abode of soul gems..."

Thanos' mighty purple body stepped out of the spaceship, his eyes full of brutality, filled with unspeakable hostility, scanning everything around him.

The natives on Warmier, a group of red lizard creatures noticed the arrival of Thanos and others, thought they had the energy to devour them, rushed over, and opened their mouths happily.

But a larger number of vanguards were released. These two-legged, four-armed creatures' weapons that looked like wolves and not tigers were cruelly hunting the local red lizards in groups.

Each bite can easily bite the red lizard into two pieces.

The slaughter is going on.

Thanos' eyes didn't move at all. He grabbed his petite daughter, Nebula, and sneered, "Is the soul gem here?"

"Yes, the information I got from Kamora..." Nebula said hard, his tone full of fear.

"You'd better pray that what you said is true. You know the consequences of deceiving me." Thanos grinned and threw Nebula aside with a powerful force. To the ground, nearly half of his semi-mechanical body shattered.

Behind Thanos, the members of the Dark Order were quietly persevering, looking at Nebula with a sneer, and the madness in their eyes was no less than Thanos.

"Five of the six infinite gems were broken, leaving only the soul gems intact."

Thanos turned his head and muttered to the air.

"What, you said you want to help me? It's really rare, I will get it and do what you like."

Thanos spoke to the air.

The members of the Dark Order changed their faces and hurriedly lowered their heads, not daring to respond.

They knew a long time ago that their master, who has a strange habit of talking to the air, would interrupt and die.