Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 519: Lao Tzu and Son

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"One day I decided that I was beautiful, and so I carried out my life as if I was a beautiful girl. I wear colors that I really like, I wear makeup that makes me feel pretty, and it really helps. It doesn't have anything to do with how the world perceives you. What matters is what you see."—Gabourey Sidibe


? "Look, who is this little beast?"

"God, see which old watch is it?"

In the world of war, Yongdu led his men and the Galaxy Guards to face off in the middle of the road.

The two people smiled but didn't smile, and greeted each other with their own words.

Yongdu blew his whistle, and the Yaka Arrow that left a red trail in the air immediately floated, and the arrow pointed directly at Xing Jue Quill, with a fierce expression on his face.

Xingjue also looked wary and pulled out the elemental gun in his hand.

This gun is also an artifact. Don't look at it looks like a child's toy gun, but in fact, it is connected to an entrance to the universe. Xingjue can control earth, air, fire, and water through this gun. Ancient elements.

As for the power of firearms...similar to the ring of lights, it depends on Xingjue's willpower, concentration, and imagination.

"I know you will come, I raised you! Don't hide your thoughts from me!" Yongdu said fiercely.

"Shut up, old guy, you freak, I didn't even want to hide it from you!"

"What? You bastard, I'm so disappointed in you. It was I who saved you. They wanted to eat you, but I saved you! But you let me down! Look at what you look like, it turned out to be Good people and heroes. How did I teach you?! You lost my face!"

"Enough of you, you talk about this every time! I can hear the cocoon in my ears!"

"Quail!! How can you talk to me like this? Be careful I shoot you to death with one arrow, my arrow doesn't recognize anyone!"

"Come on, my gun is also blind, maybe it's gone out!!"

The swords of the two parties were drawn, and Yongdu and Quill began to spray each other daily, small arrows fluttered, and their guns were charged, but the two of them were reluctant to do it first. They only abused each other, attracting a large number of idlers to watch.


On Quill's side, Drax yawned fiercely, put his hands on his belt, and watched boredly at his boss and the other boss's swearing.

Quill and Yongdu stared at him at the same time.

"Why, it's over? Your relationship is so good, I'm hungry." Drax asked, his stomach grunting in a tacit understanding.

Yongdu turned his head away with disgust on his face. Quill disdainfully wanted to vomit and spit on the ground.

"Xing Jue Quill, you have damaged the public environment and fined a unit of Super Energy Crystal. Please pay the fine before you leave. If you can't afford it, grab the Cybertron main star for mining." Ultron's stern voice sounded.

Quill's face froze and wanted to curse, why is it so expensive?!

"Huh, you'd better not leave the war world for the rest of your life." Yongdu took the lead in putting away the small arrow, blowing a whistle, leaving a fierce expression, and leading people away.

"It's settled, I will live in the war world for the rest of my life!"

Xingjue yelled, ignoring his face, and confidently, stuck the Elemental Gun on his leg and raised a middle finger.

More people eating melons raised their middle fingers at him.

Yongdu turned around fiercely, his eyes were fierce, but at the moment that other subordinates could not see, the corners of his mouth twitched as if he wanted to laugh, but he quickly returned to his coldness.

A shameless guy who can always live longer in this world, Yongdu is very pleased that his stupid son has not been stunned by the name and vanity of some "superhero".

Quill is the guest of Xander's star, and Yongdu has long known this. Just relying on Quill risking his death to stop the accuser Ronan's attack and extinction of Xander's star is enough to get the courtesy of Xander's star.

"Boss, did we just let him go?" a predator asked unwillingly.

"No, we wait for them to leave the war world before we do it." Yongdu snorted and looked at the restless subordinate with a dangerous light in his eyes. "Or do you do it now? As long as you do it, I will take it immediately. The others rushed up and killed those guys."

The subordinate shut up angrily.

During this period of time, as long as the idiots who worked in the war world, there was no more scum left to be killed.

Don't forget, this is a world of war. No matter how you change it, you can't change the nature of a fortress of war.

When Mongo was still alive, he built the war world into a veritable war fortress, with various powerful weapons arranged in every corner of the inside and outside.

Not to mention that this place is now under the control of Downey's ruthless character. Those who make trouble are directly killed by spikes. They don't bother to make any signs of warning.

And the space here is huge, and there are more tricks than nothingness.

The Void Land is limited by the structure and volume of the head of the gods, and the internal space is limited, but the world of war is extremely vast. The whole body is made of metal, and the interior is hollowed out, extending in all directions.

The millions of mercenaries and bounty hunters who had been moved here immediately accepted it. For these unruly guys, the harsh environment is the second, the most annoying thing is to jump out of a bunch of guys who don't know what to say.

In the war world, not only will business as usual, but also a better environment and treatment will be provided.

"Boss, what are we doing next, confronting the guys in the Guardians of the Galaxy?"

Yongdu groaned for a while, raised his hand, and pointed to the newly opened bar on the side of the road: "Keep waiting but let's have a drink first. I'll treat you."

The predators cheered loudly.

"I warn you that you are not allowed to leave the world of war without my permission. You know exactly what will happen to those spacecraft that ran to the main planet of Cybertron and the other two satellites in private."

Yongdu sneered and looked at the group of murderers who were suddenly silent, flung their robes, and walked into the bar.

On the other side, Quill arrogantly led a group of his men and walked into a bar to have fun, ignoring the strange gazes along the way.

"Guys, just play!" Quill touched the beard on his chin, his eyes lit up and said boldly.

"Please?" The Rocket Raccoon holding a small sapling looked up at him.

"Each one's own."

"You're so shit, Quill, Yongdu will definitely invite his men to drink for free, believe it or not?"

"Don't mention that nasty guy to me, I'm different from him!"

"It's really different."

Rocket Raccoon jumped on a chair, carefully placed a small sapling on the table, and greeted the waiter: "A glass of the best wine, and another glass of water, which will be credited to that guy."

Quill put his hands on his hips and swayed his hips to the music. "Hey, it's the music of the earth? I heard this song when I was a kid, Michael Jackson. Camera, remember the song I kept telling you?"

"Of course, you should be familiar with everything because the owner here is from the earth. And you never told me about Jackson or anything."

Kamora drooped his eyelids and showed an expression of disgust. They are all people on Earth. Why is the gap so big? A Megatron universe built its own galaxy, and iron blood suppressed countless unruly guys.

Look at this...

Quill was already swaying with the music, with one hand on his hips and the other holding his head.

Kamora sighed deeply, really worried about the team's money. This **** is afraid that they have forgotten their purpose here...

At this moment, there was a loud noise, and everything fell silent.

A huge spaceship descended into the world of war, and cruel voices were emitted from the spacecraft, spreading through every piece of communication equipment here.

"You should feel honored because you will be the people of the eternal Titan."

Said the crazy and surly general Deathblade.